Please allow continued play AFTER Sarevok

I know it's all about avenging Gorion and all of that but my personal fantasy is to kill him off ASAP and then explore the world on whatever whim strikes me. Role playing out my epic demise from hero to villain before the sequel kicks in. I know there is already a mod that allows this, but I am a totally clueless mac gamer who just wants to play the game and leave the modifications to the developers. I don't feel like I am missing out on anything except for this one particular mod. It would really ENHANCE the game beyond anything introduced thusfar, for me anyways. Thanks for your consideration.
Here ya go.
Here ya go.
and (although I think it should be not necessary anymore, with the new version of WeiDU):
Found Resource folder. Put Weidu in there. Put mod in resource folder.
Adventure Y will take place AFTER Sarevok dead, right?
( So this requests will be include )