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A guide to new magic items in BG2EE *SPOILERS*



  • nsrnsr Member Posts: 174
    I bought a wand of spellstriking from the wand vendor in the red wizard enclave
  • PibaroPibaro Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,989
    Ok, so I stole it from the shop :)
    Anyway, you can have it before TOB
  • DJ_DodgyDJ_Dodgy Member Posts: 18
    I also missed the ring of duplication in the tomb. I even reloaded an old save to look for it, but no idea where it is.
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    @Sev, @DJ_Dodgy: according to EE Keeper, Yi Niu (one of the six lieutenants) has it just like the guide in the first page says, but it's set to undroppable. :C
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I'll remove this location from the list for now then and we'll see how this develops
  • nsrnsr Member Posts: 174
    edited November 2013
    @ajwz Just checked the latest edit on the first post, here's some differences I see:

    Cloak of Atonement actual picks between: Armor of Faith, Chant, Chaotic Commands, Death Ward, Shield of the Archons

    Wand of Spell Striking is actually not from Gul Dukeem but from the Wands vendor in the Enclave. Difference is that you need to buy this wand before attacking since the vendor goes hostile (but you can keep Gul Dukeem non-hostile)

    Also, the Cowl of Stars does not require a peaceful resolution. You get it if you resolve the encounter peacefully, but you also get it if you kill all the Tears of Selune. Same thing for Cloak of Unerring Strikes, you can also pick that up if you kill the Tears of Selune (not sure if this means you can get 2 copies)

    The Robe of Goodman Hayes apparently doesn't set your AC to -1 but applies a -1 penalty to AC.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Has anyone figured out how to get The Brass Blade yet, or even if it *can* be got?
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    edited November 2013
    I'm very interested in the "Thayvan Circlet" wild mage item. Does anyone know what the restrictions are? I know that the Robe of Goodman Hayes is limited to neutral characters. I'm hoping the same doesn't hold for the circlet, as it's pretty much the best item you can get as a wild mage, and since that would then completely dictate my choices in... ahem... a certain part of the game.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    @kaffekoppen: Looking at it in NearInfinity, the item seems to be usable by any mage (any kit, multi or dual class) of any alignment. Apparently you don't even have to be a wild mage to equip it, let alone a neutral one.
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    edited November 2013
    Indeed. Thanks for answering. In the meantime, I realized I could just try to give it to a test save with EEKeeper. It is indeed wearable by *any* mage, regardless of alignment and even if it isn't a wild mage.

    This pleases me, as my wild mage is soon to make the jump to from BG1->BG2. That is, if I make it out of Durlag's Tower alive. Edwin just got one-shotted by a trap :)
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    A Thief with high find traps and a very gradual progression is the best advice for that den of evil.
  • HoltzmanEngineHoltzmanEngine Member Posts: 11
    is there a cluaconsole code for silver dragon armor? I've not recruited dorn so i missed it
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317

    is there a cluaconsole code for silver dragon armor? I've not recruited dorn so i missed it

  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    The Seeker's Sling: Can be used without ammo (fires +1 sling bullets). This replaces the old ability of adding strength bonus to sling damage, as this is now present in all slings.
    Mace of Disruption +1 now strikes as a +3 weapon.
    Mace of Disruption +2 now strikes as a +5 weapon.
    Kudane +1 now grants an extra attack

    What powergamers wanted for ages >.<
    Kundane gave an extra APR since the original SoA, but now it is denoted in the description.
    Now slings are ultra OP, since, well, you won't need the Runehammer anymore to hit some Undeads in ToB, so spending Warhammer Proficiency points in Anomen is useless now.
  • AlexTAlexT Member Posts: 760
    CrevsDaak said:

    Mace of Disruption +1 now strikes as a +3 weapon.
    Mace of Disruption +2 now strikes as a +5 weapon.
    Kudane +1 now grants an extra attack

    FYI, these items worked the same way in the original game.

    We merely updated their descriptions to reflect this. They are not changed in any other way.

  • mahkmahk Member Posts: 20
    edited November 2013
    Is the lifestealing dagger +4 in the game anywhere or do I have to use cheat code to get it? bah...disregard....found it one page pits only I guess.
  • mahkmahk Member Posts: 20
    Whats the code for the jade dagger +3 ? I tried every dagg up to 25 and no luck.
  • acw18acw18 Member Posts: 62
    Darn, no new Katana's? That's pretty dissapointing. Hindo's Doom is so lackluster compared to other weapons that it makes late game Katana use seem pretty bad.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    edited December 2013
    mahk said:

    Whats the code for the jade dagger +3 ? I tried every dagg up to 25 and no luck.

    acw18 said:

    Darn, no new Katana's? That's pretty dissapointing. Hindo's Doom is so lackluster compared to other weapons that it makes late game Katana use seem pretty bad.

    What were you hoping to see in a katana?

    In my opinion, the *best* weapon in the entire game is still The Answerer, which lowers both MR *and* AC with each hit, which means that every successive hit is easier to land. Coupled with Whirlwind/Greater Whirlwind/Improved Haste this weapon makes for a quick fight.
  • DJ_DodgyDJ_Dodgy Member Posts: 18
    Just been doing some neera quest arena shopping, but cant find the enforcer's bracers. I assumed the mind flayer would sell them, but he only has AC bracers and a +1 THAC0 bracer.

    Perhaps they are BP2 only?
  • ThubbThubb Member Posts: 8
    Is the brass blade actually in game? I have yet to actually find it .
  • DJ_DodgyDJ_Dodgy Member Posts: 18
    Also just finished Rassad's ToB Quest, but didn't find the Night walkers boots. All I found in the mentioned room, was the cloak and headband.

    Shame as they are nice boots :(
  • LordofBonesLordofBones Member Posts: 22
    No new staves? Awww...
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Did we need more Staves? My staff-wielding assassin has a surplus the size of Yaga-Shura.
  • Plus, I could be wrong, but it looks like they've given the Staff of the Magi a more unique model. Almost makes me want to roll with a staff-wielding fighter/mage.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    AlexT said:

    CrevsDaak said:

    Mace of Disruption +1 now strikes as a +3 weapon.
    Mace of Disruption +2 now strikes as a +5 weapon.
    Kudane +1 now grants an extra attack

    FYI, these items worked the same way in the original game.

    We merely updated their descriptions to reflect this. They are not changed in any other way.

    Oh, didn't knew. I won't put points in warhammer in the vanilla version, thanks!
    And lots of weapon descriptions were tricky.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    @Kaigen, @CrevsDaak: New Staff of Magi model


    I still want to know if the Brass Blade is actually in the game or not, though. It seems to not be, since nobody has found it yet…
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited December 2013
    @Eudaemonium I liked the old one better, it was steampunk like. But this one rocks too.
    XD your Edwin is a Red Wizard :D nice!
    Now I want BG2:EE even more :P
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Yeah, I used "Power Word, DLTCEP" to turn Edwin into a Red Wizard, Viconia into a Nightcloak, and Korgan into a Battlerager, purely so my journey through the record and inventory screens would be more flavourful.

    The Staff of the Ram also uses this model, btw, and a number of weapons have completely new icons, such as the Ravager (which now looks like a Halberd) and the Serpent Shaft (which has a snake coiling around it).
  • ThraxxThraxx Member Posts: 67
    Can any one tell me, do you need Rashad to get acces to all the new monk lewt?
    Thinking about starting a monk, but a evil playthrough, not gonna get that pansy with me.
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