Feature Request for BG3: Choose your edition (1st, 2nd, 3e, 3.5e, 4th etc)
So there's going to be no way to satisfy even 50% of the potential player base when it comes to deciding on an edition for BG3.
So, let it be a choice when you start a new game. Maybe just the most popular editions (say, AD&D 2nd, 3.5e and whatever is the current D&D - are they at 5th now?).
Incidentally I've stared at the screen for a few minutes but I don't seem to have an option to add a poll, maybe I'm having a blonde moment though. I'd hoped to add a poll to demonstrate that there is a broad range of views on what edition BG3 should be.
It would certainly increase replayability of BG3 if you could change the edition. Obviously it would be significant amount of coding but I just don't see any other way to do the game justice otherwise.
So, let it be a choice when you start a new game. Maybe just the most popular editions (say, AD&D 2nd, 3.5e and whatever is the current D&D - are they at 5th now?).
Incidentally I've stared at the screen for a few minutes but I don't seem to have an option to add a poll, maybe I'm having a blonde moment though. I'd hoped to add a poll to demonstrate that there is a broad range of views on what edition BG3 should be.
It would certainly increase replayability of BG3 if you could change the edition. Obviously it would be significant amount of coding but I just don't see any other way to do the game justice otherwise.
I'm for 2e though.
I prefer 2e way much to 3r, and also I don't see why BG has to change its backbone.
But changing is still possible since a clear lean to the 3rd ed when they adding new features to BGEE, namely, kits. It would be really a gift if BG3 will be adopting 2e.
As long as the styling of the game is fairly consistent I don't see any problem with any edition and I think the Devs will choose what they feel is best. I do think a system where you can change edition would be very very annoying to code and I feel that time and energy would be better spent on making the story engaging.
I personally would vote for 2E. I'd settle for 3E if I had too. Quite frankly, if it is 4E or Next, I will have to think long and hard before I put any money down. I don't like the direction of the rules set and don't feel it is 'True D&D' these days, but more a grab for the MMO market.
But I suspect that it will be whatever version is currently being promoted.
I really really don't like the alignment system of 4th. Feels too 2D.
On topic, Choose Your Edition would be such an enormous pain to code, bugtest, balance, and maintain that I seriously doubt the effort would be worth it. Every item, NPC, and encounter would have to be (play)tested for each option, and Overhaul—not to mention modders—would essentially be burdened with designing and debugging several games in one. It also has a good chance of splitting the player base along preferred edition lines, and you can guess what the first question of any newbie will be...
Even if multiple editions were doable contractually and within a commercially realistic timeframe, I'd prefer it if Overhaul spent their limited resources improving other areas of the game.
The idea is so out there that it makes a BG3 using 2e rules likely by comparison. And that ain't happening either.
Trust whoever says that if BG3 comes out, it'll use the latest edition of D&D rules. Fortunately, they're much closer to 2e/3e than 4e was.
And since we're on the subject, as far as I'm concerned 4e books should be buried in the desert right next to all those ET: The Game Atari 2600 cartridges, with only a select few copies being kept on a bookshelf labeled "bad ideas" up on WotC's headquarters.
Modders could choose to work in just 1 edition so no issue there.
The reason I think it could be worthwhile is that the different editions really do create very different play experiences. When you start coming up against level 7+ wizards in 2e you have to deal with spell protections/counters etc which is something that's done away with for the most part in 3e (iirc). No idea what is in 4e+ but my impression was that it was even simpler.
It could even be the case that earlier editions are unlockable via in game accomplishments.
End of the day, D&D is no longer a 1 edition game. 2e for the most part is dead (to my understanding) but many on this forum at least want a 2e BG3. 3.5e and 4e are very much alive.
Doing the work on the different rule sets would be huge but how else to satisfy the community and make a game that is truly worthy of the BG3 title?
If they can do that, it doesn't matter if it's not 2e. D&D Next will be similar enough to gain acceptance among long-time fans of the series.
Giving the modding community the capacity to work within the edition that they want to work in and players the choice of their preferred edition or even just encouraging them to try all of them would be huge points.
The game could just be packaged with edition "next" and 1 other. Then the framework will be in place and the community can do the rest.
You must remember that BG2 itself using 2e was already an exception - they needed to keep it consistent with BG1, and even so, there were a lot of "3Eisms" included to make it more current, including the aesthetics and the inclusion of Half-Orcs, Barbarians and Monks, all based in their 3e counterparts.
BG3 is coming almost 15 years later with a fresh story. That's all they need to justify changing the ruleset. Hell, it happened between IWD1 and IWD2.
GURPS is fun, right?
Now, don't get me wrong, it's not that I wouldn't want to see the functionality you're proposing. I just think it's too good to be true, for all the reasons I already suggested.
Is this undone in whatever the more-recent version is?