If BG1 and BG2 EE sell well enough, they might be able to make what they are calling BG:Next. Exactly how it would factor into the previous games is unknown, though, considering chances are WotC would force them to set it in the current D&D timeline and edition.
They are hoping that the renewed interest in the series generated by the Enhanced Edition will be enough to convince investors to continue the series. Whether they do it however, and in what form, is in no way determined yet.
Devs have said all along that making BG3 is their ultimate goal. If the EEs succeed well enough they are hopeful that they will be able to make BG Next.
I would imagine that they still have to complete their contract to make BG2:EE before they begin discussions about BG: Next.
Is BG3 a real thing? A lot of people seem to be talking about it. I personally think it would be a mistake to make such a thing as I thought things were wrapped up quite nicely in BG2. Kind of like if they Disney made even more Star Wars movies that take place after Return of the Jedi (or something similar).
If BG1 and BG2 EE sell well enough, they might be able to make what they are calling BG:Next. Exactly how it would factor into the previous games is unknown, though, considering chances are WotC would force them to set it in the current D&D timeline and edition.
God please no! If the stars align just right I might just try a BG3 but if it takes place in a world blown to crap on a whim by stupid shoreline mages I think I will pass.
Probably would be better off making a BG3 stile game using the D20 opens rules then going threw the licensing and hoop jumping of Atari and Hasbro to make a real BG3
If BG1 and BG2 EE sell well enough, they might be able to make what they are calling BG:Next. Exactly how it would factor into the previous games is unknown, though, considering chances are WotC would force them to set it in the current D&D timeline and edition.
IWD 2 was set in the past relative to the BG series, wasn't it?
Even though it used a more modern edition.
So timeline might not be an issue, even if edition is mandated as modern.
There is almost zero chance it will feature an out-dated edition. They will want to promote their PnP through the game and make sure they both use the same editions.
As for the time of the setting, it would make sense to go with something just after ToB. The idea of the protagonist being a fledgling new god has been put out there, and is certainly a possibility. But I wouldn't write off an alternative just yet. They may very well come up with some other form of continuation of the saga, in whatever form (Bhaalspawn - The Next Generation? CHARNAME junior? Who knows...).
As for the time of the setting, it would make sense to go with something just after ToB. The idea of the protagonist being a fledgling new god has been put out there, and is certainly a possibility. But I wouldn't write off an alternative just yet. They may very well come up with some other form of continuation of the saga, in whatever form (Bhaalspawn - The Next Generation? CHARNAME junior? Who knows...).
Bhaalspawn was a cool idea ONCE. If every game followed the same pattern, it would just get old.
Here's something they could do, set right after ToB: - The Sword Coast is a disaster area after the events of Ascension. - Power vacuums everywhere, since that pesky Bhaalspawn slaughtered his and/or her way through the region. - New powers are gathering to take advantage of the chaos that was sown in his and/or her passage. - All the usual big name players in the Realms are trying to get a slice of the action, too.
You play a totally normal non-divine character. What can one man and/or elf and/or halfling do? Will you help restore order in the wake of a literal Act of God disaster area? Will you abuse the destabilized government to conquer your own barony? Will you swindle others of their fortunes, and if so, will you use your gains for charity or power? Play the game and find out.
I do belive it going to be forgotten realms next era (timeline) and that overoul going to create a new game engine for BG3 they most likely use DnD next as standard for BG3 game. hopefully storywise you start in Baldur gate city then transport to (hopefully and wishfully from my side) to other part of Faerûn that isn't sword coast
What I'm afraid of is Atari. Atari is being very sneaky by not allowing Steam sales, just so they go and do it them self
I can see BG:EE and BG2:EE being a success, then Atari going out to some mainstream developer to license BG3 to appeal to mass audience.
I will say that I have noticed a resurgence of interest in "old school" roleplaying games and games in general. Maybe allowing a smaller developer with more efficient and smaller budget, is the approach some of these publishers will take to push out the new, old games.
That was basically the Dark Sun setting. That was my favorite PnP setting back when I played PnP. It was a ravaged world where the apocalypse was caused by abuse of magic.
My sources have confirmed work has begun on BG next. It will be completely 3D. Your main character must be human, with a choice of being a mage, thief or fighter. All NPCs will be bisexual. The only confirmed returning NPC is.......Noober.
My sources have confirmed work has begun on BG next. It will be completely 3D. Your main character must be human, with a choice of being a mage, thief or fighter. All NPCs will be bisexual. The only confirmed returning NPC is.......Noober.
One thing working in favor BG:Next is D&D:Next. The timing might work out right where WotC could be very interested in getting some CRPGs out there to help promote D&D:Next as the new definitive edition of play, and to get video game players to see that D&D:Next is appealing, compared to whatever edition they played previously. Although since part of the point is that D&D:Next is modular, and can be as simple or complex as is desired, I'm not sure how that works in a CRPG.
Although since part of the point is that D&D:Next is modular, and can be as simple or complex as is desired, I'm not sure how that works in a CRPG.
It would be PHENOMENAL to have that sort of thing implemented properly. One of the biggest problems these days is the straddle between casual and hard-core gamers; if you build your game with that in mind from the start, it would be a huge step towards finally catering to both demographics and the various in-betweens (i.e. truly modular, not binary).
I would imagine that they still have to complete their contract to make BG2:EE before they begin discussions about BG: Next.
God please no! If the stars align just right I might just try a BG3 but if it takes place in a world blown to crap on a whim by stupid shoreline mages I think I will pass.
Even though it used a more modern edition.
So timeline might not be an issue, even if edition is mandated as modern.
As for the time of the setting, it would make sense to go with something just after ToB. The idea of the protagonist being a fledgling new god has been put out there, and is certainly a possibility. But I wouldn't write off an alternative just yet. They may very well come up with some other form of continuation of the saga, in whatever form (Bhaalspawn - The Next Generation? CHARNAME junior? Who knows...).
Here's something they could do, set right after ToB:
- The Sword Coast is a disaster area after the events of Ascension.
- Power vacuums everywhere, since that pesky Bhaalspawn slaughtered his and/or her way through the region.
- New powers are gathering to take advantage of the chaos that was sown in his and/or her passage.
- All the usual big name players in the Realms are trying to get a slice of the action, too.
You play a totally normal non-divine character. What can one man and/or elf and/or halfling do? Will you help restore order in the wake of a literal Act of God disaster area? Will you abuse the destabilized government to conquer your own barony? Will you swindle others of their fortunes, and if so, will you use your gains for charity or power? Play the game and find out.
when he teleported away from Saradush he ended up in...Candlekeep where he was raised by a kindly elder wizard, when one day...
hopefully storywise you start in Baldur gate city then transport to (hopefully and wishfully from my side) to other part of Faerûn that isn't sword coast
a very small bit of information about FR Next for those who are interested:
I can see BG:EE and BG2:EE being a success, then Atari going out to some mainstream developer to license BG3 to appeal to mass audience.
I will say that I have noticed a resurgence of interest in "old school" roleplaying games and games in general. Maybe allowing a smaller developer with more efficient and smaller budget, is the approach some of these publishers will take to push out the new, old games.
But anyhow, all just speculation at this point.