So, I should definitely know this, but I'm wondering how APR is worked out for dual weilders.
Fighter has say 2 attacks, +1 for extra hand, +1 for speed weapon, +.5 for 2 pips in main hand, +.5 for 5 pips in main hand. That's 5 attacks, the recognised maximum without spells.
Do they not get bonuses for pips for off-hand weapons? Why not? I feel that getting GM in short swords should improve my off hand rate too.
Am I right that all but one attacks comes from the main hand, regardless of where the extra attack comes from? Why?
What happens if you dual wield speed weapons? 6 apr?
Fighter has say 2 attacks, +1 for extra hand, +1 for speed weapon, +.5 for 2 pips in main hand, +.5 for 5 pips in main hand. That's 5 attacks, the recognised maximum without spells.
Do they not get bonuses for pips for off-hand weapons? Why not? I feel that getting GM in short swords should improve my off hand rate too.
Am I right that all but one attacks comes from the main hand, regardless of where the extra attack comes from? Why?
What happens if you dual wield speed weapons? 6 apr?
As far as the "why?" goes I can only speculate. It might have been an attempt to balance dual-wielding by keeping the number of attacks under control, or it might have just been easier to code that way.
While you're here Dee, any thoughts on why the capped apr at 5 and why off hand specialisation doesn't count whichever hand it affects? Or am I wrong and it does count, but is irrelevant because of the cap?
If I recall correctly, improved haste works by halving the round speed from 6 seconds to 3 seconds (i.e. in 6 seconds you get 2 rounds of attacks = twice as many attacks). But this does mean getting 2 offhand attacks in those 6 seconds.
I've no idea how improved haste stacks/compares with whirlwind attack. Presumably still only 10 attacks/round? But how many offhand attacks?
A GM fighter with darts has 7 base attacks in PnP (6 for throwing knives), since darts and throwing daggers are supposed to get a full extra attack for each 1/2 attack of bonus apr from warrior levels or specialization.
Because the rules just simply say that you can never have more then 1 off-hand attack, except through magical means. I assume it's related to your off-hand being weaker and less able to fully take advantage of your specialization due to trying to attack more then once being too risky to imbalance you..or some such.
Under WWA, 1 attack is from the Off-hand (it's usually a good idea to unequip your off-hand when using WWA unless both weapons have the same damage). Currently only improved haste allows for 2 off-hand attacks in a normal round due to it's mechanic.