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Black pits 2 starting with gear bugs game?

tenkakahntenkakahn Member Posts: 110
I swear I have tried 15+ times start black pits 2 modify character delete reload so he keeps his gear clear the first stage then the scripting stops and game is stuck won't advance to victory sequence this is purposefully?


  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    Player characters are not supposed to keep their equipment after the opening fight. This is intentional, albeit the script stopping is certainly not.

    Can you describe step by step what did you do and what happened?
  • tenkakahntenkakahn Member Posts: 110
    Create character have gear get paralyzed wake up in dungeon.
    (In multiplayer mode)
    Click modify characters delete character import same character ( he now has the gear again)
    Go to the arena fight first battle once I win that first battle against the 5 orcs or whatever they are and game stops working after the last one dies and my character dissapears.
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    There're some issues with the multiplayer mode in Black Pits 2 that we've been unable to resolve before release.

    For now the best advice is to not run it in multiplayer mode. Sorry about that.
  • OneDrizzitOneDrizzit Member Posts: 5
    I got the same problem.
    I tried to import my characters in single mode but the problem keeps the same
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