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Least favorite Spell and Most favorite Spell



  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    @Amardarial : that's actually very smart and clever! XD
    Too bad it can't stop the insta-damage of Abi Dalzim's horrid wilting though >.<
  • e3r4t5yne3r4t5yn Member Posts: 42
    never found use of "Luck" spell
  • EvinfuiltEvinfuilt Member Posts: 505
    Favorite is Tensers Transformation. Blade bard + transform = ridiculousness. I feel bad for all fighters once I can cast it, as xp to xp, a bard becomes a much higher level fighter when they get this spell.
    Worst, good berries, what an annoyance to use
  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
    I'm surprised several mention Detect Evil as their worst spell. It doesn't have any value in combat, but it sure as hell helps to know the motivations of who you're dealing with. Huge spell from a role-playing perspective.

    The single best spell in the entire series is Magic Missile. It's useful from the minute you leave Candlekeep (earlier if you're a mage) to the battle with Sarevok, it stays useful throughout SoA and even has its uses in ToB. Instant cast spells + Improved Alacrity are kinda good :P

    There are many terrible spells, but Infravision is probably the only one that has no utility whatsoever.

    I also find all the touch-based attacks (Shocking Grasp, Vampiric Touch) utterly useless as they require the mage to successfully hit in melee which never happens, waste time to cast other spells, and exposes the mage to grave danger, plus their effects all suck.

  • pablo200783pablo200783 Member Posts: 96
    Fire Storm great spell masive damege damage.
    Summon deva maybe not powerfull like planetar but usefull.
  • beerflavourbeerflavour Member Posts: 117
    Three spells are competing for my #1 spot.

    1) Otilukes resilient sphere
    The shit hits the fan button and I need a rescue.
    2) spell sequesters
    Ideally combined with 1)
    3) Dispel Magic
    You don't really need it that often but when you need it it's helping a lot.

    The worst spell.

    1) Lighning bolt
    Interesting damage spell if your enemies happen to walk in a line (like ducklings following their mother). But lots of potential for disaster in caves and narrow hallways.
  • beerflavourbeerflavour Member Posts: 117
    Blave said:

    What's risky about permanent free extra HP? Just put your familiar in your inventory and never bother with it again.
    In BG2 there were some nasty monsters (hakeashar / nishruu). With a successful melee attack they would destroy some magic items / uncharge wands and the like. I remember faintly losing the familiar in the inventory once. Luckily I could reload to before the battle.
  • AliteriAliteri Member Posts: 308

    1) Lighning bolt
    Interesting damage spell if your enemies happen to walk in a line (like ducklings following their mother). But lots of potential for disaster in caves and narrow hallways.

    Combining multiple lightning bolts with that sphere spell that makes you immune to 3rd level spells turns caves and narrow hallways into places for doom, for the enemy.
  • LephidilesLephidiles Member Posts: 20
    Favorite: i am gonna list a few endgame Kenzai mage once: Simulacrum then cast Tenser's Transformation on both +improved haste with celstral fury and the other kensai mage katana from adventure mart tob vendor. You and the clone can kill just about anything in the game.

    Least Favorite: Gonna list free action here as it cancels out boots of speed. Though quite usefull as well, or infravison know alignment etc
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    edited August 2012
    Most favorite: Skull Trap. You don't have to worry about monsters' elemental immunities. And, in BG II, there's no level cap for damage.

    Least favorite: Infravision. Sure, it looks nice in the spellbook, but that's about the extent of its worth.
    Post edited by Mortianna on
  • drechanadrechana Member Posts: 53
    I dont think I have a least favourite as thats quite a hard thing to have. Instead I will say

    Most Pointless: and the winner for that is, surprise surprise, Infravision.

    My favourite is: Magic Missile.
    Its the mianstay of BG Games, when getting to the higher levels it kicks ass and on the odd occasion where I have had to use 3 mages it look awesome with a shed load of fireballs coming out and ripping through a high level NPC.
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