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Will I see any of these in BG 2: EE?

From what I can tell, BG1: EE seems like BG1 with NPC mods. Which is fine, but NPC mods don't really appeal to me, so I can't help but wonder if there's even a point to me getting excited at all? Baldur's Gate II is easily my favourite computer game ever, yet the extra content just fills me with "meh".

Specifically, will any of these be included?

*New/modified spells
*New/modified kits or kit classes (a lot of them could do with being spiced up)
*New quests unrelated to the new NPCs
*New/modified magic items

Replies/feedback appreciated.


  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    The kits that were added to BGEE will also be in BG2EE.
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    @KidCarnival Oooh we have the same profile pic :). @Joey I expect there will be more new magic items, and probably a couple of quests
  • JoeyJoey Member Posts: 201
    @KidCarnival so, no new kits?
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    It's not clear from your original post if you've actually played BGEE, @Joey. While the promised new content has been vague so far, we'll definitely be getting the BGEE new kits in BG2EE, namely the Dwarven Defender, Shadowdancer, Dragon Disciple, Sun Soul Monk, Dark Moon Monk, and Blackguard.

    I'd be willing to bet we'll get more as time goes on, too. Either at launch or patched in later as most of the BGEE kits were.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    edited September 2013
    We don't know anything for sure until it's officially announced as a feature, which so far most of your points haven't been. However, we can speculate a bit:
    Joey said:

    *New/modified spells

    Unlikely, but not impossible. BG1 did not add new spells as far as I know, but it is limited in its spell progression; BG2 has the entire range of levels at its disposal, so it's a possibility. Spells are a tricky thing, though, in terms of flavor and balance...
    Joey said:

    *New/modified kits or kit classes (a lot of them could do with being spiced up)

    Very likely. BG1 added several new kits, and I expect BG2 to add at least as many. Maybe not all at the start, but certainly some and the then the rest with a patch or two.
    Joey said:

    *New quests unrelated to the new NPCs

    Hopefully. This has been a major criticism with BG:EE and I would expect that it is being addressed for the sequel. Since we've seen new areas already, and have been told about tens of thousands of new lines of dialogue, we can hope for extensive new quests and areas. Let's make Chapter 6 into a proper chapter!
    Joey said:

    *New/modified magic items

    Practically guaranteed. There will be plenty of new items in most categories, of that I am certain. Existing items will likely remain the same, but I'm sure there will be many new weapons and armor pieces to be found all throughout the game. It would be a titanic surprise if this were not the case.
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    I just want the SCS AI improvements in BG2EE.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    Yeeah I don't think that's happening. The game is hard enough for beginners as it is.
  • alnairalnair Member Posts: 561
    They said that AI was being revamped to some extent, though.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Cadros said:

    @KidCarnival Oooh we have the same profile pic :). @Joey I expect there will be more new magic items, and probably a couple of quests

    @Kidcarnival... you had a son? I never knew that!!
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    edited September 2013
    I am multiple.

    (You rang, master? *coughtsimianscough*)
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747

    Yes! We need to prepare for the ultimate challenge! We will face our copies in an epic battle!

    B̨y͢ H͞el̛m͡, su̸ch ̡a c̀l͢i͟ch͞é... F̀ace̛ yourse̴lf to ͡b҉eat҉ y͟our͜ ̵iǹn͞er d̷ȩmo҉ns, ̨bl͢a ͘bl͞a̴ ̨bla. W͡hy̴ ̧c̨a͡n'̕t w̨e ҉j̵ust̶ nuke͜ ̴Ąmn?!̴
  • JoeyJoey Member Posts: 201
    Cheers to @Lord_Tansheron. Yeah I haven't played BG:EE, since I never played the first one so i didn't see much point. Will definitely be getting BG2: EE however.

    Can anyone shed some light on the classes for me? Is there a webpage that has a breakdown of the new kits?
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    edited September 2013
    I can't find a good listing of them on the forums, so I'll transcribe them from my BGEE game. Give me a few minutes.

    Dwarven Defender: Dwarf-only Fighter kit. Limited to 4* in Axe and Warhammer and 2* in all other weapons. D12 HP per level, 5% physical resistance per five levels up to 20% at level 20. Defensive Stance 1/day per four levels for 50% physical resistance, +2 to saving throws, -50% movement speed.

    Shadowdancer: Thief kit (Possibly showcased by new NPC Hexxat? No details yet). Able to attempt Hide in Shadows while being seen, +1 saving throws, Shadowstep 1/day per 5 levels (essentially a seven-second Time Stop where the thief can't attack or use abilities), maxes at 3x backstab multiplier at level 9 and only gets 15 skill points per level

    Dark Moon Monk: Lawful Evil monk kit. Loses Lay on Hands and Stunning Blow. Gets +2 save vs. Illusion, Chill Touch 1/day per four levels, learns Blindness at level 1, Blur at level 3, Vampric Touch at level 7, and Mirror Image at level 11.

    Sun Soul Monk: Lawful Good monk kit, will be showcased by new NPC Rasaad as of next patch (he's currently vanilla). Loses Stunning Blow and Quivering Palm. Sun Soulray 1/day per four levels starting at 2 (direct fire damage, extra vs. undead), Flaming Fists 1/day at level 5 (extra fire damage on attacks for several rounds), Greater Sun 1/day at level 8 (equivalent to Fireshield Red), Sun Soulbeam at level 13 (attack roll vs. all enemies in area for big fire damage plus blindness).

    Blackguard: Evil paladin kit, showcased by new NPC Dorn. Loses Detect Evil, Protection from Evil, Lay on Hands. Gains Poison weapon 1/day per 5 levels starting at level 1, Absorb Health 1/day to drain 2hp/level from an enemy, immunity to level drain and fear, and Aura of Despair 1/day at level 3 to debuff and fear surrounding enemies.

    Dragon Disciple: Sorcerer kit. Can only learn up to four spells per level. D6 hp per level, gains progressive bonuses to AC, fire resistance, and constitution. Gains a 1/day breath weapon at level 3 that progresses from 3d8 cone damage to 8d8 cone damage as the Disciple levels up.
  • JoeyJoey Member Posts: 201
    Oh cheers man.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    There you go.
  • JoeyJoey Member Posts: 201
    Many thanks my good man.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214


    Yes! We need to prepare for the ultimate challenge! We will face our copies in an epic battle!

    B̨y͢ H͞el̛m͡, su̸ch ̡a c̀l͢i͟ch͞é... F̀ace̛ yourse̴lf to ͡b҉eat҉ y͟our͜ ̵iǹn͞er d̷ȩmo҉ns, ̨bl͢a ͘bl͞a̴ ̨bla. W͡hy̴ ̧c̨a͡n'̕t w̨e ҉j̵ust̶ nuke͜ ̴Ąmn?!̴

    Why do I never find that Timelord's phone number when I need it?
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Joey said:

    Cheers to @Lord_Tansheron. Yeah I haven't played BG:EE, since I never played the first one so i didn't see much point. Will definitely be getting BG2: EE however.

    Can anyone shed some light on the classes for me? Is there a webpage that has a breakdown of the new kits?

    ...Part of the point of BG:EE is for people who never played it to be able to play it.
  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    from a meta-gaming view, exporting a character from BGEE to BG2EE will give you better stats...until the necessary mods come out (if they haven't already)
  • taltamirtaltamir Member Posts: 288
    I want to see major overhaul to party AI, particularly pathfinding... but also scripts.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 903
    edited September 2013
    Joey said:

    Yeah I haven't played BG:EE, since I never played the first one so i didn't see much point.

    This does not make any sense. There is no reason why you can't just play BGEE now.
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