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Importing BG1EE into BG2EE...Am I the only one who wants to import everything i horded?



  • cervanntescervanntes Member Posts: 64
    I really don't care about keeping my stuff after importing -- it makes sense given the start of BG2, and it does give you a challenge to overcome right from the start. Far more annoying to me is that any cross-over NPCs (Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc, etc) revert to a BG2 start-up version that may not even vaguely resemble how they were at the end of BG1. The classic example would be Imoen, who may or may not have been dual classed, and certainly would probably have had different thief skills and/or spells at the end of BG1. It also makes it far less appealing to use some of the stat-boosting books in BG1 on your favorite NPCs since you know you'll be losing those improvements in BG2. In short, if they are going to make anything carry over, I'd prefer it be NPC consistency. The only real hitch I could see is Imoen's spellcasting scene at the beginning of BG2, but they could just have her start with a magic item that lets her hurl a couple of basic spells (Imoen's Wand of Illegal Magic!) that she lifted from Irenicus's lab before rescuing you.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    I kind of like the fresh start.
  • luskanluskan Member Posts: 269
    Do you lose mage/sorc memorized spells when you import? My save game directory got wiped out and I won't be able to redo BGEE in time. A couple of console commands will quickly fix my lack of stat tomes and lower xp level.

    I don't mind losing my gear although I will make sure to add back the golden pantaloons and 2 other import items as if I was importing from a save game.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Any spells in your book will remain when you import your character. At least that is the way it is in BG2. Presumably it will work the same in BG2:EE.
  • TieokenTieoken Member Posts: 23
    Sceptenar said:

    Importing is like death, you can't take it with you.

    Umm, golden pantaloons? If taking my pantaloons with me is wrong then I don't want to be right.
  • ZarakinthishZarakinthish Member Posts: 214
    @luskan, even if it were the case that mages lost their spells (i.e. their spell book was confiscated), sorcerers would retain their spells since they don't use spell books. It is like the difference between someone who has to follow a written recipe to cook a meal and someone who can look at a bunch of ingredients and cook a meal. It is possible for them to turn out the same, but the thought process that goes in to making them is completely different.
  • EudaemoniaEudaemonia Member Posts: 16
    I agree that it would be nice to be able to import gear - I always used to import arrows of dispelling and scrolls of magic resistance, which are common in BG1, along with the boots of speed, greenstone amulet, etc, because I got used to playing solo and these items were really helpful. I am happy to concoct some rationalization for having these items - you get arrested in BG1, but you still have all your gear in jail, so arguments about what's "realistic" are silly. If people want to enjoy the game that way they should be able to, without having to console things in.
  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2013
    Messi said:

    etagloc said:

    Story wise it wouldn't make any sense if you still had your items.

    And the gold was used for golem butlers and nymph hoes.

    You mean golem hoes and nymph butlers right? :)
    well I guess you could make a golem look like anything you wanted.

    Ellesime the clay pleasure golem. and nymph's bending over in tiny maid outfits, this could work!
  • SpiffyMcBangSpiffyMcBang Member Posts: 160
    I'm down with the idea of powerful BG1 items being scattered about the early game, possibly with a few in Irenicus' dungeon, but it makes zero sense for you possess them off the top. You've been imprisoned for some time; he's going to leave you with squat for gear.

    That's actually one of the interesting parts of the early game, taking a rather powerful character and dealing with the lack of what accentuates that power into the heroic deeds we come to expect from them. I'm glad those items are gone.
  • SpiffyMcBangSpiffyMcBang Member Posts: 160
    edited November 2013

    I agree that it would be nice to be able to import gear - I always used to import arrows of dispelling and scrolls of magic resistance, which are common in BG1, along with the boots of speed, greenstone amulet, etc, because I got used to playing solo and these items were really helpful. I am happy to concoct some rationalization for having these items - you get arrested in BG1, but you still have all your gear in jail, so arguments about what's "realistic" are silly. If people want to enjoy the game that way they should be able to, without having to console things in.

    The implication during your BG1 arrest is that you're imprisoned for a very brief period of time, in a place surrounded by wards that prevent your departure regardless of how powerful you are. Especially if you go quietly, it isn't illogical that stripping you of your toys would slip from the top of their priority list.

    "Realistic" is a poor concept to use in any sort of fantasy setting. The people, however, tend to still act like those we'd recognize in day to day life, so determining what's reasonable for them in a given situation is... well, reasonable. As I said in my previous reply, for your goods to be scattered amongst shops and NPCs nearby is logical, but it's entirely unreasonable to think you would have them sitting in Irenicus' cell.

    P.S. I don't mean to sound judgey about people who want that stuff and choose to hack it in. Play the game as you'd like. But the vision of the base game should, IMO, conform to that basic standard of reasonableness, and I'm glad the developers are making people edit the game if they want to play a different way.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Tieoken said:

    Sceptenar said:

    Importing is like death, you can't take it with you.

    Umm, golden pantaloons? If taking my pantaloons with me is wrong then I don't want to be right.
    You get to keep the pantaloons for the same reason that Minsc Keeps Boo. you hide them in the same place.

  • SpiffyMcBangSpiffyMcBang Member Posts: 160

    Tieoken said:

    Sceptenar said:

    Importing is like death, you can't take it with you.

    Umm, golden pantaloons? If taking my pantaloons with me is wrong then I don't want to be right.
    You get to keep the pantaloons for the same reason that Minsc Keeps Boo. you hide them in the same place.

    Minsc wears Boo as pants?! OH GOD WHY
  • GreenpaktoGreenpakto Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013
    I would just like to see complete import for replaying BG2:EE such as is possible in BG:EE.
    Items from the previous game is cool and all (such as the hand, that spawns in ireincius dungeon, IF you had it in BG), but once you import the character again (after playing through TOB the engine wouldnt allow the items to stay, and they would never spawn in chests again). Just allowing items to spawn on the character as in IWD and BG is the best option.
    As ive said so many times before. It did work in BG1 and IWD, it would work in BG2:EE. The story shouldnt play a part in export and import of items, because it didnt in BG.
    (Being in a cage VS starting your first adventure, leaving candlekeep for the first time ever)
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508

    Really? thats a shame, only item ill really miss is Baldurans cloak and the 2 extra pairs of boots of speed, but still sad :(

    You can get 6 pairs of boots of speed in BG2+ToB.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    I can get 6 pairs of Boots of Speed in any IE game. ;)
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    I can't recall being able to get more than 3 boots of speed in BG1.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    CLUA Console
  • SpiffyMcBangSpiffyMcBang Member Posts: 160
    There are five pairs available in BG2 between SoA and ToB and a set of armor with equivalent movement boost in ToB. There's also a necklace in ToB that boosts movement speed, but maybe not as much.
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    edited November 2013
    6, actually.

    1 on a mob in the first encounter of the planar prison.
    1 in the machine in Spellhold
    1 on Renal Bloodscalp in the Shadow Thieves Guildhall
    1 on Illasera the Quick in the intro to ToB
    1 sold by Lazarus Librarius in Saradush/Amkethran
    1 sold by the innkeeper in Saradush.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    The Renal Bloodscalp pair is pretty iffy and requires a significant amount of metagaming and cheese to obtain. We can't be sure it's even possible in BG2:EE yet.

    IIRC you need to be death warded to avoid the instant-kill on hit of his guardian Arkanis Gath and then level or attribute drain him to death. I'm pretty sure a number of unofficial tweaks and patches have made it impossible.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Yeah I seem to remember it being an attribute drain. (Polyself: Illithid, maybe?)
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    Yup, the usual tactic is either Illithid intelligence drain or using Haer'Dalis Dex draining Chaos blade, @jackjack. He has an item that prevents him going below 1HP like a lot of unkillable NPCs, but you can stat or level drain him to death to get around it.
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    Corvino said:

    The Renal Bloodscalp pair is pretty iffy and requires a significant amount of metagaming and cheese to obtain. We can't be sure it's even possible in BG2:EE yet.

    IIRC you need to be death warded to avoid the instant-kill on hit of his guardian Arkanis Gath and then level or attribute drain him to death. I'm pretty sure a number of unofficial tweaks and patches have made it impossible.

    It requires no cheese at all, if you're prepared to wait until Bodhi's dead for good before killing him. His plot armor goes away once the Vampires have all died.
  • helmo1977helmo1977 Member Posts: 366
    If you start with all your fancy BGEE items the first parts of BG II will be too boringly easy. On top of that, it is just natural that Irenicus sold them and they are scattered over the Realms. On any case, you get ONE of your old items (which one depending on what you have from BG I when you start the game)
  • RazaDelromRazaDelrom Member Posts: 149
    I would like to see some of my old stuff in new places around BG2, but not like in your PRISON CELL. Maybe your keeper sold some of your loot and it did find a way to other people or places...
  • alaundoalaundo Member Posts: 131
    Havent it been 2? when playing with a fighter i always got helm of balduran AND chainmail+3
  • KougaKouga Member Posts: 83
    edited November 2013
    Because it tottaly makes sense that Irenicus keeps you caged armored to the teeth, with 3 bags of infinity to keep all the stuff of your future allies once you escape. All part of Irenicus' plan. Just saying. :b

    Other peoples ideas are much better and I wouldn't mind having to do some quests to retain some of my older goodies. But there's better ones out there aswell. Eitherway, it's abit late for it now, I think the devs want to focus on other parts of the game to improve.
  • Of course you aren't and I hoarded basically everything that you could hoard

    Named weapons, one of each potion, one of each gem and necklace and non-magic ring, books, leftover quest items
  • WayniacWayniac Member Posts: 132

    I agree that it would be nice to be able to import gear - I always used to import arrows of dispelling and scrolls of magic resistance, which are common in BG1, along with the boots of speed, greenstone amulet, etc, because I got used to playing solo and these items were really helpful. I am happy to concoct some rationalization for having these items - you get arrested in BG1, but you still have all your gear in jail, so arguments about what's "realistic" are silly. If people want to enjoy the game that way they should be able to, without having to console things in.

    The implication during your BG1 arrest is that you're imprisoned for a very brief period of time, in a place surrounded by wards that prevent your departure regardless of how powerful you are. Especially if you go quietly, it isn't illogical that stripping you of your toys would slip from the top of their priority list.
    But certainly, stripping you of your weapons would at least be on that list somewhere. It is as simple as, "Surrender your weapons and come willingly." I always thought it would have been interesting (and fun) to keep your armor, but have been stripped of all of your weapons before being imprisoned.

    Do you lose your items when Bodhi captures you and throws you into the maze? I can't remember if you didn't or if you did but you get them back later.
  • KrypteiaKrypteia Member Posts: 50
    Like previous posters have said, I'd like to see some of the stuff make a return, but spread out through the game world. A few items in Irenicus' dungeon, some in the in-game stores, and a few with adventuring parties, assassins and mercenaries you encounter in game. And maybe with Bohdi's upstart guild, too. Irenicus selling most of them, but maybe keeping a few items back for further study would make a certain amount of sense.

    I did a playthrough where I used the pause-exploit, and while it was kinda nice to have all my stuff, it also made the early game sections way too easy.
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