Who is the strongest mage?

- Who is the strongest mage?129 votes
- Gorion  3.10%
- Irenicus10.85%
- Elminster28.68%
- Larloch  8.53%
- Ammon Jerro  0.00%
- Khelben Arunsun  0.78%
- Karsus  3.88%
- Amelyssan  0.78%
- Midnight/Mystra22.48%
- Other (please state!)20.93%
The best would be Ao or his Master
If I were only to pick one strong mage from the Baldur´s Gate saga, the choice would be very hard - both Amelyssan and Irenicus come close of being the strongest mages. All the liches are very powerful, and the dragons are quite formidable magic users too (or, rather, fighter/mages).
The most amusing magic users with cutscenes are Sendai from ToB and Gulnan from Neverwinter Nights 1. There is just something hilarious in advancing through the drow enclave, all of a sudden being stopped by the cutscene where the drow captain informs Sendai of the incoming troublemaker. Gulnan, on the other hand, sends a projection of herself, telling of having seen visions "of the scaled ones will rule".
The Nameless One!
Lum the Mad!
And many others...
I would just point out that arguably the second most powerful mage of the FR (and likely the first most powerful non-deity mage) is this guy here:
Just an exerpt: "great archwizard of Netheril [...] When Ioulaum abandoned Netheril [...] panic spread at the news of his disappearance, leading to Karsus casting his spell “Karsus’s Avatar"." This means that his presence alone was what kept Karsus at bay. And just as a reminder, Karsus was almost in par with the old Mystra (Mystril) since she sacrificed herself to block Karsus.
Plus, Ioulaum invented this *epic* spell: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Ioulaum's_Longevity.
Furthermore, her attributes corroborate her claims, as according to her character sheet she not only has one more level of mage than Elminster, BUT ALSO 30 levels of Cleric and 10 of Deathstalker, which puts her on a higher league than deities such as Azuth, Helm and Waukeen and on par with Lathander/Amaunator!
If he had survived the events of SOA, I'd say Irenicus, due to the combination of his innate magical talent and his scientific devotion to acquiring power from nature, divinity and the arcane... and he'd have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Bhaalspawn. Seriously, imagine he'd pulled off his plans - which he only missed by a hair's breadth - then we have an already powerful mage, fused with the power of the great tree and harboring the soul of a god. The power... the POWER!
A close second not on this list is Azuth, the lord of spells.
Personally in a spell duel, I would have had 'im. But unfortunately, in the semi-finals of the Spell Duel Cup, I faced off against Savras who basically cheated by summoning a horde of monsters to fight me. I say he cheated because he payed them. If he had summoned properly, I would be a less bitter gnome today.
Anyway, he ran out of money fighting Azuth, who shafted him for me. Literally shafted him. Azuth turned that wooden shaft into a staff... Still uses it today... (Until late Edition when something strange happened, spellplaguey and we all got shafted...)
And I think putting Mystra (a god) on the list is cheating. Because then I will use my Ao/Lady of Pain card.
Lady of Pain can keep gods out of her city and that includes Mystra. That makes her far more powerful.
Edit: I have to agree with Archaos. Placing Mystra on the list kinda feels like no contest. I stick to my choice, but had Mystra not been on the list, I would have voted for Ioulaum, for the aforementioned reasons.
So I pick Tiax - because Tiax rules all.
He was. But his classes are Thief and Cleric, no scent of magic whatsoever.
I think he was there because he is batshit insane. I was always under the impression spellhold was also a bedlam house?