I would love to see this implemented. I'm with Tiax (great user name). It's hard to get into my character with the sparse pickings of voices. I would like to import my IWD voices but have thus far been unsuccessful.
Sorry, I still can't believe you. You would be the first and only one to confirm this as actually working. Did you use the "workaround" and rename them to male1etc or whatever? does it use all sounds and not just the one selection sound?
I need you to be sure, because like I said, you would be the first person to confirm this working normally in a ton of bug threads about this.
Sorry, I still can't believe you. You would be the first and only one to confirm this as actually working. Did you use the "workaround" and rename them to male1etc or whatever? does it use all sounds and not just the one selection sound?
I need you to be sure, because like I said, you would be the first person to confirm this working normally in a ton of bug threads about this.
hmm it seems with further testing you're right there is something wrong with the sounds. At creation they work but not in game... my apologies... I guess with the npc chatter I didn't even realize.
There's an announcement at top of forum now saying there's a pretty big patch incoming, they just want to ensure it doesn't add any bugs first apparently. Here's hoping it does indeed have sound fix.
Well, wasn't in the "big patch" if that was the "big patch" we just had...
Still just wan't to use my custom sounds. This makes me feel like im one of a handful of people who actually use them. Since there is soo little dissapointment over them being broken. I would assume the modding type community would be all over looking for a fix by now.
Irks me too. Have found several old sound sets I used back in the day, even updated some of them slightly (original BG didn't have as many options as the sequel) but can't really be fussed making new ones until they will reliably work.
Hey i just made myself some sweet new soundsets, but i cant get the bloody thing to work.. it works in character select .. but when i play it .. it only does the first "voice" sentence? any fix? i tried renaming female7a-> but its the same thing
ok so there is no form for workaround or something like that???? .. seems stupid.. these voicesets things have been around for like .. a decade now ??? works perfect in my original bg .. even with 9000 mods installed
Sounds like a thing somebody with experience should be able to fix in a second i donno
ok so there is no form for workaround or something like that???? .. seems stupid.. these voicesets things have been around for like .. a decade now ??? works perfect in my original bg .. even with 9000 mods installed
Sounds like a thing somebody with experience should be able to fix in a second i donno
yes, been saying this since release. Tomorrow marks release date + 2 months
In addition to getting thses sounds sorted out, I would also like to request that in Multiplayer, that if I click on another guys character, I want to still here selection sounds, even if I dont have permissions for that character. Small detail but would add a bit.
I have already begun my reroll/ replay of other games process. I have little confidence left in this issue getting fixed soon. I still cant play without it.
Still not seeing any progress yet on this. They said there would be a "workaround" in the next patch. but its been over a month now since the last patch. I would like to believe it means they are scrapping the "temp workaround" idea to work on the full fix.... but ya, prob not.
Last time I encountered a sound problem was at the Ulcaster Area. The sound effects for fight, death, pain, etc. didn't work at all. They just answered the selection and movement orders with the proper soundeffects, but everything else was missing.
Ok uhh... how do you like @cuv or something or @nathan to get em to say how its done.. i dont think they would add it to the changelog if they havent done anything.. its prob just a missing instruction maby
They work fine for me. You have to physically rename your custom soundset files.
Your new prefix needs to be CUSTOM, then 0-9, then the sound file. ie: FEMALE7A becomes CUSTOM0A, FEMALE7B becomes CUSTOM0B, etc. Drop into your lang//sounds folder. Choose CUSTOM0 from customization tab. You have 10 custom sound slots to work with.
Did you use the "workaround" and rename them to male1etc or whatever?
does it use all sounds and not just the one selection sound?
I need you to be sure, because like I said, you would be the first person to confirm this working normally in a ton of bug threads about this.
Still just wan't to use my custom sounds. This makes me feel like im one of a handful of people who actually use them. Since there is soo little dissapointment over them being broken. I would assume the modding type community would be all over looking for a fix by now.
I simply can't play without them.
Sounds like a thing somebody with experience should be able to fix in a second
said no one ever
Tomorrow marks release date + 2 months
It STILL has no fix for messed custom sounds.
They work fine for me. You have to physically rename your custom soundset files.
Your new prefix needs to be CUSTOM, then 0-9, then the sound file.
ie: FEMALE7A becomes CUSTOM0A, FEMALE7B becomes CUSTOM0B, etc.
Drop into your lang//sounds folder. Choose CUSTOM0 from customization tab. You have 10 custom sound slots to work with.