While fighting Bodhi Paladin Eric Vanstraaten claims I have attacked and betrayed the paladins

Well the title says it all. While fighting Bodhi Paladin Eric Vanstraaten claims I have attacked and betrayed the paladins so they leave. I have no idea why this is happening. Obviously, I am NOT attacking the paladins. I "googled" this problem but did not find anything on it. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Also if one of the paladins get charmed by the insidious vampires, and is hurt by your spells/attacks, that counts as you've hurt the paladins as well.
So basically, they did that to themselves and passed the blame on others? Ah, of course, only HUMANS can become paladin.
I did cast Holy Smite, but I thought it would only affect evil characters. I am not sure what happened because there was so much going on. I just kept reloading and fighting the battle over until I got through it without making enemies of the paladins. Maybe if I had looked back through all the details scrolling at the bottom of the screen I might have figured it out. Thanks again.
Remember this when I played the original BG2 back the days. He and my CHARNAME hacked and slashed a vampire when his fireball went of and the he blamed me for it. I killed the bastard and identified his sword.
After that I re-loaded a couple of times until the battle was won without any fireballs.
Looking back on it though, it's not very holy to take the whole "screw you guys, I'm going home" approach when Vampires are slapping the shit out of the city you're trying to purify, huh?