Valygar, Keldorn, or Mazzy for party? (Advice wanted.)

I am working my way through BG2EE right now (using the character with which I completed BGEE for the first time), and would be grateful for some advice.
My party:
1. PC (swashbuckler [level 6] > mage [currently level 12]) [Chaotic Good]
2. Neera
3. Rasaad
4. Anomen (now 'Sir' and LG)
5. Imoen (to be added once we get to Spellhold)
I'm trying to decide which of the following 3 NPCs to use in the final slot:
a. Valygar (just completed the Planar Sphere with him)
b. Mazzy
c. Keldorn
I'm somewhat torn, as I like all three, and I'm not willing to remove any of the other four NPCs (so please don't recommend that I do so).
Thanks in advance!
My party:
1. PC (swashbuckler [level 6] > mage [currently level 12]) [Chaotic Good]
2. Neera
3. Rasaad
4. Anomen (now 'Sir' and LG)
5. Imoen (to be added once we get to Spellhold)
I'm trying to decide which of the following 3 NPCs to use in the final slot:
a. Valygar (just completed the Planar Sphere with him)
b. Mazzy
c. Keldorn
I'm somewhat torn, as I like all three, and I'm not willing to remove any of the other four NPCs (so please don't recommend that I do so).
Thanks in advance!
From a gameplay perspective, it doesn't seem like you need any spell debuffing abilities, so Keldorn's dispel isn't really necessary. I guess it just depends on your playstyle. Do you want another frontline combatant, an archer, or a backstabber?
It seems like any of these characters would work, so it just comes down to who you like the best.
You have 3 mages (you included), 1 cleric and 1 monk.
You cleric is Anomen, which means you have a tanker in the team also. If you're smart you're going to put the gloves on anomen, as he is a best tanker than keldorn and can buff himself for more dexterity.
Early game you melee power is low, later game Rassad will start to kick ass.
You have Neera in the party
Power Game perspective:
Keldorn will lack defense with the gauntlet in Anomen's wirst. Still with a 2HS he can attack from distance, from the 3 NPCs listed by you, he is by far the most powerful. If you want pure power, go for him but keep him at middle range battle and only send him after Anomen start tank the enemies.
From a Roleplay Perspective:
I believe Vaylgar will have some VERY interesting banters with Neera. She's not evil but her magic is nonetheless dangeours than Lavok's magic, being unpredictable as it is. Would be interesting to see what would happen.
Keldorn would have some minor banters with Rasaad probally, also.
From a balance perspective:
Mazzy is a fighter with 18 in dexterity. Early game, even with the wrong proficiences (short sword and short bow), she would be a good source of physical damage, while Anomen tank and later game she could go for the front lines with better weapons and a belt of giant strengh.
*notes chart is based on the assumption that all banters are two person*
*crumples up chart and pours a drink*
Iirc, at some point there is a plausible role-play option for Keldorn to leave the party (to spend more time with his wife), so hopefully that would happen before I leave for Spellhold.
I also really like her personality, and hey, she's voiced by Jennifer Hale.
The reason being that Mazzy will outdamage the other 2 for basically the entire time you have in the party. Give her a bow and keep her back until you get her enough levels to correct her horrible shortsword proficiency, and then(with a belt) she will outdamage the other two in melee as well.
Generally the reasons for taking Keldorn include his dispels, and the Holy Avenger. And while it is true you won't have anybody to use the sword, Keldorn's dispels aren't really needed with the 3 mage party that you have. This also allow ensures that Anomen gets the Dex bracers he needs. Valygar. You take him if you enjoy painted rocks, because that is about how interesting he is.
I just find his personality really flat. He isn't as bad as Cernd, though.
It isn't until after you give her some points in something other than shortsword and get her a giant's belt that she becomes a death machine like Korgan.
Next time I guess I will try a midget party with Korgan, Mazzy and Jan... Any other midgets that fit in there?
Just need to check, I'll be ok with CG CHARNAME, Jahiera, Hexxat, Neera, Imoen and Viconia right? (Also do you guys recommend Neera or Nalia? I've used Nalia before so wanted to dump her for Neera after D'Arnise Hold...)
@kryptix: Maybe your short party CHARNAME could be a dwarven defender? Alas, you'll probably need a (tall) cleric and pure mage, too.
No one else would be remotely considered short though... Unless I mod imoen to match charname's race. Can any of the midgets be paladins?
I've been enjoying using Valygar to stalk around and backstab, especially now that he has Celestial Fury. I think that I'll keep him, although Keldorn is proving to be quite impressive as well.
I'm actually tempted to keep Valygar and Keldorn, and eventually remove Anomen. But obviously having no priest would make life tough...
Mazzy I'll save for a future run.