Gnomes are awfully under-rated!

I may just be a bit of a nubbin, but gnomes are awfully under-rated! Both in actual pen&paper D&D, and fantasty video games - they seem to be a bit of a stickler for abuse.
Personally, aside from warrior orientated options - I think they're one of the most unique options!
Personally, aside from warrior orientated options - I think they're one of the most unique options!
Underrated, indeed.
Bard Gnomes=win
but why no bonus shorty saves for death rolls??
...I don't always play Baldur's Gate, but, when I do, I play a melee combatant...
More powerful in the long run tha a Half-Orc IMO
Because elves make great archers or sorcerers, gnomes cant make either of those.
Really wish we could have gnome sorcs.