Abjurer - suggestions and tactics

Hello forum!
I've been playing with a chaotic good abjurer , mostly for roleplaying reasons (although wizards are always powerful no matter what) .
I intend to play the whole trilogy with him, however, no alteration spells (stoneskin, specially) opens space for different tactics.
The rule I'm following is
1- No resting until finishing a dungeon.
2- At least one abjuration spell per spell level.
I would love to hear your suggestions!
I've been playing with a chaotic good abjurer , mostly for roleplaying reasons (although wizards are always powerful no matter what) .
I intend to play the whole trilogy with him, however, no alteration spells (stoneskin, specially) opens space for different tactics.
The rule I'm following is
1- No resting until finishing a dungeon.
2- At least one abjuration spell per spell level.
I would love to hear your suggestions!
the rest are whatever any mage would do,staff of the magi abuse,contigencies,time stops and alacrities,dispelling enemy mages,summons etc.
Sadly, there are not many useful abjuration spells for bg1, protection from petrification is nice in basilisk map, resist fear is good but bards/clerics can do it cheaper.
Level 3 spells are good. Protection from fire and cold are nice, you would want to get them ASAP so you can protect a tank and blast away with wands of fire/potions of explosions. You can use minor spell deflection to good use against sirines and the like. Dispel/remove magic is a must to have. Minor globe of inv. is actually very useful in bg1. And lastly, breach is THE spell to have in BG2, not quite so in bg1.
If you want to protect other party members and support your fighters, improved invisibility is very nice. It gives +4 ac, +4 to all saves, +4 to hit, and untargettable by enemy spells! That is the best protection you can confer to someone else. Spirit armour is potent too, ac 1 helps thieves, bards, druids etc. Save vs spells+3 is life saver. With improved invisiblity+spirit armour the recipient will net +7 to save vs spells, that's big!
Personally, I find Stoneskin useless in a party. Throw up Mirror Image, stay back and just cast your spells.
For forth level spells, if your backline is getting harassed, use Teleport Field and call it a day.
Edit: You can't even use that. Well that's just great man. You're in some real crap now! Game over man, game over!
(it's called role-playing)