Hello i'm new to this site and since i'm enjoying playing Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, I visited here for help cause i'm upset about a certain problem. My characters are stuck on 161,000 exp and can't get farer than that. Is there a patch or fix I can get to fix this problem? THANKS.
Post edited by Jalily on
Seriously, though, unless you want a rather jarring incongruity between BG1 and 2, large parts of the premiss of the plot of SoA won't make sense with a lvl 30 something CHARNAME. Just an FYI.
But yea generally I view the cap to be silly at this point. Sure some people are going to solo the game and have a million experience +, but others just want to have an extremely slight head start going into SoA.
My first/second time playing BG and then..."what..? What is this...? What is a 'cap'... noo no no no."
My discovery of Dalekeeper: "Bwahahahahaha yes! YES! I am level 30, I have 25 in every statistic.. I.AM.A.GOD. Where is that bloody dark elf?!?!"
24 hours later....
"Right... bored now... Resident Evil 2 again."
Trust me @ZERSTORER, you don't want to go down that route. Removing level caps and so on might seem like a good idea, but it is the first step on a downward spiral. It *will* probably ruin the game for you.
Play the game however you most enjoy it.
It was a long time ago, but I genuinely remember becoming incredibly bored. That, and a bad experience with an early mod ( @CamDawg recently told me it may have been DSotSC) nearly prevented me from ever touching BG again.
Actually, I don't think I even completed BG1 until BG2 came out. It threw me off the game that much.
One thing that I do like about removing the experience cap is that it makes playing through *all* the areas of the Sword Coast rewarding. With the cap on, once I get close to it (~150,000 exp.), I generally quit what I'm doing (e.g., exploring Durlang's Tower) and head off to confront Sarevok. Wandering around but not gaining *any* experience points generates a sense of futility (IME).
it's not like they are using Werebears or anything.
I was considering going into the game files with shadowkeeper and raising all of the monster's levels as well, that way I could continue to enjoy a challenge while also exploring the fun of higher level gameplay. I suppose I could just get BG2 from GOG, but I'd rather wait and give Beamdog my money if possible.
Edit: 'Normally' not a good word maybe. I mean if I just turned off the XP cap, when would I stop progressing like a character would in BG2?
On-topic yeah, I get your drift. I agree, I just think that people changing the hell out of the game to meet their own interests is a little ... I dunno, lame at a certain point. Little things here and there don't matter but after a while they add up, and eventually everyone is playing a completely different version of the game; then they go on here and try to give each other advice, only to find out that what they knew to be "absolutely correct" isn't because they have this or that mod that changes something without them even knowing about it.
Just a pet peeve really. People can play how they want and that's cool.
Edit: Re-reading that looked kind of off topic. Point being, modding can let you take a game you've played the dickens out of and make it fun again. And once you've enjoyed everything in BG if you're wanting to wait for BG2EE like I am, raising or erasing the level cap can give you access to some fun/new abilities that just add some extra variation/entertainment value.
I'd remove the cap if BG 2 was harder than BG EE, to give my non-optimal PC a slightly easier start. Otherwise I'd probably just start BG 2 with 161k xp cos I don't want to make the game pointlessly easy. I know in BG EE the NPC levels are sometimes dependent on PC level, so having an extra level might unbalance the game if ur recruited NPCs are higher levels to match you too.
Even if you do enter the game at some stupidly high level (e.g. you import your 2.5mil xp character from ToB back to SoA), most encounters scale up the difficulty to some degree.