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Evil Party: Who does the healing?

So, I'm currently working on my first playthrough, just finished up chapter 5. On my next game, I'm planning on using an evil mage character, but I was wondering something. It seems the only evil character who's capable of playing the support/healer role that I've run into is that weird little gnome guy in chapter 5 (forgive me for not remembering the name, I didn't pick him up anyway in my current game). Is there anyone else I missed or am forgetting? How could I solve this problem?


  • forktheworldforktheworld Member Posts: 88
    Viconia. Arguably the best cleric in the game. She is a drow so she has bonus magic resistance, plus crazy good stats.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    I think you mean Tiax. Yeah, that's a bit late in the day to be picking up a healer.

    As for who should be your primary healer, I'd go with Viconia. She is pure cleric and you can get her very early on. She also has pretty decent magic resistance. without being overly spoilerish, she can be found at almost the same time you find Khalid and Jaheira.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Mr. Healing potion does the healing.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Faldorn isn't officially evil, but she'd totally be Neutral Evil if the rules didn't restrict Druids so much in their alignment choices. Anyway, you can take her if you already passed on Viconia or something.
  • bgplayabgplaya Member Posts: 129
    Tiax it was, indeed.

    I actually didn't run into Viconia on my current playthrough. Where is that stone-cold fox of a Drow anyway? Do I need to save her from being burned at the stake...again?

    Didn't see this Faldorn character either...Geez, and I thought I was being at least somewhat thorough in my explorations!
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018

    Viconia can be found in the map right next to the Friendly Arm inn on the Right side. She is towards the upper left hand corner and she isn't tied to a stake. That is BG2. But she is being chased by a Flaming Fist and you have to deal with him if you want her in the party. Also, she will do a reaction check against your Rep and Charisma.

    I "Think" Faldorn can be found somewhere in the Cloakwood close to the entrance to the mines. If I am not mistaken, she has a mission and an agenda there as well.

  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Viconia is in Peldvale, I believe it is called. When you enter the map from the West, just head north of where you start and she will be being accosted by a Flaming Fist merc.

    Faldorn is located in, I believe, Cloakwood 3. With the other Shadow Druids.
  • DarrylsonDarrylson Member Posts: 87
    edited March 2013
    Viconia can be found in the area east of the Friendly Arm Inn, called Peldvale. When you enter the area go up and to the right and try to avoid enemies and you should be able to recruit her no problem at a low level.

    Faldorn is in the Cloakwood area with all the Shadow Druids. She's kind of just standing near a rock formation on the right of the map and doesn't initiate dialogue with you so she's easy to miss

    Edit: beat to it twice over, I need to type faster
  • bgplayabgplaya Member Posts: 129
    Good to know, thanks everybody!
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    edited March 2013

    I will echo Viconia, she's just a little east of the Friendly Arm Inn...fairly easy to obtain right from the start.

    You can also take Montaron and Xzar and later on in the game dual class Xzar to an evil Cleric / Mage (people generally prefer to wait for him to reach level 6 as a mage first), but you will have to give him a tome of Wisdom to do so. (There's three in the game, so it's not a big loss if you choose to do it.)

    Jaheria is also a True Neutral and won't leave you, but you may have to "deal" with Khalid since he's a goody-two-shoes.

    Faldorn is also a druid who won't leave you (True Neutral), but she comes a bit later.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Xzar all the way. He will not only be a level 9 cleric, but also a level 6 necromancer at level cap, he's super entertaining and you can get the tome he needs early. He doesn't have Viconia's 19 dex nor her magic resistance, but his stats are otherwise fine. His dex is good enough to dual to thief with a tome, so he's still good with ranged weapons. His strength is way better than Viconia's, meaning he can wear armor and shields she can't wear without gloves to increase her strength, and do more damage as a tank.
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  • NocturneNNocturneN Member Posts: 123

    Not sure how 'Tis in BG:EE, but in my BGT install she has 18 WIS which gets her lots of bonus spells (which is fairly important in BG1, you have so few spells that everything matters!), not to mention her natural Magic Resistance.

    Xzar offers an interesting choice as Kid said, though you cannot get him as a useful healer until later.

    Currently I am using Branwen (who is an excellent Cleric!) & Viccy, though you may aswell pick Jaheira or Faldorn, as mentioned.
  • ZarakinthishZarakinthish Member Posts: 214
    edited March 2013
    In the run through of the game I just started to try doing it from the evil side, I got Viconia, as many others have suggested. However, in my party she will primarily be responsible for spells other than healing, as I am playing a female half-orc fighter/cleric. I'll act as tank to draw fire and heal up anyone that needs it after combat ends. The best part is that since I have 19 CON, I'll soon be able to concentrate healing spells on the rest of the party after I either get the tome or Buckley's Buckler since I'll have the same advantage as Kagain.
    As for your run through @bgplaya , might I suggest playing a cleric/mage as an option instead of just mage? They become awesomely powerful in BG2 thanks to the ability to use both cleric and mage spells when you use such things as Sequencer and Contingency.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Viconia or Xzar dualled to a Cleric, once you get the first Wis tome in Baldur's Gate.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Like @NocturneN said - Branwen is a great cleric. I usually keep her until Xzar is useful as healer, then he gets her gear and I have room to pick up one of the mid/late game NPCs. Currently, Faldorn takes that place as secondary healer while Xzar gains levels, and later she'll focus entirely on offensive druid spells.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199

    Viconia or Xzar dualled to a Cleric, once you get the first Wis tome in Baldur's Gate.

    Or the one in Durlag's Tower. It isn't a stretch from an RP perspective, since the Tower is in the middle of the wilderness and it's in the upper levels, so getting it isn't hard to justify. After exploring you could discern that maybe this is a place you should come back to later, and get the hell out.

  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    You hear about the tower in Gullykin, too. There's a dialogue option "today, the tower doesn't interest me, your ruins do". So you know it's there.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    You hear about the tower in Gullykin, too. There's a dialogue option "today, the tower doesn't interest me, your ruins do". So you know it's there.

    The main problem is getting past the Doom Slayers, though I guess you could sneak past them with Invisibility 10' Radius cast on your party
  • NocturneNNocturneN Member Posts: 123
    edited March 2013

    In the run through of the game I just started to try doing it from the evil side, I got Viconia, as many others have suggested. However, in my party she will primarily be responsible for spells other than healing, as I am playing a female half-orc fighter/cleric. I'll act as tank to draw fire and heal up anyone that needs it after combat ends. The best part is that since I have 19 CON, I'll soon be able to concentrate healing spells on the rest of the party after I either get the tome or Buckley's Buckler since I'll have the same advantage as Kagain.
    As for your run through @bgplaya , might I suggest playing a cleric/mage as an option instead of just mage? They become awesomely powerful in BG2 thanks to the ability to use both cleric and mage spells when you use such things as Sequencer and Contingency.

    Remember, you only regen 1 hp / turn with 20 CON. Don't get me wrong, CON is great, but I'm afraid the regen isn't nearly fast enough to be useful in combat. Though in BG1 I guess every healing option counts, and 'Tis certainly useful as you'll regen back during rest/travel. :)

    Aerie has major problems with her sequencers bugging in ToB, I'm not sure if 'Tis just Aerie - or all Cleric/Mage(s) - but it bears mentioning, I thought. :)

  • MelicampMelicamp Member Posts: 243

    Agreed - Xzar rocks as a dual-classed Necro/Cleric - Getting a higher wisdom than Viconia after 3 Wisdom Tomes (19 to her 18) and the same level cleric... plus his mage levels.

    Only thing that sucks is his HP of course, but thanks to the dual-class it becomes passable.

    I also hate not having Monty and Xzar together, but I prefer Shar-Teel dualed to a thief there... so I rarely keep him despite how much fun he is.

    This play through I'm doing CHARNAME as a Berserker that I'll Dual to a Cleric at level 6.
  • ZarakinthishZarakinthish Member Posts: 214
    @NocturneN, the advantage isn't regaining HP while you are moving about, it is gaining them while you rest or moving between areas on the world map. Since one game hour is equal to 60 turns, you'll almost always be healed when travelling, even if you have an encounter before you reach your destination.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    @Oxford_Guy: Ya, I just meant to add Gullykin as a roleplay reason to go to Durlag's Tower before having access to Ulgoth Beard. You could always stumble upon the tower because it sits there between all the misc maps and nothing prevents a low level party from travelling to the map. Gullykin acknowledges that you know what the tower is, and a curious adventurer would likely check it out.

    @Melicamp: Xzar's HP aren't such a problem. Viconia is very fragile, too. She needs more gear to get her AC up (strength gloves only to be able to wear a shield). Xzar has good dex, so he doesn't get hit much - same thing as Viconia, and Xzar can wear a shield and heavy armor (before he regains his mage levels; after that - robe of evil arch magi for magic resistance). I dislike seperating Monty and Xzar myself, but hey, they don't like each other THAT much... I'm doing them a favor. ;)
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    edited March 2013
    Viconia, Faldorn, and TIAX all seem to work well in an evil party. Main character can too if they are a cleric or Druid, or if your rep is good you get
    those pesky cure light wounds Bhaalspawn powers

    EDIT: Oh yeah a dual-class Xzar too, though if you dual him at 6 like most people he will have <25 HP most if not all of the game which I am not a fan of. Lots of spells, but a bit fragile.

    <blockquote class="UserQuote">
    ajwz said:

    Mr. Healing potion does the healing.

    For the most part I agree, though I always have some emergency healing spells in case:
    --Person wanting to potion is held, charmed, disabled
    --Person is taking damage fast and I need to double the rate of healing
    --Out of potions (rare but possible if you get unlucky)
    --Feeling like a stingy bastard and wanting to either hoard me forever or until everyone's quick slots are completely full.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    toanwrath said:

    Viconia, Faldorn, and TIAX all seem to work well in an evil party. Main character can too if they are a cleric or Druid, or if your rep is good you get

    those pesky cure light wounds Bhaalspawn powers

    Even with low rep you have a healing option that also doubles as a useful spell that can be cast quickly to disrupt mages:

    The Larloch's Minor drain Bhaalspawn power - heals 4 HP and damages the enemy by an equal amount. You can heal yourself between encounters too by casting it on wildlife - squirels and chickens etc. The downside is that ot heals less than Cure Light Wounds (4 HP vs. 8HP) and you can oinly heal youself, but it is quick to cast and can disrupt the spell casting of eneney mages and clerics

  • NocturneNNocturneN Member Posts: 123
    edited March 2013
    Melicamp said:

    Agreed - Xzar rocks as a dual-classed Necro/Cleric - Getting a higher wisdom than Viconia after 3 Wisdom Tomes (19 to her 18) and the same level cleric... plus his mage levels.

    Heh, seems they stuck to the 15 WIS-option in EE. :) She has 18 WIS base in my BGT...abit overkill, but wont really make that big a difference in the long run. ^^

    @Zarakintish: Ups, I misread - thought you meant to regen in combat, reading it again, I saw 'twasn't so! :D That is indeed very handy. Bah, curse my 'afling and his thief HD! :(
    Melicamp said:

    I also hate not having Monty and Xzar together, but I prefer Shar-Teel dualed to a thief there... so I rarely keep him despite how much fun he is.

    You mean like this? ;) Really cool mod that! :D
    toanwrath said:

    --Feeling like a stingy bastard and wanting to either hoard me forever or until everyone's quick slots are completely full.

    That'd be my excuse... I only use healing pots in emergencies, i.e. when a char gets crit hard and is down to 3 hp or similar. Alternatively if they get Held, yes, but then usually no amount of healing will help, you are better off trying to dispel or it or simply killing the opponent FAST. :P

    Should mention that I love "Aid" currently; seeing as I'm restricting myself to BG1-spells, 'Tis the only option bar Cure Light Wounds, so far. 'Tis actually much better than I thought, giving a free Bless simulatniously, ofcourse, it sucks when you get a bad roll, though. :P
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I'm a bit of a hoarder, too.

    If someone is Held *and* poisoned, it might be neccessary to heal and remove poison at the same time (cleric/druid + charname's bhaalpower) to make them survive until the enemy is dead. That's pretty specific though.
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    Prevention is worth a lot of cure. If your priest isn't using buffs, then healing off the pain will be a chore rather than a 'just in case.'
  • NocturneNNocturneN Member Posts: 123

    I'm a bit of a hoarder, too.

    If someone is Held *and* poisoned, it might be neccessary to heal and remove poison at the same time (cleric/druid + charname's bhaalpower) to make them survive until the enemy is dead. That's pretty specific though.

    Tell me about it. Running with the "Tougher Spiders" component of SCS, which gives Spiders a small chance to web someone ASWELL as poisoning them... ouch. xD
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803

    Viconia. Arguably the best cleric in the game. She is a drow so she has bonus magic resistance, plus crazy good stats.


    Yeslick is the best cleric in the game.

    Though you are right, she is the best EVIL cleric in the game ;-)

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