Least favorite Spell and Most favorite Spell

I was just curious as to everyone's favorite spell (Either from BG series, NWN series, Planescape torment) and if it isn't from BG, just list what it is, and what it does, and then why it's your favorite. 
THEN, list the spell YOU think is most useless for whatever reason, and then list why
I'll totally start
Favorite spell that I use all the time is ice storm (level 4 BG series) because it's ice, is Aoe, lasts a while longer than fireball, and has the chance to freeze people to death, which is always fun!
The spell I feel is most useless... is probably detect evil. This spell, unless if i'm mistaken, is only needed ONCE in BG2 IF you're a paladin.

THEN, list the spell YOU think is most useless for whatever reason, and then list why

Favorite spell that I use all the time is ice storm (level 4 BG series) because it's ice, is Aoe, lasts a while longer than fireball, and has the chance to freeze people to death, which is always fun!
The spell I feel is most useless... is probably detect evil. This spell, unless if i'm mistaken, is only needed ONCE in BG2 IF you're a paladin.
Take a guess about the order
Ohh and least favorite.. The good damn mindcontrol spell that mindflayers throw at you... The fact that my greed force me to clear out the mindflayer lair in the underdark, combined with this spell have resulted in no end of cursing over the years..
Hate: Druid/Goodberry - yay... berries...
Least: wail of the banshee
Hate: Invisibility (at least when monsters use it)
Infravision and Wish.
Guess which is which.
It's honestly just a boring spell you either save and it does nothing or you don't and you die nothing else.
As a side note the animation for it is just as boring as the spell itself.
2. Isaac's greater missile storm + greater spell penetration + maximize spell (A number of energy missiles (one per caster level but to a maximum of 20) appear and randomly target and hit any hostile creature in the area of effect. If there are more creatures than missiles, only the closest targets will be damaged. If there are more missiles than creatures, one of the creatures will be hit with multiple missiles. Each missile does 2d6 points of magical damage.)
Useless - Infravision
Personally I have never used Infravision, but since that's a popular choice, I'll go with... Know Alignment (shocking twist from the already mentioned Detect Evil).
can someone PLEASE tell me exactly what the use of infravision ACTUALLY is? I was thinking that it let Humans have better hit dice rolls at night... or something like that, but if it's use is just to tint your guys red at night, then I may want to kill myself.
Just remembered, isn't there a ring AND a helmet of infravision? The spell becomes a bit more useless than it already is (if that's even possible)
Worst; Infravision is too mainstream so I'll say Know Alignment. BG is black and white enough to know when you're talking to an evil creature within 5 seconds anyway.
Shadow Door - Looked awesome in BG2 opening scenes until you get it and ur like what the hell improved invisibilty but a level higher?!
Favourite: Dragon's Breath - Incredible damage, ignores magic resistance, party friendly, fast casting time
Least Favorite: Confusion - Hold person is more effective, lower level, and doesn't result in enemies scurrying half-way across the battlefield and back
most hated spell: web. God i hate that spell. Early game, you all sit around not doing anything as just everyone fails the save, execpt archers/mages on both sides outside the area. no priest spell to get rid of it either. And yeah, i can equip free movement items, but i like to run around with haste on and free movement cancels out haste.
also, i hate spiders, and the web spell is always around spiders......
Hate: everything with webs in it
Nishruus just destroy the loot - I never use them.
General comment: some of the constant effect spells really need to scale with player level to a larger degree (I'm looking at you, wizard buffs) above and beyond "3 rounds + 1 round/lvl". Esp. ghost armor, blur, and these other passive +AC / spellsword spells.
Other good spells: IWD has a lot of druid spells that aren't in the BG series: icelance, thorny outcrop (or whatever it was called), crashing wave.. these should definitely be in the BG series. Now that they're implementing the TobEX scrolling spellbook, we no longer have spell book space to worry about.
Some faves:
It's very satisfying to Charm or Dominate enemies and unleash them on their own party.
I also love when the lowly level 1 spell Chromatic Orb manages to blind, stun or even paralyze the target (especially a major bad guy).
I sometimes like having my wizards (or fighter-mages) waltz up to weakened enemies and use touch spells Ghoul Touch and Vampiric Touch to finish them off.
Useless spells, beyond Infravision: Friends, Know Alignment, Detect Evil.
Least favourite spell: there is a couple of spells I find ompletely useless but as I don't use them I forget what they are.
Find Familiar always seemed like a risk. After rolling for hours for a good Constitution number I hate to lose a point.
Worst: Anything with an area effect . Because I always seem to end up with half my characters in the blast radius.
Favorite Spells:
BG1: Sleep. Ends so many encounters with multiple enemies. Useless in BG2, though.
BG2: Stoneskin - and Breach to cancel the Stoneskins of your enemies. Ridiculous good defensive spell.
Least Favorite Spells:
BG1: Ignoring the "Why would anyone even consider using this?!?"-spells like Infravision, Horror is probablay my least favorite. Why would I send my foes running all over the place if I can lock them down just as easy with web. Or Entangle. Or Stinking Cloud. Or Hold Person. Or...
BG2: Every kind of Charm or Domination spells. Yeah, they are powerful. But if the charmed enemy is killed by some other enemy, you don't get XP. I won't let anyone or anything reduce my XP!
least favorite was sunfire because it just ended up hurting my party