New Enhanced Edition DLC NPC Final Conclusion (Add a new DLC NPC or not?)
The winners are:
1. Lawful Neutral Female Dwarfen Barbarian with a romance
2. Chaotic Neutral Male Halfling Bard with a romance
3. Neutral Female Elven Cleric without romance
According to the voting results in this polls:
1. Barbarian
2. Bard
3. Cleric
1. Dwarf
2. Halfling
3. Elf
1. Lawful Neutral
2. Chaotic Neutral
3. Neutral
1. Female (With romance)
2. Male (With romance)
3. Female (No romance)
Or you can shuffle the 3 most popular poll options a bit and make them, lets say more logical.
Just an example!
1. Neutral Female Halfling Barbarian
2. Lawful Neutral Male Dwarfen Cleric
3. Chaotic Neutral Female Elven Bard
Or whatever you want.
So the final poll is about, do you actually want to see SUCH (one of three) a New Enhanced Edition DLC NPC according to the fans voting results? Or are there enough NPCs already in the game, please no more NPCs?
Since Overhaul/Beamdog declare themselves as they are doing everything for fans and about fans, so if there would be a chance to make a DLC or simply add a new NPC, like for example Baeloth was unexpectedly added to the first game, would you like to see ONE of SUCH NPCs in BG2EE as a DLC or whatever, according to this poll results?
What do you think? Please vote and comment.
Some thoughts.
4 things are clear:
1. Fans find more interesting to play with a romancable NPC (65%)
2. Fans want to see more Neutral alignet NPCs (57%)
3. Fans want to see more shorties (Dwarf and Halfling) in the game (38%)
4. Fans want to see a Barbarian class in the game (27%) - logical enough.
And according to this poll
Neera and Dorn are fans favourites. (25% and 22%)
Even Baeloth (Easter Egg NPC) is as popular as the new BG2EE NPC Hexxat. (11% and 14%)
Rasaad is still very unpopular, even after BG2EE was released. (6%)
Actually it's a very helpfull information for the devs, I think.
And just for fun write in comments for what poll option you have voted in each poll about the New NPC?
For example my votes are:
Ranger / Elf / Neutral Evil / Female (With romance)
1. Lawful Neutral Female Dwarfen Barbarian with a romance
2. Chaotic Neutral Male Halfling Bard with a romance
3. Neutral Female Elven Cleric without romance
According to the voting results in this polls:
1. Barbarian
2. Bard
3. Cleric
1. Dwarf
2. Halfling
3. Elf
1. Lawful Neutral
2. Chaotic Neutral
3. Neutral
1. Female (With romance)
2. Male (With romance)
3. Female (No romance)
Or you can shuffle the 3 most popular poll options a bit and make them, lets say more logical.
Just an example!
1. Neutral Female Halfling Barbarian
2. Lawful Neutral Male Dwarfen Cleric
3. Chaotic Neutral Female Elven Bard
Or whatever you want.
So the final poll is about, do you actually want to see SUCH (one of three) a New Enhanced Edition DLC NPC according to the fans voting results? Or are there enough NPCs already in the game, please no more NPCs?
Since Overhaul/Beamdog declare themselves as they are doing everything for fans and about fans, so if there would be a chance to make a DLC or simply add a new NPC, like for example Baeloth was unexpectedly added to the first game, would you like to see ONE of SUCH NPCs in BG2EE as a DLC or whatever, according to this poll results?
What do you think? Please vote and comment.
Some thoughts.
4 things are clear:
1. Fans find more interesting to play with a romancable NPC (65%)
2. Fans want to see more Neutral alignet NPCs (57%)
3. Fans want to see more shorties (Dwarf and Halfling) in the game (38%)
4. Fans want to see a Barbarian class in the game (27%) - logical enough.
And according to this poll
Neera and Dorn are fans favourites. (25% and 22%)
Even Baeloth (Easter Egg NPC) is as popular as the new BG2EE NPC Hexxat. (11% and 14%)
Rasaad is still very unpopular, even after BG2EE was released. (6%)
Actually it's a very helpfull information for the devs, I think.
And just for fun write in comments for what poll option you have voted in each poll about the New NPC?
For example my votes are:
Ranger / Elf / Neutral Evil / Female (With romance)
- New Enhanced Edition DLC NPC Final Conclusion (Add a new DLC NPC or not?)93 votes
- YES. I want such a NPC.89.25%
- NO. I don't want such a NPC.10.75%
I would still like to see even more thieves (single, multi, or dual) added to BG2:EE. The vanilla game suffers so much from a lack of quality thieves, that even the addition of one just isn't enough - especially an evil-aligned one that could cause issues with a good-aligned party.
Or some people want to see Clara as a NPC.
They can vote "NO" or even don't vote at all.
Hell, you have it anyway, whatever it is, but a bard would give you it with increased gusto.
I guess a LN Female Dwarf Barbarian would be okay as the "token minority" just so we can stop talking about the lack of female dwarves/barbarians/etc. I'm sure the focus will shift to a different underrepresented combo though.
I voted Witch (new Kit) / Tiefling / Neutral / Female (with romance)
Something like.. THIS *^_^*