Un-holy avenger and a Helmet spell

^ We need an un-holy avenger for Dorn, and a kick ass quest to gain it!
^ Here's an idea for a spell. HELMET. There is no nice way to put this, every single arcane caster in the land is a moron. They have been casting armor without the helmet since the birth of magic. Or how about any spell that protects against crits.
^ Here's an idea for a spell. HELMET. There is no nice way to put this, every single arcane caster in the land is a moron. They have been casting armor without the helmet since the birth of magic. Or how about any spell that protects against crits.
Hint: Just cast stoneskin and forget about getting hit at all...
Now for monks, bards, and thiefs who occasionally find themselves in brawl range... for them there should be some measure to get at least a 10-40% chance to roll a save vs crit.
With that said, you are right, just mind that forcing everything to make sense would be rather tough to balance in a world setting like Faerun.
For the anti holy avenger, I think two handed swords are one of the best supported class of weapons. There are seriously amazing alternatives..
There are many other categories of weapons that need some attention...
worn helms are simply assumed to replace the helm your armor came with (even leather armors), to provide additional benefits, such as what the helm of Balduran or Helm of Infravision brings.
Wouldn't work as blackguards don't have an unholy sword class feature, since blackguads aren't actually paladins. And blackguards are already much more offensively powerful then a paladin can ever be, with their aura, poison use, command undead, and inflict spells in place of healing spells.
Here's the thing, the rules are not going to change. The end.
Introducing critical hit immunity to an already overpowered class is not a big deal, at all. In fact, it will make them consider taking the Helmet spell and occupying a spell slot that would otherwise go towards a different spell. Magic can do just about everything any other class can accomplish. Mages can have 100 open locks just by studying Knock, a Helmet spell is simply par for the course.
I never said the un-holy avenger had to be a two-handed sword. Back in the day, when I played PnP, it was thought silly for it to be 2hs. Make it a mace or a longsword. Dorn can study a new weapon.
I could imagine the sword of Grazz't as an awesome choice. A massive bastard sword that drips acid, and can only be used by evil. Something unique for evil.
It's not a matter of imagination or not, it's that Bioware $#%^'d up and left a huge mess of contradictory and inconsistent house rules, that really need to be sorted out and fixed before anything new is pointlessly added.
Warriors don't need crit protection. But they're currently the only ones who get it, despite everyone else being just as likely to get attacked, especially by ranged weapons, and much more vulnerable to being one shotted by a crit for much longer.
A crit protection spell would be around 7th or 8th level, which makes it completely pointless as implemented, cause a mage will have access to Ioun stones before then.
1. What level should the helmet spell be?
2. Should there be a higher level version of the spell called Great Helmet?
3. What should the duration be?
4. Is it a caster only?
And hey boo hoo if the mages don't have enough spell slots to render other classes obsolete. Do you seriously think a Helmet spell is going to make fighters less of a need?!
I'd also like to think of this as a turn based duration spell, similar to shield.
If the Helmet spell only protects against crits, then maybe the duration should be hourly, and perhaps the protection should only be 50%. A 3rd level version called great helmet could be 100% immune. Or we could spice up the 1st level version and lower the duration. Or just have the spell with a round duration, as just kind of a OH crap i am in melee spell.
Personally the spell sounds retarded and will be about as useful as Infravision (which is supposed to be 3rd level instead of 1st) due to being an utter waste of a spell-slot 99.999999999999% of the time.
Do I want to play a broken, barely implemented class or a broken, ridiculously overpowered class...there is no middle ground.
There are a ton of other games that have "realistic" rules or whatever it is you're looking for.
Having said that, we had house rules back in the day. One of our rules was arrow prongs. Instead of an arrow doing a d8 ours did 1d4 per prong, minimum 2 maximum 8.
The DMs here have a helmet rule, my aim isn't to upset the house rules but rather expand upon them. Rules lawyers always slow the game down, just enjoy the rules for what they are.
And some like this crit issue should've never happen. Although.....I suppose limiting head-slot crit immunity to just normal and lower might be a nice compromise. I mean that is kind of the point of having a difficulty setting in the first place.
As for the proposed features themselves, I think there is little need to implement them. Both the spell(s) and the 'un-holy avenger' weapon could easily be done by modders. In fact, I could get that in the game by myself in a couple of minutes (except for the quest, which could take a while longer) if I wanted and I am by no means a master of Infinity Engine modding. So, in my view, it is rather unnecessary to flail at the doors of the devs while you could actually ask some eager modder or do it yourself. Saves the hassle, too.
I have modded a couple spells to be closer to PnP accurate effects, as long as it can be done with existing effects. (like adding the permanent -1 Con to raise dead/resurrection).
The sword though is very do-able, you can easily just steal effects you need off other weapons/equipment you know provides an effect you're wanting.
My crowning achievement thus far is a pretty much PnP accurate Hammer of Thunderbolts and Crom-Faeyr (assuming Crom-Faeyr is simply an awakened hammer of thunderbolts that has been permanently activated by fusing the gauntlets/belt directly to the hammer, as opposed to just wearing them). The only thing I couldn't do, since it requires actual scripting, is having the Hammer of Thunderbolts give it's awakened benefits when wearing the ogre gauntlets/frost giant belt, as opposed to having it crafted into Crom-Faeyr.
Hammer of Thunderbolts - (2-Handed)
2d4+3, +1 Electrical
Ranged-mode: (uses lightning bolt projectile graphic)
Sets apr to 1
2d4+3, +1d4 electrical
Crom-Faeyr - (2-Handed)
Sets str to 24
Kills trolls, golem, and giants on hit, no save.
2d4+5, +1 electrical
Ranged-mode: (Uses lightning bolt projectile graphic)
Sets apr to 1
Sets str to 24
Kills trolls, golem, and giants, on hit, no save.
2d4+5, +1d10 electrical damage (causes lightning strike graphic on impact)
On-hit: 10ft radius save or be stunned and deafened for 1 round (Deafened lasts until dispelled) centered on target.
So yeah...with regard to making your own items or modifications to existing ones, NI can do quite a bit.