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Imoen's Inventory

I accidentally left my Golden Pantaloons on Imoen when she was captured, and I don't have a save from the prologue section. Will I get them back when she returns later or do I need to restart the game to get them back?


  • Stasis_SwordStasis_Sword Member Posts: 91
    Captured outside the first dungeon? Doesn't she drop her equipment right there?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Check on the ground.
  • FrostWyrmWraithFrostWyrmWraith Member Posts: 8
    I just did. I found the crappy bow she had but the pantaloons are not there, weirdly enough. I guess I need to start over. Ugh.
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2014
    Autosave before leaving the dungeon? Older savegame from the dungeon? Did you check other party members inventory? Often (but not always) important items get transferred.

    In an emergency item misc47
  • LesseLesse Member Posts: 81
    I can see it now...

    "Heeeya! It's me, Imoen!"
    "Yeah yeah, give me back my golden pantaloons, woman! it's been months!"
  • victory_rosevictory_rose Member Posts: 72
    All items Imoen is carrying when you emerge from the dungeon automatically get transferred to the other characters, and once their inventories are full, the rest is dropped on the ground. If this is not happening, there must be something wrong (bug?).
  • FrostWyrmWraithFrostWyrmWraith Member Posts: 8
    @Skaffen: Yeah, I didn't notice until it was a bit too late for the autosaves, and I never bothered making a hardsave in the dungeon D:

    In the end I just restarted. Still have no idea what happened to the stupid pantaloons.
  • victory_rosevictory_rose Member Posts: 72
    I'd heard so much about how the golden pantaloons are an absolute requirement to take to the sequel, but I've decided to skip them from now on - I always play good parties, and found the reputation hit you take from obtaining the silver pantaloons in SoA hugely upsetting (I honestly didn't think I was being all that evil trying to obtain them). I've decided I can very well go on playing the game without the end product these items create. :)
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Lesse said:

    I can see it now...

    "Heeeya! It's me, Imoen!"
    "Yeah yeah, give me back my golden pantaloons, woman! it's been months!"

    Well evil characters do need a better motive for rescuing her.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,188

    I'd heard so much about how the golden pantaloons are an absolute requirement to take to the sequel, but I've decided to skip them from now on - I always play good parties, and found the reputation hit you take from obtaining the silver pantaloons in SoA hugely upsetting (I honestly didn't think I was being all that evil trying to obtain them). I've decided I can very well go on playing the game without the end product these items create. :)

    Yeah I've never even done the Big Metal Unit at all. I always play good aligned, I just have zero interest causing trouble. And The Big Metal Unit seems pretty immersion busting to me anyway (yes, I've read about it, I know what it is).
    But it saves me the trouble of keeping track of metal underwear!
  • PawnSlayerPawnSlayer Member Posts: 295
    Just use the CLUA Console for the items (particularly the Silver ones if you're playing good). Problem sorted! No restarts required!
  • victory_rosevictory_rose Member Posts: 72
    Yeah, about that - the only way for me to activate the CLUA Console is to disable my Icelandic keyboard (multiple languages incompatibility). Uh, don't think so, I need my Icelandic keyboard. So no cheating for me! :)
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