Toughest Bonus Boss in All of Faerun

Let's widen our perspective a bit - who's the toughest optional boss fight in the Forgotten Realms games?
- Toughest Bonus Boss in All of Faerun277 votes
- Drizzt (Baldur's Gate 1)6.14%
- Aec'Letec (Baldur's Gate 1: Tales of the Sword Coast)13.72%
- Karoug the Wolfwere (Baldur's Gate 1: Tales of the Sword Coast)14.08%
- Kangaxx (Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn)19.86%
- Demogorgon (Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal)24.91%
- Telthor Badger (Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer)3.61%
- One of Many (Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir)1.08%
- The Lost Followers (Icewind Dale 2)4.33%
- The Box Fiend (Planescape Torment)1.81%
- Other (Please Specify)10.47%
Also I only had two silver/gold weapons and no one proficient in them..........
I've only fought Demogorgon once and I didn't have any problems. I probably won't be so lucky next time round though.
I think Telthor Badger is probably the hardest out of all the options listed. It's got 30 levels of barbarian, 30+ points in each stat, and every strategy for fighting it is based on using spells to hit its will save (which is still pretty high). It's just a really frustrating boss to play against because its damage is so insane.
If you happen to have no-one using bastard swords/daggers, you have a gimped/non proficient frontliner (or a class with terrible damage/THAC0 like mage) trying to kill Karoug before he kills you. He regenerates, you - possibly, if you brought Potions of Regeneration - but certainly not that quick.
Though, I might mistake this with "most frustrating"; strategy-wise, it's really not that challenging.
for me, I never defeated Demogorgon, so he would be up there. I'd also give a nod to Aec'lectec and Kangaxx as among the toughest.
For me, Draconis (sp?) from TOB would be the top of my list. Unlimited invisibility, area effect attacks, protections against same, knock back and that @#$% unlimited invisibility so you can't target him. That's also the farthest I ever got in TOB, so...
He's so much tougher than any other BG1 boss in my experience. Doom Guard, Sarevok, and Aec'Letec were all so much easier for me to deal with. Karoug took me around 10 tries because of my party composition (no one had bastard swords or daggers). I didn't know ahead of time (I never did TotSC back in the day), and I didn't want to look up guides to spoil the adventure. Gah, I'm starting to wish I had.
Also, the flaming fist guards/amnish guards that will hunt you down if you kill too many people are pretty scary.
From the list above, probably Aec'Letec is the toughest.
Any fight where your party level is somewhere in the region of 18+ in any D&D game can hardly be considered challenging.
If you mean solely from a video game it's probably Aec'letec or Kangaxx. Those two really stand out as a challenege for their respective level.
He was and always has been stupid easy for me.
As far as I'm aware you have to use the special weapons, otherwise he can't be hurt. Not even my +3 weapons had any effect against him >_> Regular magic works okay, but I only had one spell caster whose damage potential was about as fast as his regeneration.
It's not that he's incredibly difficult, exactly, it's just that if you have a bad set-up, you're in a zone where you can't change that, and the fight will be extremely frustrating. All the others allow you to go shopping at the very least, or change your party members before the fight. Compared to every single boss in BG, he was by far the toughest for me, personally, to defeat.
I had Demogorgon down before I even seriously got into the fight (three beefed up fighters attacking him was apparently more than he could bear) and Aec'letec isn't that dangerous if everyone's outfitted with Potions of Mirrored Eyes.
The Followers of Bane though...daaaang. That took me a solid two hours (most of it on reloads), all the power my characters could pump out, every summoning spell in the book and in the end, only my Gnome Illusionist was still standing. I was literally sweating at my PC after that.
So my vote's on them.
The most difficult bosses can be found when you install the Ascension mod, which is almost an official mod considering who developed it. Now those bosses are worthy of the name. Abazigal in particular is just insanely hard.
*echos* gaaaaaaaaax kangaaaaaaaaax ...