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Elven Chain



  • IkMarcIkMarc Member Posts: 552

    Del said:

    The robes are marginally better but elven chain is much 'cooler' for an elven fighter/mage.

    I wish it wasn't green, though!
    Is it possible to shadowkeep BG2 items into BGEE? Or are those not in the resource files of BGEE (makes sense)? Cause then you could swap it for Dark Elven Chain. This is 1 AC better than Elven Chain Mail though.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747

    Goes nicely on a Cleric Xzar!

    Yeah, if I don't get a second arch magi robe - i.e. Baeloth doesn't trigger past Bandit Camp - dualed Xzar might get it. It just looks right to have a green necromancer. And he doesn't care about the thief skill penalty... Though I do wish there was a mod for a green arch mage robe. I use the cosmetic changes mod, that's perfect for Edwin because it's still red, but Xzar always feels wrong in it.

  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756

    Baeloth doesn't trigger past Bandit Camp


    This will be fixed in the next patch, but for the time being you can use @Cerevant Patch. It can be downloaded here.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I consoled the second robe for that run, so it's not a real problem, but thanks.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511

    Goes nicely on a Cleric Xzar!

    Yeah, if I don't get a second arch magi robe - i.e. Baeloth doesn't trigger past Bandit Camp - dualed Xzar might get it. It just looks right to have a green necromancer. And he doesn't care about the thief skill penalty... Though I do wish there was a mod for a green arch mage robe. I use the cosmetic changes mod, that's perfect for Edwin because it's still red, but Xzar always feels wrong in it.

    You could change Xzar's robe to black.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I could, yes. But if I put on the robe, he's green-red because the clothing colors don't change the arch magi robes. And if I put him in Elven Chain, he doesn't have a robe anyway, though it does make him black-green.
    The mod changes the looks of the arch magi robes. Good mages are white/gold, neutral mages grey and evil are red/black (different than the normal evil arch magi robe). As long as Xzar and Edwin wear the same item, they look the same and one ends up with the "wrong" color. It's no big deal and I assume one day someone will make a BGEE compatible mod with other color versions, like there's one for other color armor and weapons. Until then, it will remain a temptation to have Xzar wear Elven Chain.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    No, I mean change his normal clothes from green to black, via the colour tabs on the inventory screen.

    Judging by the smell, he could do with a change anyway.
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448
    You'll also find a Cloak of Displacement and a Claw of Kazgaroth that don't cause you eye strain for more than 10 seconds. :-D
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Fardragon said:

    No, I mean change his normal clothes from green to black, via the colour tabs on the inventory screen.

    Judging by the smell, he could do with a change anyway.

    That still only changes his normal clothes. The arch magi robes go over those and the evil ones are red.

  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Sure, but red and black don't clash like red and green.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    That is true, but it makes Xzar and Edwin look exactly the same. Xzar doesn't seem to be the type for red. That's the whole reason I want a green Evil Arch Magi robe, not the clash of red and green. I just want the red gone alltogether from Xzar.
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    Fardragon said:

    Sure, but red and black don't clash like red and green.

    Why do you hate X(zar)mas?
  • Dragonfolk2000Dragonfolk2000 Member Posts: 390
    I've always felt that they should add a 'wandering merchant' where whenever you enter a civilized area you have a chance of finding this guy who basically sells stuff not in the original game (especially and including the storage items like the gem bags and the scroll cases). He would also get an updated inventory at some point. Since updating a shop appears to require replacing the old one, this 'update' would actually be a separate shop that you access through a different string of dialogue.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    The merchants in Black Pits update their stuff per tier with better items. And they are captives. It should be possible for the shops on the Sword Coast to get a new delivery at some point, too. Especially after you fixed the issue with the mines - new iron should make for some new gear.
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065

    The merchants in Black Pits update their stuff per tier with better items. And they are captives.

    This clearly shows the superiority of a centralized, planned socialist economy over the running dog capitalist "free market" oppression.
  • ScytheKnightScytheKnight Member Posts: 220

    The merchants in Black Pits update their stuff per tier with better items. And they are captives. It should be possible for the shops on the Sword Coast to get a new delivery at some point, too. Especially after you fixed the issue with the mines - new iron should make for some new gear.

    But they're not getting 'new' items, they're just being told by Baeloth to sell you some of the better stock.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Yes, but the technical ability to update a store with new items is there.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376

    Yes, but the technical ability to update a store with new items is there.

    That really isn't a problem at all (it is done in BG2). I think most of the way that is handled, though, is by introducing new stores as you go further in the game. By the time you hit BG, I think the developers pretty well feel that you should have your needs covered between what is sold in BG, High Hedge, etc. and what you find as part of the quests.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Technically, one of the stores in BG is updated with new stock - the Candlekeep Inn.

    Yes, there is no code-bar to doing it, but as AHF says, with new stores opening up as you progress through the game, the design doesn't require it.

    Wheras, in The Black Pits, you have the same stores for the whole game, so they do need to restock.
  • PhototoxinPhototoxin Member Posts: 23
    Neeras voice acting bugs me, even the red wizards voice acting isn't uber. They seem a bit hesitant or something. ('powerful. magical. bandits' vs powerful magic bandits)
    BG has an over saturation of Magical Items - more in line with 3E than AD&D/2E but elven chain could be on someone like Balissus perhapsand it would be be balanced enough?
  • FafnirFafnir Member Posts: 232
    Why would Bassilus wear Elven Chain? He's not an arcane caster, he's not an elf and he's already a rush target for Ashideena. Him having Elven Chain would be terrible.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Fafnir said:

    Why would Bassilus wear Elven Chain? He's not an arcane caster, he's not an elf and he's already a rush target for Ashideena. Him having Elven Chain would be terrible.

    Well the character who drops it currently as part of Dorn's quest is a Cleric...
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065

    Neeras voice acting bugs me, even the red wizards voice acting isn't uber. They seem a bit hesitant or something. ('powerful. magical. bandits' vs powerful magic bandits)

    Her voice acting seems to have split the community. Some people like it, some people dislike it.

    BG has an over saturation of Magical Items - more in line with 3E than AD&D/2E but elven chain could be on someone like Balissus perhapsand it would be be balanced enough?

    That "NIMBUL" guy who attacks you in Nashkel after the mines might be a good choice, he's a fighter/mage type.

    If he does get the armor, please give him some henchmooks. These single-target assassin fights are a bit sad in the core game.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Nimbul gets my vote for having the Elven Chain. It would be like Varscona from Greywolf, a somewhat tough early enemy with a matching class. Spread the other good stuff he has (Find Familiar scroll, maybe something else) on henchmen, i.e. give him a mage that carries the scroll and a thief with... more than 2 fire arrow +2, invisibility potion or something thief-y.
  • DelDel Member Posts: 44
    Ok, it's Chapter 5, I 've regrouped with Dorn (after lowering rep), and the journal entry indicates Simmeon is outside BG but when I get there, no Simmeon! I've checked the entire Bridge map, entered BG, and then returned to no avail. Any idea what the trigger could be? Does the quest-line break if you remove Dorn from the party?! Argh!
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Did you look just to the north of where you meet Quayle? If Dorn is in the party when you enter the zone and Simmeon hasn't spawned, then you have encountered a bug.
  • DelDel Member Posts: 44
    Yes, a couple of bugs I think. First, Simmeon will only appear after resting and having the river of blood dream. But this had to happen before regrouping with Dorn because afterwards, when I rest, a loop of him presenting dialogue to leave the group appears . It doesn't matter if I keep him or let him go, the dialogue will begin again. The version I'm playing is Steam 1.0.2012. That said, I figured it out and got the elven chain! Thanks for all the feedback.
  • sivistojkosivistojko Member Posts: 30
    What's up with Elven Chain? Its highly overrated item. It has 5 AC and some drawbacks to thieving skills. Robes of Magi are still a better choice.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418

    What's up with Elven Chain? Its highly overrated item. It has 5 AC and some drawbacks to thieving skills. Robes of Magi are still a better choice.

    I could find no use for it in the first group I obtained it with today - Dorn, Vic, Kagain, Edwin, Mr Mystery, and PC F/T - I sold it.

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