Can't believe I just noticed this cool BG2EE feature

Hi, I have only just now noticed that the interface pause button, that gives you the time of day if you hover the mouse over it, now has a sunup-sundown icon on it.
As the day wears on, you see a little sun icon that rises and then sets in the far bottom left on the icon. As the night wears on, there's a little moon icon that rises and sets.
So, the player can now see at a glance where he/she is in the day-night cycle.
It's gotten to where I really miss things like this and the red-diamond loot pickup feature whenever I play BG1EE.
Are there any plans to backport the BG2EE interface features into BGEE in a future patch? I would really like to have the day-night cycle and loot pickup features added into BG1EE.
As the day wears on, you see a little sun icon that rises and then sets in the far bottom left on the icon. As the night wears on, there's a little moon icon that rises and sets.
So, the player can now see at a glance where he/she is in the day-night cycle.
It's gotten to where I really miss things like this and the red-diamond loot pickup feature whenever I play BG1EE.
Are there any plans to backport the BG2EE interface features into BGEE in a future patch? I would really like to have the day-night cycle and loot pickup features added into BG1EE.
I also love the new thing with the symbols on the character portraits that tell you what they are going to do next. I used to lose so many long-casting spells because I'm an idiot, now that will never happen.
I'd really like to see if anyone has some other cool new ideas for how to make the game less of a hassle. I think more quickslot item spots would be really nice.
I really want a way to see when your aura is clear so you know if you can drink a potion/start casting another spell/etc.
Also some kind of round timer would be nice, the same way that bard song ticks every round allowing you to keep track of spell durations... but without having to keep a bard around as a clock.
oh and fix spell hotkeys please! I really need Breach on B and stoneskin on T and Improved Haste on H and none of those are possible
Nope, I just noticed it for the first time, after 15 years. Interesting.
Perhaps the way the newest interface changes the color scheme and relative sizes of the icons is what finally drew my attention to it?
It had the unintended benefit of avoiding vampire encounters in Athkatla until my party was already pretty well equipped from other quests like Slavers and D'Arnise Keep. That's probably why I never had a particularly nasty first encounter with vampires in my LP.
My system kinda broke down (I wasn't religiously strict about it anyway) in ToB, cos the Pocket Plane provides a tempting safe zone to 'powernap' in the middle of a dungeon, and so much of the game is inside dungeons that day/night barely mattered.
And about it telling the time, my first half hour with SoA was 150% of moving the mouse while holding TAB to see all the actions/button's names :P.