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Which one to install, and how to go about it - BGT or BGTuTu

Hi all
With the recent news of BG2EE being up in flux I think I will bite the bullet and install one of the mods that will allow me to play from a level 1 character all the way to the end of ToB.
Having said that, I have no clue as to how to go about doing that and which of these mods are the best.
I would like the following:
1.       Have all the BG2 / ToB kits available at level 1 for character creation.
2.       Have all the BG2/ ToB enhancements available that allows one to stack items and potion bags etc.
3.       Preferably run it with the BG2 interface in widescreen mode.
4.       Install other compatible mods that fixes some of the errors in the games and ties-ups loose ends etcetera.
I apologise if this information is available elsewhere and would appreciate a link to a site that explains how to accomplish the above.


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    edited June 2013
    Taking into account your wishes, I'd say BGT obviously.

    Because while BGT means BG1 plus TotSC plus BG2 plus ToB in the BG2 engine, BGTuTu means only BG1 plus ToSC in the BG2 engine.

    And I'll try to explain more.

    BGTuTu converts BG1 to the BG2 engine, yet keeps BG1 as a completely different game - you will be able to import your BGTuTu character manually into SOA as was possible before but nothing more. BGTuTu can be played whether you own TotSC or not.

    BGT converts BG1 to the BG2 engine and merges BG1, TotSC (it is required for BGT), SOA and TOB into one big game.

    This means:
    - after Sarevok is defeated your main character will be automatically transferred to BG2 and the game will just continue as if BG1 and BG2 are just two chapters of one big game.
    - at the start of BG2 the 'state' of your party-NPCs will be taken into account - this means:
    a) if i.e. Minsc was killed during BG1, no Minsc in Irenicus' prison.
    b) if you would have increased the stats of some of your NPCs (say raised Jaheira's WIS by three) these NPCs will reappear in BG2 with the stats (and weapon proficiencies,...) you gave them in BG1.
    - with some other mods you will be allowed to transfer some more BG1 NPCs to Irenicus' dungeon (just like Imoen, Jaheira and Minsc before) possibly with new BG2 dialogues.
    - because BG1 and BG2 are merged into one big game - you will be allowed to install some big BG2 mods on top of your BGT install.

    Some very good advices on mods can be found here and here here.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440

    Hi all
    With the recent news of BG2EE being up in flux I think I will bite the bullet and install one of the mods that will allow me to play from a level 1 character all the way to the end of ToB.
    Having said that, I have no clue as to how to go about doing that and which of these mods are the best.
    I would like the following:
    1.       Have all the BG2 / ToB kits available at level 1 for character creation.
    2.       Have all the BG2/ ToB enhancements available that allows one to stack items and potion bags etc.
    3.       Preferably run it with the BG2 interface in widescreen mode.
    4.       Install other compatible mods that fixes some of the errors in the games and ties-ups loose ends etcetera.
    I apologise if this information is available elsewhere and would appreciate a link to a site that explains how to accomplish the above.

    Both Tutu and BGT can do all of the points listed, and at this point, pretty much all BG mods support both.

  • VishnuVishnu Member Posts: 66
    You'd probably also want to install the Widescreen mod as well. I recently tried to play BG2 again and after having played BGEE (and having purchased a wide-screen), my eyes just held a few more seconds until I had to close it...
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    I used to play with Tutu but i went over to BGT after it got updated. The main difference with BGT and Tutu is that you'll be able to go from BG1 to BG2 from the game with BGT. You'll talk with belt after you have killed sarevok and you'll have the option to travel to amn for him, and there BG2 starts.

    With Tutu you'll have to import your BG1 character into BG". Another point is that BGT will keep the stats of your NPC when you move to BG2. So if you have used all your tomes on Jaheira, she'll have those stats when you start BG2 with her.
  • EntropyXIIEntropyXII Member Posts: 656
    @CamDawg - Can you please tell me if Unfinished Business Baldur's Gate 1 and BG2 mods work with BGT? I'm skeptical as this BG2 mod appears to come with kits which i've been told don't work well:
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    UB is fully compatible with both BGT and UB as far as I'm aware. If nothing else, the kits are optional components and can be skipped.
  • EntropyXIIEntropyXII Member Posts: 656
    @Camdawg - Are the optional fixpacks necessary with BGT? It mentions fixes are installed with the BGT mod but I am unsure if they will clash with outside fixes. Sorry to be a pain about this: I am hovering over the install button like it sets off defcon 3...!
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    edited June 2013
    Heh. BG2Fp should be included, yes. My last BGT install I did about a year ago, back when I had optimism I would actually get to play it at some point, was modded like so (in order):
    1. TobEx
    2. BG2 Fixpack
    3. BGT
    4. Restored Textscreen Music
    5. Mini-Quests and Encounters
    6. The Lure of the Sirine's Call
    7. BG1 NPC
    8. BG1 NPC Music
    9. BG UB
    10. Every Mod and Dog
    11. Adalon's Blood
    12. Assassinations
    13. Fishing for Trouble
    14. Improved Horns of Valhalla
    15. de'Arnise Romance
    16. Banter Pack
    17. IEP Banters
    18. Quallo Fix
    19. BG2 UB
    20. Quest Pack
    21. SCS
    22. Wheels of Prophecy
    23. Flirt Pack
    24. G3 Anniversary
    25. Song and Silence
    26. Divine Remix
    27. Rogue Rebalancing
    28. Improved Statue of Riddles
    29. SCS II
    30. BGT Tweak
    31. BG2 Tweaks
    32. Ding0 Tweaks
    33. PnP Free Action
    34. aTweaks
    35. 1PP
    36. Unique Containers
    37. Corrected Lightmaps
    38. Infinity Animations
    39. BP/BGT Worldmap
    40. Sword Coast Map Labels
    41. BGT Music
    42. Widescreen
    This was a very ambitious mod loadout (about 340 components total or so), with a mix of my mod staples and a whole mess of mods I wanted to try (Assassinations, Fishing for Trouble, IEP Banters and some small stuff). Since I never got to play this I'm not sure if all of that actually worked together.

    If you're going to go Tutu, @cmorgan's gigantic install order post is a bit dated, but still incredibly useful.

    Holy crap, the spacing on lists looks like shit. Editing can't fix it.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    This is what you want:
    BWS, it is a highly customized GUI based with updated links to mods that can download them for you.

    It will install BGT and whatever mods you want. It is much easier than the batch file based Big World Project that is the other competitor for installing BGT and BG mods.

    BWS is great

    help forum (general megamodding for BGT/BG2 etc including BWS):
  • EntropyXIIEntropyXII Member Posts: 656
    edited June 2013
    @CamDawg - Thanks for this! helps loads! I'm giving the rogue rebalancing and assassinations mods a go too!
  • EntropyXIIEntropyXII Member Posts: 656
    @smeagolheart - Urgh, thanks but just slightly too late. Already downloaded the ones I liked - what you sent would have saved me considerable time!
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    :) I think you will invariably install again when you consider "oh I wish I had installed this or that" or try something and it bothers you and you want to remove it. I know I do that a lot.
  • EntropyXIIEntropyXII Member Posts: 656
    @smeagolheart - Hahaha - Already done this within the last hour! Quick question: Will uninstalling and re-installing certain mods cause problems?

    I just reinstalled BG2 unfinished business. Not a fan of the extra ranger kits.

    Also: Is there a decent quest mod for BG1? something good and well written that melds with the story?

    The only one I ever played was waaaaaaaay back when the game first came out. Had a character called cu'chullain in it. I'm not asking for this one because I didn't like it and it broke my game - but any others?
  • EntropyXIIEntropyXII Member Posts: 656
    One last question if that's alright @CamDawg - I went the BGT install - Installed BG1 UB and BG2 UB. Rogue rebalancing, Assassinations, BG1 NPC mod.

    I was curious, you didn't mention Gaider's 'Ascension' mod in your post. Is it included in BGT or BG2 Unfinished Business?

  • 10thLich10thLich Member Posts: 99
    Ascension is still a separate mod. You could try the original mod over at Unfortunately it hasn't been updated in ages, which means it overwrites some stuff (bad for compatibility).

    Nowadays, you'll probably want the corresponding components from the recently updated Big Picture over at SHS.

  • EntropyXIIEntropyXII Member Posts: 656
    @10thLich - SHS? sorry you'll have to forgive me. I'm a bit of a mod N00b. Installing ascension with all i've mentioned above would be a bad idea then?
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Since my games usually end... like this! I don't always install ToB-only mods, since I rarely have the heart to see Bondari or chinchillas.

    UB and BG1 NPC are the big ones for Tutu/BGT. "cu'chullain" sounds like DSotSC--the fact that you're willing to try mods after being exposed to DSotSC is a testament to your fortitude and optimism. If you don't mind a little silliness BGQE is fun though small. Lure of the Sirine's Call is another small but solid addition (don't be fooled by the page title, it works for BGT too). From my loadout you can probably see that I'm not a fan of NPC mods at all, but if you are, I've heard good things about Mur'Neth.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    shs is spellhold studios website.

    @EntropyXII I recommend secret of bonehill, it doesn't "blend" because its its own little adventure but it's well made
  • georgelappiesgeorgelappies Member Posts: 179
    edited June 2013
    Wow, thanks so much for the excellent reply.

    @CamDawg are you the same person who created some of these mods? Lots of thanks for doing it :)

    I have now installed the following:

    1. BG1 Complete from GOG
    2. BG2 Complete from GOG
    3. BG2 Fixpack
    4. BGT
    5. BG1 NPC
    6. BG UB
    7. Banter Pack
    8. BGT Music
    9. BG2 UB
    10. BG2 Tweaks

    So far everything installed and is working.

    EDIT1: Wasn't wine that was causing the issue.
    EDIT2: Had to install BGT Music before I was able to install BG2 UB and then had to reinstall BGT Music before being able to install BG2 Tweaks...
    EDIT3: The BG1 NPC mod makes it a completely different game, I am actually starting to care for Imoen ;)

    Here is a screenshot of it running ;)

    Post edited by georgelappies on
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    edited June 2013

    @CamDawg are you the same person who created some of these mods? Lots of thanks for doing it :)

    Oh, I've been known to dabble from time to time. Of the mods you've listed, I'm an author on three of them and contributed to three others.

    Fixed quote tags
  • EntropyXIIEntropyXII Member Posts: 656
    @CamDawg - Ah yes DSotSC sounds familiar. It's difficult to say that it is a testament to my fortitude and optimism. I think I downloaded my first mod when I originally bought BG - that was.... 13-14 years ago?

    I didn't touch them since (I downloaded and played Ascension as it seemed very legit) until well... this week?

    DSoTSC well.. it must have been a traumatising experience.

    I am thoroughly enjoying the rogue rebalancing mod at the moment however. Thanks for the advice!
  • scrawnypawsscrawnypaws Member Posts: 11
    The GOG page referring to BGT has all the instructions and links.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440

    I am thoroughly enjoying the rogue rebalancing mod at the moment however. Thanks for the advice!

    Yeah, @aVENGER's stuff is really good. You may also want to check out his aTweaks as well.
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