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Link between party size and charisma?

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,675
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  1. Link between party size and charisma?97 votes
    1. Yes. There should be a link between charisma & party size
    2. No. There should be no link between charisma & party size
    3. Requires further discussion


  • VnavekulVnavekul Member Posts: 181
    Personally, I don't like it if they would change mechanics like this. Let's mods do that. I even prefer playing to original game nowadays until they get all the bugs sorted out of this one. So it's a no for me.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    I'm pretty much in agreement with ZelgadisGW. I always try to not dump Charisma below 10 in my games anyway (I used to, back in the day). If this were going to be implemented, I think it'd be better to have 5 party members be something like 14/15+. Of course, this won't get implemented, and everyone can RP it their own way.

    I'd probably do:

    15+: 5 Companions
    10-14: 4 Companions
    8-9: 3 Companions
    5-7: 2 Companions
    3-4: 1 Companion (Maybe even fixed to someone of same broad alignment (Good/Neutral/Evil) as Charname.
    1-2: Forced Solo

    I think someone with 1-2 Charisma shouldn't even have party members.

    I actually think having some restriction on the alignment of companions, tied closely to reputation, would be interesting.

    I can always RP this as it is, however, so I don't feel the need to alter the game physically.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    This is essentially a mod idea. Sounds interesting, and like something I might try if someone ever designs such a mod feature. I think it is safe to say there is virtually no chance that the core game would be changed as such. At least as I understand the contractual limitations.
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  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I never used charisma as dumpstat; at least I try to have it 13 (then tome and cloak) to not get hit too hard with store prices for being evil/low rep. (That's due to my house rule that evil or mixed neutral-evil parties don't run with 18 rep and try to stick to 14 or below, so it may not apply to others.)
    Anyway, not all party members pay attention to "how much do I like/admire the person recruiting me"; for some it's just a matter a gold, even if you never really pay them (i.e. Kagain). You can't calculate in all reasons why NPCs would join you, so it's not neccessarily a matter of charisma how many party members you can have. You could have mercenaries who only care about gold/loot, or people like Viconia who are just glad someone doesn't judge them, or people like Dorn or Shar-Teel who care about how strong/efficient you are. So I don't really see why charisma should work as the one thing to determinate your group size.

    I'd like it if charisma would influence dialogues (which, I agree, won't happen because it would require new options) or take the place of reputation when it comes to questgivers handing out extras. I'm not sure, but I think Silke does that - if you have high charisma, she'll raise the offered 300 gold to 400, even if your reputation is average. Also, Petrine's father actually keeps his word and gives you the cloak of protection if you kill the cat. In both cases, it's evil NPCs and it wouldn't make much sense if they gave you better rewards if your reputation is high. But it does make sense they give it to charismatic people, regardless of reputation.
  • StickanStickan Member Posts: 136
    edited March 2013
    I always play with a high Charisma since I think it makes little sense for Charname to invoke such loyalty in his party without it. I think it is an interesting suggestion!

    (Prepare for wall of text)

    I have often thought that charisma should have an effect on the reputation range in which you can keep your party members. A high charisma Charname might still invoke enough fear/respect/awe that a member would follow her/him even if they strayed quite far from the followers agenda whereas a Charname with low charisma should have to stick pretty much to followers of the same alignment categories. This would of course have to be graded in some way which would make it annoying to implement but could be something like the following:

    A very low charisma Charname might only be able to have NPCS follow that are 1 alignment step away. IE a LN Charname could have TN, LG and LE followers. (This could possibly be stretched to include the entire category of neutral/evil/good that Charname belongs to to avoid a bit of the following point). I can see that this would make it hard to collect a full party with a low charisma Charname, which from a balance perspective is bad but is quite logical as an attribute effect of low charisma.

    edit: or as I said above, just make the reputation spans narrower for happy/neutrual/unhappy/break. I get sidetracked in my own head so easily....

    Another thing I've thought about (that might however be a bit too powerful, this is not a very well thought through suggestion in regards to game mechanics and balance!) is that having a high charisma ,or a very low one, should have some sort of effect on party performance since they are so (un)inspirational. Perhaps a bonus for the other partymembers (all but Charname) akin to the hit and damage bonuses for strength but in much lower scale. Perhaps something like Charname charisma 15-17 +1 to party damage and 18+ +1 hit and +1 damage and reverse effects for having a charisma of 6-4 and 3-. (This is harsh but I mean seriously... a Charname with a charisma of 6 and lower commands less respect than a generic goblin!)

    For a much more subtle effect having a high charisma could just increase the endurance (due to increased motivation) of your party making them less susceptible to fatigue. "I have had enough waking hours slave driver!"

    As always I write stuff at the top of my head, so feel free to condemn all my thoughts as incoherent ramble! ;)
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    This is how charisma worked in Arcanum, a very good game that people should try out if they haven't. With high charisma you got to have more followers, the other stats mattered more as well. Intelligence changed dialogue, as did charisma.
    I think the idea is cool, but to implement it now would require a complete reworking of the game.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    INT (or even WIS) opening more or better dialogue options is awesome and helps roleplay a lot.

    Anyway, making charisma what was suggested above would make it a mandatory high stat for ALL classes (unless you solo or play with specific NPCs). That's not balanced; going from "doesn't matter for anyone" to "matters significantly for everyone". Charisma should "do something" for the classes that have it as main stat - bards and paladins - in the same way fighter classes have "something" from high strength/constitution and caster classes from wisdom and/or intelligence.
  • StickanStickan Member Posts: 136

    INT (or even WIS) opening more or better dialogue options is awesome and helps roleplay a lot.

    Anyway, making charisma what was suggested above would make it a mandatory high stat for ALL classes (unless you solo or play with specific NPCs). That's not balanced; going from "doesn't matter for anyone" to "matters significantly for everyone". Charisma should "do something" for the classes that have it as main stat - bards and paladins - in the same way fighter classes have "something" from high strength/constitution and caster classes from wisdom and/or intelligence.

    In all honesty I am pro any attribute change that makes min/maxing unviable. And I do think charisma should matter for everyone in one way or another. Otherwise there would be no point to the stat in the first place. Charisma reflects your leadership in the game in theory, but this has very very little effect.

  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I don't minmax either, but making it intentionally unappealing is a bit harsh. It's a single player game, everyone should be able to play it the way they like it. Some people do like that.

    Making charisma this important would be in no relation to the advantages other classes have from prime stats. How would a bard stand out if every fighter, mage and cleric had the same charisma requirement? It's not minmaxing to have a mage with low strength, and in the same way, it should be a viable option to have a not-so-charismatic fighter. Sure, charisma should give the classes using it as prime stat benefits, just like fighter classes can get 18/xx strength and clerics/mages get extra spells from their stats. But a fighter gets nothing from high wisdom, so why should they get something from high charisma?
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  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    edited March 2013
    Ya, and high intelligence helps against mind flayer attacks... There are benefits from high stats other than prime, but basing a - in my eyes - rather essential part of game play (NPCs) on one (possibly non-prime) stat is a bit much. It would be like saying that only characters with high dexterity are able to use weapons other than clubs and quarterstaffs. Sure you can complete the game with these weapons only, but it takes an essential part of the gameplay away.
  • StickanStickan Member Posts: 136

    I don't minmax either, but making it intentionally unappealing is a bit harsh. It's a single player game, everyone should be able to play it the way they like it. Some people do like that.

    Making charisma this important would be in no relation to the advantages other classes have from prime stats. How would a bard stand out if every fighter, mage and cleric had the same charisma requirement? It's not minmaxing to have a mage with low strength, and in the same way, it should be a viable option to have a not-so-charismatic fighter. Sure, charisma should give the classes using it as prime stat benefits, just like fighter classes can get 18/xx strength and clerics/mages get extra spells from their stats. But a fighter gets nothing from high wisdom, so why should they get something from high charisma?

    I'm not saying I don't think other attributes should have an impact. But this is a thread about charisma impact on party.

    If you read my suggestions above, the one with the added party damage and to hit bonuses for example, would only kick in at a suggested 15 for positive effects and at 6 for negative and would max out a +1/+1, -1/-1. This is in no way a gamebreaker and would not require anyone who wished to have an overly high charisma. Having 3 constitution as a mage would have far worse effects I think.

    I think a game revolving around a group accomplishing things together should have more impact of a positive or negative leadership. Imagine running a group in real life with the effective charisma of a pile of manure.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,454
    I really like the idea of charisma being important, and there's been a lot of interesting suggestions here. But I don't think it should relate to party size, the NPCs you recruit in the game are never quite followers, more like allies. But higher charisma should (and does I believe) help with morale checks when required, and keep peace among some of the more quarrelsome characters. I could imagine it giving bonuses against charm spells or something too.

    I think a lot of the appeal in making charisma important is that it's such a role playing sort of stat. The three physical scores can have a direct impact on combat, the two mental scores affect the classes that use them in pretty concrete ways. But Charisma is a personality/character sort of thing. Hard to define, hard to quantify. I love the idea of it being useful in tangential sorts of ways.
  • bgplayabgplaya Member Posts: 129

    Charisma 9+ equals +5 party members avaliable? That's still makes charisma kind of dumb stat, since there is no real reasons for making it 10 or above, unless you roleplay. But who buys role-playing games for role-playing nowadays? Only imbeciles like me.

    Don't worry, I'm also an imbecile like that. My CHA has been very high on both my characters so far, one more than the other because it made more sense with the character they were.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    I don't think party size is the right approach... I agree with @ZelgadisGW that a lot more dialogue options would be best, but probably won't happen. I know that if your charisma is too low and you tell Xzar and Monty that you'll accompany them, but you need to go to the FAI first, they'll basically tell you to bugger off. There's also a lot of Charisma related rewards/paths in the Prologue and early game, then its almost as if as the game goes on, it becomes less and less. Like they just said - the hell with this!
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Doesn't Fallout use this? Anyone remember how it works?
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    In Fallout 2, you could recruit a number of companions up to half your Charisma score (rounded down, minimum 1). Fallout ability scores only range from 1-10 though.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    So here it could be one third charisma score to achieve similar mechanic.
  • LockLock Member Posts: 84
    I thought Planescape Torment used a system like that?
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I don't know, your allies joined you for reasons that didn't depend on charisma:

    Charismatic or not:
    -Imoen has always been your friend
    -Jaheira and Khalid made a vow to protect you
    -Minsc and Dynaheir appreciate that you've saved her
    -Shar Teel respects you for defeating her

    As you can see, even though charisma should really have greater consequences during the game, I don't think that it should limit party size.
  • GawdzillaGawdzilla Member Posts: 86
    From a RP perspective I agree --charisma should matter whether you solo or have friends along for the ride-- but from a game mechanics perspective it wouldn't work.

    Aside from only advanced players being able to solo the game, Baldur's Gate is supposed to test the mettle of a group of characters. All the different NPCs --and combinations of different NPCs-- are what bring the game to life, and encourage replays.

    A player should always be able to recruit a full party of 6, but making charisma more important could be done by, for example, giving the group a +1 on saving throws if the PC has a charisma of at least 17. Or a luck/critical hit bonus if the PC has a charisma of 18..
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  • GawdzillaGawdzilla Member Posts: 86
    Bhaaldog said:

    Gawdzilla said:


    A player should always be able to recruit a full party of 6, but making charisma more important could be done by, for example, giving the group a +1 on saving throws if the PC has a charisma of at least 17. Or a luck/critical hit bonus if the PC has a charisma of 18..

    How does having a high charisma improve your (others) resistance to magic?
    Because the NPCs are so dazzled by your company they don't even feel that horrid wilting..?

    Well, perhaps you're right that would be a bit much. Just an idea on how to make charisma more useful. It certainly doesn't address party size at all.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,454
    That could work for Charm magic, but probably not much else!
  • LockLock Member Posts: 84
    Lock said:

    I thought Planescape Torment used a system like that?

    Nevermind, it was Arcanum. Anyway, it always made sense to me as it would take a rather charismatic leader to hold together a party of people as diverse as the BG npc cast with all of their differing ambitions.

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