Fanart Contest Round IV: Portraits For Uncommon Class/Race/Gender Combos (Winner Announced!)

Round IV's theme is portraits for uncommon class/race/gender combos! The winner(s) of this round will receive one free copy of BG:EE as well as one free copy of BG2:EE when it is released. In addition, your artwork may be featured in The Candlekeep Library! For a recap of the rules, please see this announcement. You do not need to sign up to participate, but we'd love it if you did.
Note: Participation in prior rounds is not required to participate in this one.
At some point, most of us have wanted to play a PC with an unusual combination of traits. But finding suitable portraits for female dwarves or half-orc clerics can prove quite a challenge, and that's why this round's theme is uncommon class/race/gender combinations. For example, dwarven swashbucklers, gnomish wizard slayers, female gnomes/half-orcs/dwarves, or something else—it's up to you. Pick any such combo and draw a portrait for that character. If you choose to draw more than one portrait, each one will count as its own, separate submission.
Submissions must retain the style of the original Baldur's Gate portraits and the aspect ratios used in BG:EE. All three sizes should be accounted for (large = 210x330, medium = 169x266, small = 54x84), but higher-resolution portraits are welcome so long so they adhere to the in-game proportions. Please submit entries in BMP format.
Note that unlike the previous two rounds, photomanipulations will not be accepted.
Ending Time
This round will end at 12:00 A.M. CET on March 28th.
Ready? Set? Draw!
Note: Participation in prior rounds is not required to participate in this one.
At some point, most of us have wanted to play a PC with an unusual combination of traits. But finding suitable portraits for female dwarves or half-orc clerics can prove quite a challenge, and that's why this round's theme is uncommon class/race/gender combinations. For example, dwarven swashbucklers, gnomish wizard slayers, female gnomes/half-orcs/dwarves, or something else—it's up to you. Pick any such combo and draw a portrait for that character. If you choose to draw more than one portrait, each one will count as its own, separate submission.
Submissions must retain the style of the original Baldur's Gate portraits and the aspect ratios used in BG:EE. All three sizes should be accounted for (large = 210x330, medium = 169x266, small = 54x84), but higher-resolution portraits are welcome so long so they adhere to the in-game proportions. Please submit entries in BMP format.
Note that unlike the previous two rounds, photomanipulations will not be accepted.
Ending Time
This round will end at 12:00 A.M. CET on March 28th.
Ready? Set? Draw!
Post edited by Jalily on
I thought they said no photomanipulations.
Now I'm confused. Are photomanipulations of outside photos okay? Is it okay to use bits of stock photos and stuff?
Or when they say "no photomanipulations", do they just mean no photomanipulations of existing BG portraits?
. -c . this is kind of important because if I can make shortcuts on mine instead of just painting the entire thing by hand I might want to. But I don't want to risk breaking the rules or anything.
...oh dang, I didn't notice the 'no photomanipulation' clause.
Illegal, I know, but I always wanted a half orc druid.
@Syntia13 Would you consider posting them in a new thread, so that we can all appreciate your work? : )
Digital painting.
Rar file contains the portaits for BG:EE.
That one is very nice. I like the light, and the delicate line work in the hair.
Your entry could also qualify as a Half-Orc Barbarian--some of them like flowers too.
It's hard fitting in the time for painting when you have full-time work, a side freelance job, a full home life, and all of that BG gaming to do.
I'm painting a male half-orc swashbuckler.
Because I'm just so tired of only finding half-orc dudes in heavy armor, or in furs, like some kind of barbarian.
Sure, charisma's not what half-orcs are exactly known for, but I see no reason why a half-orc can't be a suave, charming rogue. . -c .
Anyway, a Lady Dwarf Mage.
Wearing Adventurer's Robe and fingering a Wand of Fire. (Those were obviously drawn from in-game references).
Nice job! The proportions on the face seem fine. Also, I like the wand and the outfit.
Some minor critiques if you're interested:
*The beard looks a bit too muted--seems to blend into the neck shadows. You might want to make it a little more obvious--perhaps have some strands trail up into the face a bit more.
*The hair could maybe use a wavy strand or two, just to loosen it up.
Here we go, nice thiefy-type half-orc dude, in BG1 style, complete with that ridiculous colored neon-y lighting all the BG1 portraits seem to have.
Unfortunately, I can't find out how or where to upload .BMP images, so the images are the proper sizes, but they're all .PNG files. If anyone knows how to upload BMP images for this, please tell me and I'll put up the .BMP files. I already have them ready and waiting. If I can't figure out how to upload them though you guys can always just save these as BMP if you want to use them?
Here's the higher res version:
Here are the ones that are fit to the BG:EE portrait sizes.
Here they are as BMPs then.
Like it. I dig his hair.