Rethinking making the PC my party leader

I'm taking a run through with a Cav as I like the specials, he has naturally good Cha, and is a pretty solid tank. However, in being a tank, he's also the first in line to get the sh*t kicked out of him in a tough fight. This hasn't been fun to watch. So, I'm thinking of restarting the run with a more defensive tact and letting someone else be BG's punching bag. I'm running with a canon party and taking this character through BG2, so that means I'll have
BG1: Imoen, Jah, Khalid, Minsc, and Dynaheir
BG2: Yoshi>Imoen, Jah, Minsc
For BG1, I do dual Imoen at level 7 (for continuity in BG2). When that happens, I send Dynaheir to pay a visit to good ol' Firebead then pick up Safana until Imoen catches up. For BG1, I'm guessing that Minsc is the best contender for tank once he gets the gauntlets of dex. Jah has good Con, but medicore everything else. And, she is the healer after, all. Then, there's Khalid, but he makes a much better archer.
For BG2, I'm going to make a few changes. I will eventually be picking up Jan (one of my favorite characters) as a permanent party member. However, I'm going to change him from an illusionist/thief to a wild mage/thief. He's got the personality to pull it off. Also, after I pick up Imoen from Spellhold, she's going to find that the combination of her experiences with Irenicus and the Cowled Wizards have turned her into a straight up sorcerer (ala Shadowkeeper). We'll blame the loss of the thief levels on PTSD. Either that or I'd tweak her stats and turn her into a cleric of Lathander (being locked up made her go born-again? hey, it happens all the time.) Though, I wish Ilmater was an option. It would be much more appropriate. Maybe I'll grab divine remix from G3.
So. the question is, what is the PC to be (single-classed) and why? I can see this group getting some use out of another tank, but I'm tired of my PC being on the front line. I want him to have a prominent role, but from a distance, in this group.
BG1: Imoen, Jah, Khalid, Minsc, and Dynaheir
BG2: Yoshi>Imoen, Jah, Minsc
For BG1, I do dual Imoen at level 7 (for continuity in BG2). When that happens, I send Dynaheir to pay a visit to good ol' Firebead then pick up Safana until Imoen catches up. For BG1, I'm guessing that Minsc is the best contender for tank once he gets the gauntlets of dex. Jah has good Con, but medicore everything else. And, she is the healer after, all. Then, there's Khalid, but he makes a much better archer.
For BG2, I'm going to make a few changes. I will eventually be picking up Jan (one of my favorite characters) as a permanent party member. However, I'm going to change him from an illusionist/thief to a wild mage/thief. He's got the personality to pull it off. Also, after I pick up Imoen from Spellhold, she's going to find that the combination of her experiences with Irenicus and the Cowled Wizards have turned her into a straight up sorcerer (ala Shadowkeeper). We'll blame the loss of the thief levels on PTSD. Either that or I'd tweak her stats and turn her into a cleric of Lathander (being locked up made her go born-again? hey, it happens all the time.) Though, I wish Ilmater was an option. It would be much more appropriate. Maybe I'll grab divine remix from G3.
So. the question is, what is the PC to be (single-classed) and why? I can see this group getting some use out of another tank, but I'm tired of my PC being on the front line. I want him to have a prominent role, but from a distance, in this group.
If you want a tank who doesn't get hit then perhaps a Blade or Fighter/mage is the answer. Once you get mirror image and stoneskin nothing's going to land much of a hit on you.
My build was
*** Longbow
** Single Weapon Style
at Fighter 3, then put **** in Longbow when you reach Mage 6.
Is the Archer still strong in BG2? Yeah, I definitely want a cleric in this mix, but that's also more of a support role to me. This has me leaning towards making Imoen the cleric and have the PC take on the sorcerer role. I figure that Lathander is the proper choice of the core three as he's the god of renewal which is most appropriate of Imoen's situation. So, for BG2, that would mean:
Minsc (front line)
Jah (starting healer/backup tank)
Yoshi (thief/archer?)>Imoen (healer)
Jan (thief/wild mage)
PC (sorcerer)
This party could definitely use another meat shield. I'm thinking Keldorn would be solid for a good party. Though, Sarevok (eventually) is tempting for storyline purposes. Actually, I'm probably better off holding off on both Keldorn and Jan until I'm ready to leave for Spellhold. Instead working with the core 4, taking on NPCs for their quests, then grabbing Keldorn/Jan afterward. How does this sound? Or, am I doing too much content in the city before going for Imoen?
Minsc and Jaheira together in BG2 is most of your tanking needs covered.
He's guaranteed to get some HP, his Dex score is decent, he has enough Strength to bear a large shield. I'm not saying Minsc can't do the job, but Minsc works best with two-handed swords and a composite longbow. Khalid works well as a tank. In the long run he is competent at melee even though he's not amazing just because he can keep specializing.
If you're tired of your cavalier getting roughed up, why not alter the party marching order? One selection puts the leader in the center of the party, I think.
Also, I generally have a scout/thief reconning such that I know when and where combat is going to happen. Thus, my fighters are at the ready, even if my wizard is in Pole Position.
On the flip side, my current play through has a Half-orc fighter/thief and he loves wading neck deep in his enemies blood, ahem... I mean combat. So I have no problem with him in the lead.
They're not in high demand in my opinion. Actually, in my last game I didn't even have anyone who wanted them so they sat in the bottom of my pack the whole time.
As for 'Best tank', I'd think that it would go:
Then Khalid
reason being, although Dorn doesn't have the best hit points, he hits pretty hard. As does Minsc. Now, if someone had said "Meat shield" instead of Tank, it might be a different order.
The thing that gets me is that what the canon party really needs is a dedicated cleric. But, the literary paradox of the story's protagonist taking a supporting role just gives me a headache. Hence, I'm using Shadowkeeper to adjust things a bit and switch Imoen after spellhold. But, that brings us back to my last question. That is, with this party:
Minsc (tank, TWF with Flails and Long Swords)
Jah (healer and backup tank, 2H weapons)
Yoshi (archer?)>Imoen (SK to single classed cleric of Lathander after Spellhold)
Jan (SK to thief/wild mage)
PC (sorcerer, I assume)
Will I fare all that well without a cleric/healer (only 1/2 a druid who will likely be buffing a lot) until I get Imoen? Also, I'd like to go for Imoen ASAP. How soon do you think I can viably head to spellhold using this party? And, is there particular gear I should make sure to have for them before I go?
You could consider a fighter/cleric dual or multi for your main character. Dwarf or Half-Orc fighter clerics hit very, very hard and are pretty bloody resilient.That would also cover your healing & buffing needs. Though to be honest at BG2 levels a Cavalier and Minsc between them get enough castings of bless, cure light wounds, chant etc to cover a lot of bread-and-butter cleric stuff. By the end of SOA your Cavalier will be able to cast DUHM, Negative Plane Protection and even Lesser Restoration.
I'm pretty far along with my Cav, though. I don't want to start over. So, I think I'll make Immy the Sorc instead, then pick up a Cleric, probably Vicky. However, I think this creates another problem. With a party of PC, Minsc, Jah, Vicky, Yohsi/Imoen, Jan, I have no room for NPC quests. I think the only way around this is if I were to take Vicky or Jan's place. Then, I'll have that empty slot, and can throw in someone like Keldorn later (for the DA), but then I lose my Cav. I keep going in circles.
@Corvino yeah, tbh, I'm not too worried about the level drain. What worries me more is the long trip to Spellhold. With a cleric, we merely need to survive encounters and s/he can patch folks up. Without one, it's definitely more of a struggle.
How does one even use a cleric? Put some *'s and two weapon fighting so they can dual wield pom-poms while they cheer on the rest of the party that's doing the real work? :P