BG characters adapted for 3.5 edition and Pathfinder

I decided to make stats for a 3.5(or Pathfinder) version of some BG characters.
Sarevok Anchev
Medium-sized human
10th level Fighter/ 5th level Deathbringer
Hit Dice:164 HP
Initiative:+7(+3 dexterity, +4 improved initiative)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC:21: 10+8(full plate)+ 3(dexterity)
Face/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Attacks:Sword of Chaos+2 melee
Damage:Sword of Chaos+2(1d10+2+4)
Special Attack:Deathbringer Assault(5d6+4)
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 17, Cos, 18, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +10, Climb +8, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +10, Intimidate +15, Knowledge Arcana +7, Knowledge History +10, Knowledge Nobility +10
Feats: Athletic, Combat Expertise, Deceiful, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Leadership, Persuasive, Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon focus(Sword of Chaos+2), Skill focus(Bluff), Skill Focus(Intimidate), Skill Focus(Diplomacy), Monkey Grip
Climate/Terrain:Baldur's Gate and Temple of Bhaal.
Challenge Rating:15
Alignment:Chaotic Evil(may become Chaotic Good)
Advancement:By character class.
Another character next time.
Sarevok Anchev
Medium-sized human
10th level Fighter/ 5th level Deathbringer
Hit Dice:164 HP
Initiative:+7(+3 dexterity, +4 improved initiative)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC:21: 10+8(full plate)+ 3(dexterity)
Face/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Attacks:Sword of Chaos+2 melee
Damage:Sword of Chaos+2(1d10+2+4)
Special Attack:Deathbringer Assault(5d6+4)
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 17, Cos, 18, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +10, Climb +8, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +10, Intimidate +15, Knowledge Arcana +7, Knowledge History +10, Knowledge Nobility +10
Feats: Athletic, Combat Expertise, Deceiful, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Leadership, Persuasive, Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon focus(Sword of Chaos+2), Skill focus(Bluff), Skill Focus(Intimidate), Skill Focus(Diplomacy), Monkey Grip
Climate/Terrain:Baldur's Gate and Temple of Bhaal.
Challenge Rating:15
Alignment:Chaotic Evil(may become Chaotic Good)
Advancement:By character class.
Another character next time.
Post edited by ShapiroKeatsDarkMage on
He must've been rolling nat 20s like no tomorrow at Candlekeep...
Medium-sized human
5th level Ranger/ 3rd level Frenzied Berserker
Hit Dice:78 HP
Initiative: +3(Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC:17=10+4(Chain Shirt)+3(Dex)
Face/Reach: 5 ft/5ft
Attacks: 2 longswords melee, Heavy Crossbow ranged
Damage: longsword 1d8+4, Heavy Crossbow 1d10
Special Attack:Frenzy
Saves: For +7, Ref+7, Will +1
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 16, Cos 16, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 9
Skills:Climb +8, Handle Animal +8, Knowledge Nature +8, Perception +5, Profession +5
Feats: Track, Animal Affinity, Endurance, Iron Will, Power Attack, Cleave, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus(Longsword)
Organisation:Charname's party + 1 Boo
Challenge Rating:7
Alignment:Chaotic Good
Advancement:By character class
Medium sized human
1st level Rogue
Hit Dice:12 HP
Speed:30 ft.
AC:16=10 +2(leather)+4(dex)
Attacks: Dagger melee, Shortbow ranged
Damage: Dagger 1d4, Shortbow 1d6
Face/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special attacks:Sneak Attack(1d6)
Saves: For+3, Ref+6, Will+0
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 18, Cos 16, Int 17, Wis 11, Cha 16
Skills:Acrobatics +4, Appraise +3, Bluff+3, Diplomacy +3, Disable device +4, Perception +4, Stealth +4, Use magic device +3
Feats:Deceiful, Stealthy
Organisation:With Charname
Challenge Rating:1
Alignment:Neutral Good
Advancement:By character class
Female Half-Elf Druid 1 / Fighter 1
True Neutral
Strength 15 (+2)
Dexterity 16 (+3)
Constitution 17 (+3)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 14 (+2)
Charisma 15 (+2)
Size: Medium
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 160 lb
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde Wavy
Skin: Light
Total Hit Points: 23
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 15 = 10 + 2 [leather] + 3 [dexterity]
Touch AC: 13
Flat-footed: 12
Initiative modifier: + 3 = + 3 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: + 9 = 4 [base] + 3 [constitution] + 2 [great fortitude]
Reflex save: + 3 = 0 [base] + 3 [dexterity]
Will save: + 6 = 2 [base] + 2 [wisdom] + 2 [iron will]
Attack (handheld): + 3 = 1 [base] + 2 [strength]
Attack (missile): + 4 = 1 [base] + 3 [dexterity]
Combat Maneuver Bonus: + 3 = 1 [base] + 2 [strength]
Combat Maneuver Defense: + 16 = 10 + 1 [base] + 2 [strength] + 3 [dexterity]
Languages: Common Druidic
Club [1d6, crit x2, range incr. 10 ft., 3 lb, one-handed, bludgeoning]
Quarterstaff [1d6/1d6, crit x2, 4 lb., two-handed, bludgeoning]
Leather armor [light; + 2 AC; max dex + 6; check penalty 0 15 lb.]
Great Fortitude +2 on fortitude saves
Iron Will +2 on will saves
Weapon Focus x1 +1 to hit; Weapon(s):Club
Imoen's starting weapons are shortsword and shortbow. I'm not up on the pathfinder system but 12 hp seems a little high for a level 1 thief.
Edit: I did research. Rogues are d8 in pathfinder. huh.
Likewise, all d10's (and the one d12 class) have 1:1 level/to hit bonusses, D8's have 3:4 (gaining +3 BAB per 4 levels) and all d6's have 1:2 (so +1 BAB per two levels).
It's a bit more equal than 3.5, which is not a bad thing.
A 7ft colossus is still Medium. Large kicks in around 9ft, Ogre size.
Goliaths have the Powerful Build racial feature though, which makes them count as Large for a number of checks, despite being Medium creatures. This may apply to Minsc.
Personally, I'm in favor of giving him 17-18 Str at level 1 and using the Pathfinder '+2 to any one stat' rule for humans to up it to 19-20, making him ridonkulously strong at level 1, as in the original. With the two stat-ups he'll have gotten from his 8 levels (as displayed in the profile above), his strength would be upped to 21-22, boulder throwing level.
@Amberion - Definitely agreed. He should also be taking the Two-Handed Weapon style line of feats instead of Two Weapon Combat style. Or, possibly, go for oversized two-weapon fighting and dual a Two-handed Sword and a Mace ;D
His Favoured Enemy should be Humanoid (Gnoll), obviously. Favoured Terrain: Dens of Stinking Evil, mayhaps?
Oh, and this and this? Perfect Animal Companion feats for Boo. Jump for the eyes, Boo!
Finally. Keep them coming, @ShapiroKeatsDarkMage and the other people! I've had fun so far.
Edit: Eh, dammit. Wait a few hours to post and Drugar comes sneaking with those ninja skills.
Your favored terrain for Minsc had me cracking up laughing in my computer chair. Thanks I needed that.
Thank you. I try
That's assuming her favored class is Rogue, of course. The fact that she Dual-Classes in BG2 calls that into question though. Her skills don't look right to me. Most of these skills just reflect the bonus from the governing stat. Also not reflected are the bonuses provided by the feats she took and the +3 bonus for putting a skill point into a Class Skill. Finally, she should get 12 Skill Points at level 1, but only 8 skills are listed...
Her skills should look more like this:
Acrobatics +8, Appraise +7, Bluff+9, Diplomacy +7, Disable device +7, Disguise +9, Escape Artist +10, Knowledge Local +7, Perception +4, Slight of Hand +8, Stealth +10, Use magic device +7
I forgot about that.
Medium sized elf(Avariel)
7th level Cleric/7th level Wizard
Hit Dice:59 HP
Speed:30 ft.
Attacks:Quarterstaff melee
Special Attacks:cleric and wizard spells
Special qualities:low light vision
Domains:Good, Protection
Saves: ref+11, will+15, for+8
Abilities:Str 10, dex 17, cos 9, int 16, wis 16, cha 14
Skills: Appraise +10, Knowledge Arcana +10, Knowledge local +5, Knowledge nature +5, Knowledge religion +10, Spellcraft +10
Feats: Combat Casting, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus(spellcraft), Spell Penetration, Scribe Scroll, Elemental Channel, Turn Undead, Empower Spell
Organisation:Charname's party or solitary
Alignment:Lawful Good
Challenge Rating:7
Advancement:By character class