Surviving the Black Pits 2 Ambush. (Insane Difficulty Solo)

Just completed TOB. Other than the bugs I really enjoyed the new NPCs and the new enhancements. Afterwards, I loaded up The Black Pits 2 to give it a try..... and you guessed it, the pre-made team got obliterated by the ambush. After I tried several times I gave up... Seems like there is no way to avoid the capture...
So I decided to import my charname from TOB to avenge them.. It's a Legit character with gears carried over from TOB.
Solo playthrough vs Winged + gang (insane difficulty)
Consider this video as to what might have happened if Winged and her gang decided to mess up with Charname instead.
So I decided to import my charname from TOB to avenge them.. It's a Legit character with gears carried over from TOB.
Solo playthrough vs Winged + gang (insane difficulty)

Consider this video as to what might have happened if Winged and her gang decided to mess up with Charname instead.
Post edited by shixun on
If Insane is too hard, why not try a lower setting and play 'as intended'?
Apologies if I am spewing nonsense, I haven't actually played BP 2 yet.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you kill the Winged first in a time stop, nice one !
Like what others already pointed out, I think Beamdog foresaw the community to treat surviving this fight as a challenge. After all, they did implement the scripts in case the players won. I am just glad this video is insightful to other players.
Just did it with my endgame kensai>mage, timestop seems indeed crucial to get rid of the Winged. I wonder if there is any way to win without that spell?
P.S. It could be that I am just getting unlucky hits with staff of magi.
Is it casting a spell during the time stop that let's the winged cast? I don't get it.
Did they change this in v1.2 ? It would be a shame that they took the time to create a unique dialog + ending in case you defeat the ambush, then change it so it becomes impossible to win.
Okay.... I think I know your problem. Winged shouldn't be able to cast during time stop. You cast your time stop out too slow... She probably already started casting spells on you so you end up getting captured. If she already starts her cast on you, time stop won't save you.
P.S. Winged does have a contingecy at low hp to heal herself to full.
Is there a way to get the spell off faster? Scroll vs cast from memory? Some magic item?
Is it possible they made her immune in the latest version?
We are Harbinger.
No, The Winged is not immune to TS.
No, she doesn't have a contingency to heal. Simply her script make her cast it at low hp and, IIRC, she has a casting speed bonus factor. Or they gave her a faster version of the Heal spell.
Either way she casts it very fast.
Instantly, actually.
A spell casted through a scroll can have an equal or slower casting speed time than a memorized spell, but never faster.
The Winged's "insta-freeze" is casted via script.
What you need to do is killing her before she casts it.
This is particularly easy to do during a TS.
1) out of sight
2) very fast
and that will probably make you succeed. I killed them all with a level 30 Sorcerer, and it was pretty cheesy easy.