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Can beholders destroy armor?

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  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    Beholders shouldn't be able to destroy armor, but Nishruu (Level 6 arcane spell) and Hakeashar (Level 7 arcane spell) can destroy items when they attack you if i remember right.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Are you using any mods?
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  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Well wandering horrors just have a stun effect. I can't see why a beholder would do anything. In short I have no clue :(
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  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    thespace said:

    I found it. Somehow it ended up on the ground by where we got ambushed by a Wandering Horror & some sword spiders, right above the giant hand/below head statue (that has a compartment w/stuff in it). The Wandering Horror did "cast" some kind of fear that had Jaheira and Jan running around...maybe that made her drop her armor? Also, when the Horror was destroyed, some kind of noxious cloud appeared, damaging party members. Hmmm...

    The shadows there do a strength drain as well, could be possible that she got her strength so low that she couldn't have it equipped anymore and it somehow dropped to the ground.
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  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited April 2014
    SionIV said:

    thespace said:

    I found it. Somehow it ended up on the ground by where we got ambushed by a Wandering Horror & some sword spiders, right above the giant hand/below head statue (that has a compartment w/stuff in it). The Wandering Horror did "cast" some kind of fear that had Jaheira and Jan running around...maybe that made her drop her armor? Also, when the Horror was destroyed, some kind of noxious cloud appeared, damaging party members. Hmmm...

    The shadows there do a strength drain as well, could be possible that she got her strength so low that she couldn't have it equipped anymore and it somehow dropped to the ground.
    Hmm... I just checked by getting myself enfeebled. It doesn't cause you to drop your armor. The only case that would cause you to do so would be if you leveled up Jaheira in this case while she had reduced strength. In which case it would go to her inventory, or failing that the ground (which probably explains this).
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    elminster said:

    You are right. Apparently the wandering horror's horror (mechanically called wandering horror) has a drop weapons effect. Not sure why she dropped her armor though hehe.

    For one person, Edwina dropped her robes :P
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    The wandering horrors do a fear effect on you, which has a fairly small chance of you dropping a piece of your inventory on the ground when you run away. I've seen necklaces get dropped as well.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Amberion said:

    The wandering horrors do a fear effect on you, which has a fairly small chance of you dropping a piece of your inventory on the ground when you run away. I've seen necklaces get dropped as well.

    Agree, I remember wandering horrors and some other horror effects have this ability to make your characters drop random equipped items like armor, weapon, ring, shield, boots etc. Which is dangerous as if you don't notice the drop you may lose the item permanently or have a hard time searching for it. Not to mention if you drop a critical item like Shield of Balduran, or Amulet of Power, and face beholders/energy draining undead you are in trouble.
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    This one time MInsc threw away his armor. I'm not kidding. He goes into the next fight butt naked and dies. I'm like 'how the heck did you manage that one dude?'
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    edited April 2014
    elminster said:

    You are right. Apparently the wandering horror's horror (mechanically called wandering horror) has a drop weapons effect. Not sure why she dropped her armor though hehe.

    "Wow, that's really scary! Gods, it''s really crowded in here. It's too crowded! IT'S TOO CROWDED!"
    "Uhh, Jaheira."
    "Hold on, let me get this buckle. Alright... Hmm, should I leave my boots on?"
    "It's really cold down here, but I think I'm going to take my arming coat off."
    "Jaheira! I feel kind of funny."
    "Hypothermia setting in."
    "Ugh, great, Minsc is running around n... HEURK!"
    And, like, you know, you've got Viconia and CHARNAME just doing face faults, and all of the creatures on the map are confused.

    Ugh, had that happen, too. :/ It's like, "Dude, unless you're some Ethereal Plane creature that can possess things and you get scared out of your host -- I...ugh!".
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  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    edited April 2014
    Jaheira, always such an exhibitionist
  • WolkWolk Member Posts: 279
    She was afraid and tried to turn invisible!
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Wolk said:

    She was afraid and tried to turn invisible!

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