Evil character endings are disappointing

First off, be warned that there is a SPOILER ALERT in effect as of now
Has anyone noticed that the evil character endings are a bit disappointing compared to the good characters, with the exception of Korgan and Hexxat, it seems evil characters get the short end of the stick.
Take everybody's favorite Half-Orc Blackguard Dorn for example, I mean after defying the Gods themselves and potentially killing two of the most powerful infernal creatures in the lower planes, he gets captured twice by a paladin and then killed when he refuses to be captured again, or Viconia, who becomes one of the most powerful clerics in Faerun, basically on the level of a Chosen, either A. dies of poison or B. Becomes pals with Drizzt.
Any thoughts?
Has anyone noticed that the evil character endings are a bit disappointing compared to the good characters, with the exception of Korgan and Hexxat, it seems evil characters get the short end of the stick.
Take everybody's favorite Half-Orc Blackguard Dorn for example, I mean after defying the Gods themselves and potentially killing two of the most powerful infernal creatures in the lower planes, he gets captured twice by a paladin and then killed when he refuses to be captured again, or Viconia, who becomes one of the most powerful clerics in Faerun, basically on the level of a Chosen, either A. dies of poison or B. Becomes pals with Drizzt.
Any thoughts?
I don't think the evil NPC's get the short end of the stick.
"You'll have to face it, the endings are the same however you slice it. Don't be deluded by any
other endings, they're all fake, either deliberately fake, with malicious intent to deceive, or just
motivated by excessive optimism if not by downright sentimentality.
The only authentic ending is the one provided here:
John and Mary die. John and Mary die. John and Mary die.
So much for endings. Beginnings are always more fun. True connoisseurs, however, are known
to favor the stretch in between, since it's the hardest to do anything with.
That's about all that can be said for plots, which anyway are just one thing after another, a what
and a what and a what.
Now try How and Why."
(The whole story is here, if you're interested: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~rebeccal/lit/238f11/pdfs/HappyEndings_Atwood.pdf)
But as to your premise that it's the evil characters that have it worst, I can only point you to Rasaad's non-romance ending, if you haven't seen it already. Those corrupted Sun Soul bastards slaughtered him, after all the good he's done. It's just awful.
At least Korgan got a good ending doing what he loved. LOL, I guess I brought that one on myself
Rasaad has another ending if you deal with the whole twofold truth quest differently
To be honest i don't feel that we can make a cut between 'good/bad' endings based on alignments, because there are 'bad' endings for characters of all three alignments (good, neutral, evil).
Cernd and Jaheira (no romance) have the worst endings in my opinion, none of the evil npc's come close, not even Viconia (romance).
And Rasaad has nothing on Cernds ending, now that is tragic.
Yeah I guess but I have a question about Keldorn, is he an exarch of Torm now?
Dorn: He's an epic 30 level Blackguard by the end of ToB. How many epic level Paladins are running around that manage to capture him? Why didn't he use buffs, poison weapon, Greater Whirlwind, summon freaking fallen deva to deal with any of them?
I don't like when characters in a novel or ending are treated like 1st level commoners.
Viconia: She gets poisoned. She should cast Remove/Cure/Delay Poison immediately. Then summon a planetar or some huge undead to deal with the assassin.
Or Hold Person, or Finger of Death, or Gate, or freaking IMPLOSION, or Symbol of Death/Stun.
She's an epic Cleric of Shar for crying out loud.
I don't care if the Assassin has x8 backstab, a katana and poison. You're not taking an epic Cleric down that easily.
And if they both survived so many things, including dragons, demiliches, monsters, and a would-be god. They can very well survive a freaking Paladin and an assassin.
My point is, if you want to kill off a really powerful character, they should face an equally powerful challenge fitting to their supposed power.
Not: "rocks fall everybody dies". "No, the wizard turns into an Iron Golem and holds the ceiling, the Druid turns into an Earth Elemental and does the same, then summons more elementals to do the same. The Cleric protects everyone and if anyone dies, he resurrects them or teleports them".
Or, "they cast Wish and Miracle and the rocks don't freaking fall". (Neverwinter Nights 2 OC ending, I'm looking at you.)
Don't forget: that Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul were a group of adventurers that probably got into epic levels and challenged Jergal to be gods.
That's what the History of the Dead Three says. (Bhaal the Fighter/Tyrant, Bhaal the Assassin, Myrkul the Necromancer).
And there are far more powerful beings in the Realms. Larloch, Ioulaum, Archdukes of the Nine Hells, Demon Princes. Those are not gods.
Very powerful "monsters" in the Epic Level Handbook in 3E. Or Elder Evils.
And Great Wyrms (VERY old dragons of any color) are 40+ level monsters.
Here's a list of just the Great Wyrms in Faerun. http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Great_wyrms
It is admittedly harder to imagine Viconia falling to an assassin. Viconia could have been slain in an area of dead magic (the way Matron Baenre died to Bruenor Battlehammer). Or perhaps a weapon that specifically targeted Viconia (say, a weaponized version of Baron Ployer's curse) sealed her fate. Given that the Spellplague story arc was so implausible, I would not consider such a contorted explanation for Viconia's death as out of bounds.
Fzoul Chembryl who was a chosen of Bane and now a demi-god was level 17/2. That's level 19 when he became a demi-god.
Daurgothoth the dracolich is a level 20/5 and one of the most powerful beings in fearun. That's not only a dragon but also a lich. High level magician (20 wizard, 5 arch mage) and the melee power of a dragon. But he still isn't as powerful as some of the NPC's in your party.
Now if we look at gods, none in your party can touch them, as you're all mortals, so they are out of the discussion.
So yes the level you reach in this game is silly when a spoiled little girl like Nalia can go toe to toe against the most powerful foes and magicians in Fearun.
When Bhaal, Myrkul and Bane became gods they weren't that high level.
Dorn can still cast Draw Upon Holy Might to buff himself or summon a really powerful undead.
And Viconia can still cast all her very powerful protections and spells.
Hell, even naked or in clothes (VERY unlikely for 20 level characters) and with no spells memorized, they can still put on a fight or use a few basic items.
I would prefer if a group of Paladins and Clerics track down Dorn as he's a champion of evil that must be stopped.
Or a raid party led by Clerics, Mages, Fighers and Assassins of Lolth, tracking down the traitorous Viconia finally find her with Divinations and ambush her.
That's much more believable than "a random NPC kills them".
In my opinion 18-25 is more canon than the level 30-40 you can reach in the game.
Take a look at my half-elf fighter/mage.
STR - 23 (Deck, Tome, Lum's machine, Hell trial)
DEX - 20 (Tome, Lum's machine)
CON - 22 (Tome, Lum's machine, Hell trial)
INT - 20 (Tome, Lum's machine)
WIS - 21 (Tomes, Lum's machine)
CHA - 12 (Tome, Lum's machine) - With the ring of human influence and a friend spell he'll have 24 Charisma.
He could pretty much wreck anything and anyone in Fearun that isn't a god. He could slice up Demi gods without problem. It just isn't realistic.
Son gets ignored.
Son gets hold of twisted magic and commands an army that could destroy the sword coast.
Gives up his position as Grand Druid to repair his relationship with his son.
They end up fighting.
Both die.
Tree grows on the spot they die.
You can find his epilogue here - http://www.gamebanshee.com/baldursgateii/npcs/cernd.php#null
I prefer your version of Cernd's ending to the original. It sounds so much like an afterthought, just the way Cernd was in the game.
Now what have Cernd done to deserve his ending? His most heinous crime must be peeing on a flower or something.
At best, you would make Dorn one of their Chosen, along with Viconia and other NPCs, perhaps.
Also, would Charname gain the worshippers automatically, I mean surely word would have to be spread about the ascension of the new Lord of Murder before he could gain followers, and who better to do that then the people who helped you ascend?