Change troll death mechanics

The way trolls die has always been very clumsy in BG2.
- Because the script making them go down is so bad, you usually have to stop attacking them when you *think* you've done enough damage.
- Even when you've done enough damage, they can regenerate a hit point (I think this is what's happening) and survive. I've had trolls stay standing after a ctrl+y.
- They often sneak in some attacks before falling over, even if you ctrl+y a troll it can get a hit in before it falls.
For this reason, I don't find fighting trolls fun at all and as you may have guessed, I ctrl+y a lot of them as a result. I doubt anything will ever be changed, but I personally think it would be better if trolls died normally like everything else, but perhaps make them resistance to everything but acid and fire.
- Because the script making them go down is so bad, you usually have to stop attacking them when you *think* you've done enough damage.
- Even when you've done enough damage, they can regenerate a hit point (I think this is what's happening) and survive. I've had trolls stay standing after a ctrl+y.
- They often sneak in some attacks before falling over, even if you ctrl+y a troll it can get a hit in before it falls.
For this reason, I don't find fighting trolls fun at all and as you may have guessed, I ctrl+y a lot of them as a result. I doubt anything will ever be changed, but I personally think it would be better if trolls died normally like everything else, but perhaps make them resistance to everything but acid and fire.
That script is terrible.
Very poorly done. Very.
This component changes the way the game handles trolls, substituting one arbitrary hack job for another. In the unmodded game trolls carry a special item that makes their minimum hit point value 1 (so they cannot be killed). Their AI script constantly looks to see if their actual hit points are below some value (usually 12). If they are, the troll is replaced by a special alternate troll creature (the "lying down" one) that has one hit point and lacks the special minhp item but is immune to most types damage. Unfortunately, any number of situations can cause the game to fail to check that script condition (e.g., the troll is held, or many party members are beating on it at once), resulting in an "unkillable" troll that sits arond soaking up blows until (e.g.) your party walks away to give it time to "breathe and fall over". This component changes that. Trolls lose their "minimum hit points = 1" item, so they can be killed outright. As a result you will never end up with an "immortal" troll. To compensate, trolls gain 66% physical resistances to non-fire, non-acid, non-poison sources. This component doesn't particularly make the game harder or easier, but it does mean that troll group fights require less "constant vigilance" (to make sure that your party isn't "wasting time" attacking a troll that isn't going down).
Hmmm....I might be able to cook one up, but no promises, since making entirely new stuff isn't my forte.