BG Video Scenes

Now That BG:EE and BG2:EE are out and the team has a bit more time i have a question: How much of you spread out in this forum would appreciate some video cutscenes for the events in the game? Gorion and Sarevok battle? An video cutscene of the final moments or for the entire fight would be awesome. Dorn's introduction killing the 3 bandits? Same. Every NPC joinable first banter with a video? Maybe too much but would be awesome. Romance scenes and top moments with an video? Would be awesome.
This probally wasn't made in the past in reason of tecnology limitations (besides final fantasy VIII in that time already do a lot of progress in this matter), but today... these videos can change totally the perspective of the game for better.
So i'm here today asking to you guys, should the devs go in this direction? Would you people support with money and Video Cutscene DLC. I know i would so let's see if we have numbers here to start the devs interests!! Only "yes with money" and "no" options as an option yes with no money would be utopian.
This probally wasn't made in the past in reason of tecnology limitations (besides final fantasy VIII in that time already do a lot of progress in this matter), but today... these videos can change totally the perspective of the game for better.
So i'm here today asking to you guys, should the devs go in this direction? Would you people support with money and Video Cutscene DLC. I know i would so let's see if we have numbers here to start the devs interests!! Only "yes with money" and "no" options as an option yes with no money would be utopian.
- BG Video Scenes35 votes
- Yes, i would give $ support for the addition of an Media Cutscenes DLC released in the future (maybe even with Pre-order)28.57%
- No, i have no interest into a Media Cutscenes DLC release.71.43%
In addition to this, I was not a fan of the style used in the redone cutscenes in BG1:EE. If anything, I'd enjoy DLC that gave the option of using the original cutscenes.
I have the opposite feeling about this, well done cutscenes would improve the imersion. But for each one it's own choices i guess.
A problem I can see for doing this for BG is... We all have unique Charnames, with our mind's eye view of what they look like, how they talk, how they move, what they wear etc... I don't see how BG ingame cinematics can incorporate our Charnames into the movies, and everybody would be offended if they made generic cinematics with Abdel as the canon Charname.
That said, I guess Diablo 3 just resolved it by leaving the PC out of all cinematics... but again, in Diablo 3, your companions were pretty much thrust upon you, whereas in BG u can travel with all sorts of parties, or all by yourself... I think it would be awkward...
It's not an impossible feature as i see it being done pretty well in some nowday games.