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Its true-The Monk class is the most gimped in early BG 1



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,675
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  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Samus said:

    IkMarc said:

    Samus said:

    Jan Jansen is also a decent thief in BG2.

    In my opinion he is actually one of the most powerful npc's in BG2.

    He has great thieving skills early on due to his special items. He can also detect invisibility quickly with his illusion skill cause of his goggles. This is really useful, especially with SCS2 installed if you are fighting shadow thieves.

    He is great as a ranged character. He has high dex, proficiency in crossbows and his ability to create paralyzing and swarming bolts is just awesome against spellcasters.

    He is also a good mage. Cause of his specialization he will have extra spells compared to a normal dual or multi class, his intelligence is pretty good with 16 and when you want to memorize additional spell you just drink a potion of genius first.

    To finish it all up, he actually also has high constitution! With shorty saves! And he has a great armor with+5 AC vs missiles, 25% protection against physical damage. Combine that with his protective mage spells and he is a defensive powerhouse. With some simple strength and combat enhancing spells he is actually a decent melee fighter when necessary as well. At some point that even makes him a great backstabber.
    I also think jokes about turnips are rather good :)
    How did you manage to find a Turnip that cost £10,000?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,675
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  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Oh of course, silly me. *Smashes it over your head*.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,675
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  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Silly, @Samus. You're supposed to shrug while the credits roll. Then next time you can burn a dictionary.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Samus said:

    IkMarc said:

    Samus said:

    Jan Jansen is also a decent thief in BG2.

    In my opinion he is actually one of the most powerful npc's in BG2.

    He has great thieving skills early on due to his special items. He can also detect invisibility quickly with his illusion skill cause of his goggles. This is really useful, especially with SCS2 installed if you are fighting shadow thieves.

    He is great as a ranged character. He has high dex, proficiency in crossbows and his ability to create paralyzing and swarming bolts is just awesome against spellcasters.

    He is also a good mage. Cause of his specialization he will have extra spells compared to a normal dual or multi class, his intelligence is pretty good with 16 and when you want to memorize additional spell you just drink a potion of genius first.

    To finish it all up, he actually also has high constitution! With shorty saves! And he has a great armor with+5 AC vs missiles, 25% protection against physical damage. Combine that with his protective mage spells and he is a defensive powerhouse. With some simple strength and combat enhancing spells he is actually a decent melee fighter when necessary as well. At some point that even makes him a great backstabber.
    I also think jokes about turnips are rather good :)
    And the turnips themselves are quite tasty. That reminds me of that time... WAY back.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    As a side note, does anyone know if Jan's obsession with Turnips was originally a nod to Baldric from Black Adder?
  • Magnus_GrelichMagnus_Grelich Member Posts: 361
    @Eudaemonium: Well, I had to haggle.
  • BestopherBestopher Member Posts: 28
    Samus said:

    Jan Jansen is also a decent thief in BG2.

    And possibly the most hilarious NPC to boot.
  • PugPugPugPug Member Posts: 560
    edited May 2013
    It's too bad it's so easy to get sick of Jan, being the only NPC
    with active thief levels that you can take through the game.
  • hwlrmnkyhwlrmnky Member Posts: 5
    @southpaw -- heh. Yes, he did come to me with katanas/scimitars but I gave him a set of darts anyway because they're cheap and I give everyone who can use them a ranged weapon at level one. He hit a surprising (to me) amount of the time before his point at level 4. I'd be lying if I said I recalled what his THAC0 w/darts was at level one. I found it an attention-getter to have him fling a dart even when he didn't hit and then he could trot off using his fancy boots to lead the enemy into an ambush.

    I'm reserving judgement on monks. I'm not sure I'd want to CHARNAME a monk.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    @hwlemnky - I assume it was well above 22 (THAC0), but the mobs on early levels have so crappy AC, they can get hit even with that. And 3 attacks-per-round...

    CHARNAME a monk...well. Consider that the developers had to put at least 3 items to the first game, tailored for Rasaad only (all only useable by a Lawful Good monks)'s pretty bad in BGEE.
    I am playing with a monk. Lawful Evil though, so no Moonlight Walkers, no BigFisted Belt (at least my int does not drop to 6 and I get to 19 strength eventually anyway) and no Glimmering Bands(+2 THAC0 for LG monks). And no Twinkle (Drizzt's Scimitar +3, -2 to AC) either.

    I have to use Shield amulet to make up for the AC bonuses, +1hit/+2dmg Gauntlets instead the Glim. Bands and Boots+belt against piercing dmg. (Well, at least I'm almost immune to arrows).

    I just wish the devs added some sort of gauntlets usable by all monks and only monks. +2 THAC0 would be enough. Like the one in Black Pits. Somewhere.
    But unless you cheat, there is no way to get them and you are forced to go Lawful Stupid to be able to wear half of the equipment.
    Monks suck in BGEE until they get to level 5-6. Then, they are ... ok.

    And they rock in BG2 and ToB. That's the reason I play with a monk in BGEE.
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