Well the basic idea I had for the character is that he kills an older human mage and by doing so figures out a way to make himself appear to look like him. Cap and all I guess.
Plus aren't caps fashionable? Just look at Irenicus
Well the basic idea I had for the character is that he kills an older human mage and by doing so figures out a way to make himself appear to look like him. Cap and all I guess.
Plus aren't caps fashionable? Just look at Irenicus
If there was a button for dislike based on fashion sense i would have done that to your post. I'm depressed now, cap of all things? Pssh.
Anyways my current idea for Yeorg is that he's actually taken up residence in the north-eastern most hut in Gullykin (oddly enough in the vanilla game it has nobody in it).
He's actually partly responsible for the Kobolds being released into Gullykin. He originally actually came to Gullykin looking for information about treasures in Durlag's Tower and the Firewine Ruins and after staying in the village for a bit of time he learned about the secret passage between the villages winery and the ruins. Shortly after that he was approached by Jenkal. Jenkal had this idea where Jenkal, the Ogre Mage, and Yeorg would collaborate in order to gain money from the rest of the villagers.
Essentially the Ogre Mage and Jenkal would allow Kobolds loose into the village. As an outsider who was viewed by the villagers as a capable spellcaster Yeorg would then offer (to Gandolar Luckyfoot) to investigate how the Kobolds were entering the village. Needless to say this was a task that Yeorg demanded a relatively large amount of money for (given the limited wealth of the village). By the time your adventuring party has arrived the village coffers are largely dry (and the kobold attacks have only become bolder). In addition, though nobody but Yeorg and Jenkal know this, Yeorg recently used a portion of the funds he has acquired from the villagers in order to eliminate the band of hunters that Luckyfoot is hoping are returning shortly.
Not surprisingly Luckyfoot tasks your party instead with discovering the truth behind how the kobolds are entering the village as by this point he doesn't believe Yeorg is capable of doing so (he hasn't however caught on to the arrangement between Yeorg and the others).
A lot of the main concepts of his backstory, including why he is in Gullykin and what that has lead to, will be mentioned primarily in his biography (rather than text between characters).
Essentially when you arrive you have 3 branches you can take with the mini quest.
A) Without first talking to Yeorg at all you kill both Jenkal and the Ogre Mage, and then talk to Yeorg (this branch is also the same as if you talked to him but didn't have him join). Having heard about the deaths of Jenkal and the clearing out of the Firewine Ruins Yeorg may accept the premise of joining your group (this will also depend on your alignment and what you say to him). The downside with this is that by not having Yeorg in your party (at least when you confront Jenkal and the Ogre Mage) you miss out on a few banters about these plans (Jenkal and the Ogre Mage don't otherwise make any mention of the plans).
Having killed either Jenkal or the Ogre Mage (but not both) you talk to Yeorg and agree to have him join your party. Yeorg agrees to join your group however you have 3 days to eliminate whoever it is that you have not yet killed. The reason for this is that Yeorg has basically decided that with your arrival the jig is up and its time to clean house. While prior to this he was fairly confident in his ability to survive if the halflings were to discover this arrangement and attack him, your arrival has complicated matters and he'd rather just leave as soon as possible.
C) You talk to Yeorg before killing either Jenkal or the Ogre Mage and have him join your group (as with the other approaches how effective you are at this will in part depend on your alignment). If you are looking to learn about the plan and the situation as a whole this ends up being the best approach. I'm planning on giving both Jenkal and the Ogre Mage special dialogue if Yeorg is in your group. Like with option B Yeorg will only remain in your party for 3 days. If by that point the Ogre Mage and Jenkal are both still alive Yeorg will leave.
I've also decided to change his alignment to Neutral Evil. It sets him apart a bit from Baeloth and I think it makes more sense than chaotic evil (given what I've written above). If/when I expand the mod into BG2EE that may change (for story related reasons that would take place between the two games).
The dark of night, the shadows, my blade and bow... poison, too, lest we forget... are all tools in this trade of mine.
But the most important tool of all is a secret well-kept... for knowledge truly is power.
With it, I know where to find my prey. With it, I know when and how to finish them off. And I have never failed to do so.
I have been called many a thing; Bitterblade; Widowmaker; Secretkeeper.
You, CHARNAME, may call me Rikasha... and for a modest fee, my skills can be yours."
Clad in the ragged grey-green robes common to the clergy of Talona, this strange woman's face is hidden behind an iron mask with a beak-like protrusion where the wearer's nose and mouth should be. Her voice, while unmistakably feminine, is slurred by a peculiar accent. Even her hands and feet are hidden underneath layers upon layers of dirty and bloody bandages. Who -- or what -- is she? A human? An elf? Perhaps something else entirely?
Once she is found on the roof of the Copper Coronet in the Slums District, she is seen killing a man by the name of Jerroth; a powerful mage. After some dialogue, she tells you now that she is done with her latest assignment, she would like to join you... for a price. You can try to confront her for the murder of Jerroth but she will flee if you do so. If you pay her, she joins your party.
A few days later (in-game, that is) she recieves a new mission; to kill her former mentor Nyriss the Dancer. From there, her personal quest will lead you to new locations, like the Crone's Dagger, a stone tower hidden by magic, and Nyriss's Nest.
It is later on revealed that Rikasha is, in truth, an albino kenku hailing from Kara-Tur and that her true name is Yae Lin. She was exiled due to the belief that she was the bringer of death and suffering.
Nyriss, who is a succubus that escaped from the Abyss, took the young kenku under her wing. She showed Yae Lin the ways of the Talonite faith... and soon, Yae Lin, who now called herself Rikasha, grew to love her twisted mother-figure. She is unsure why she has been tasked with killing her... and whom she should betray - her so-called mother or her faith. You will be the one who decide.
She cannot be romanced, but you can eventually become friends -- sort of -- with this vile women. She has her issues, but she will prove to be a loyal companion.
I was thinking, that BG2 needs more evil npc characters in the game. So I came up with two characters for now, who really fit to my party and be really evil.
Special abilities: She can create her own poisons in the form of flasks and throw it at her target. (Like Potion of Firebreath or Potion of Explosions. Something like that... )
Note: Worshiper of Talona, Lady of Poison and Mistress of Disease. She will have a hostile relationship with the characters like Keldorn, Anomen, Aerie, Mazzy, Jaheria and Rasaad.
( She is more evil than Hexxat. Hexxat doesn't even act like any evil NPCs. She is like Nathyrra, who has Lawful evil alignment, but act as good character. )
Romance: Yes. Requirements: Female Human, Elf, Half-elf or Halfling. The character must have at least 12 charisma for his romance.
Location: He stands near to the temple of Oghma in Docks District and refuses to be arrested by two Cowled Wizards, who saw him cast spells in Athkatla. Help him and after the battle, he will join your party.
This is the current NPC for BG2 I'm writing and coding. It probably won't be presentable any time soon, and this is my first full NPC project so it's relatively simple.
Name: Gleya Gender: Female Race: Human (Air Genasi) Class: Cleric Alignment: Chaotic Good Deity: Selune
I've had an idea dancing about for a while within me.
Name: Abelaa Gender: Female Race: Half-Elf Class: Transmuter Alignment: NG
Stats: 12 Str 15 Con 17 Dex 16 Wis 18 Int 10 Chr Total: 88
Born from an adventurous human mother who didn't expect a quest in the forest to go so well, Abelaan has a few issues with her mother who blames both of them for her shortened adventuring career. Far from abusive, Abelaa is ridden by guilt for a crime she cannot (or will not) grasp. She does not even know where her mother hails from; she simply settled in the closest city to raise her child.
Abelaa tends to be honest when she talks, but always afraid she'll say something that upsets someone.
She is young, in her mid twenties, which is about the time Half Elves reach Adulthood if I recall right, but despite her age, she has much magical potential. She finds herself at the Council Building, studying to become a potential enforcer, but the job is bringing her down with a sense of misery lingering in the air. Abelaa feels there might be somebody corrupting the place and needs an excuse to get out and prove it. She might recognize you from the incident in the Promenade and begs you to take her on so she can 'investigate you.'
She'll have her biggest beef with Edwin (who had you kill one of their number) and Valygar for obvious reasons. Between the two, they're the only ones she'll likely come to blows with. Abelaa will go along with both quests, and will have a few words with Rayic if she meets him, but he'll attack anyway, calling her weak.
The quest to kill Valygar is one she'll be fine with either outcome, but deep down, she always had suspicions about Tolgerias, and wouldn't mind putting a damper in his plans.
Abelaa is a romance option for either gender if the character is any race except halfling or half-orc.
Abelaa doesn't have any special equipment, but if either Rayic dies or the sphere gets liberated, a small quest will begin, and if both mini-quests complete, another new one will begin as well where Abelaa may very well turn away from the wizards.
Things can get interesting if you return from Spellhold, a place she didn't even know existed.
But that's all I have so far after about... 10 minutes of thinking.
Myself, I'd love to see a mod that turns Laurel (the paladin that you go "gibberling hunting" with) into a joinable NPC. At the conclusion of your interaction with her, both the dialogue and journal entry indicate that you will likely see her again - but this never happens. I always felt as though something was left hanging by this.
I'd love to see a mod that makes Laurel appear later in the game and offer to join you if you've already helped her - perhaps upon entering the first Cloakwood area or Baldur's Gate. I think that I'd like to see her as a cavalier (since there are no other such NPCs in either game), perhaps dual wielding bastard swords (which is the weapon that her current in-game character uses). If you were to meet her upon entering Cloakwood, her immunity to poison would certainly come in handy in the forthcoming battles against spiders and wyverns.
Using EE keeper reveals that the stats for her current in-game character are: 15 str, 12 dex, 9 con, 14 int, 13 wisd, 16 char
For a modded version, I think that I'd like to see her dex raised to 17, con to 14, and char to 17 (which is the minimum for paladins) - not really sure though.
Brage was always the one I saw most interesting. A beloved town family man and soldier gone batty for seemingly no reason, gaining the power to cleave friend and bounty hunter alike.
18/83 Str 11 Dex 17 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 13 Chr
Alignment: CN
That is his stat spread, which is surprisingly good.
Now, granted, in BG1, he's in a worse state of mind than Xzar*Tiax*Quayle*Minsc*Xzar... to the fifth power!
That's why he'd mostly be a BG2 NPC, probably undergoing reforms.
I know that they're technically 3.5 edition but I've had an idea for a while about a Greyguard. A paladin NPC who's not as annoying as Anomen and wouldn't complain about the Shadow Thieves when Bodhi is obviously the greater evil.
Name: ???? (Can't think of one but preferably something Maztican)
Race: Human (specifically half-Amnian and half-Maztican)
Alignment: Technically Lawful Good but not squeaky clean Lawful Good. He follows a less restricted code than the average paladin and does whatever must be done to protect the innocent and helpless. This doesn't give him a free pass to do whatever he wants and any seemingly 'evil' acts must be justified in that it contributes to the greater good. For example, he doesn't complain about joining the Shadow Thieves since it's for a greater cause i.e saving Imoen.
STR: 15
DEX: 16
WIS: 14
INT: 13
CHA: 17
Deity: Torm/Hoar (haven't decided)
Backstory: NPC is the son of an Amnian colonist and one of his many Maztican concubines. He was never acknowledged and was a servant slave which he hated. His mother died when he was 10 and seeing no other reason to stay, he ran away, stowing away on a ship heading to Athkatla. While trying to survive on the streets through petty thievery he picked the wrong mark and was about to be killed. Fortunately, a senior paladin of the Order was in attendance and he saved the NPC's life, adopting him in the process.
Eventually, the paladin who adopted him was poisoned by an Amnian slave owner/nobleman after he got too close to one of his operations. Enraged at his mentor's death, the NPC planned revenge and was kicked out of the Order afterwards for associating with a few unsavoury characters in his quest for retribution though interestingly enough, he didn't fall and instead became a Greyguard.
Would be found in the Copper Coronet in one of the slave prisons (near where you find Hendak) where he was put after he got too close to finding evidence. Recruitment involves freeing him and helping kill the man who killed his mentor after finding sufficient evidence.
Romance: No. Another part of his backstory would be that he used to be 'involved' with a fellow member of the Order who left him when she found out that he kept his plans for revenge secret and subsequently informed the Order, having began to worry about him falling down a dark path. She didn't think that the Order would kick him out and after doing some investigating herself out of guilt she is kidnapped by the nobleman/slaver.
Conflicts would probably be Dorn, obviously. If you recruit him after the reenactment of the Red Wedding, Dorn will eventually taunt him about being on the brink of falling and they come to blows, Anomen (Minor disagreements about morality and what a paladin should do, nothing too serious), Mazzy (same reason as Anomen)
Gets along with Keldorn since his adoptive father was a friend of his, Valygar and Nalia.
He has a special piece of equipment (an amulet of Maztican design that belonged to his mother) though I haven't decided what it does exactly. The amulet itself is a tribal heirloom and once belonged to a chief of a now destroyed native tribe who was the NPC's grandfather. The NPC works best with bastard sword and shield though he's comfortable with a crossbow.
@Mhamza That is actually an incredibly awesome character. With more development that would easily be a mod I'd use. I love the idea of a "greyguard". (something I haven't heard of before now)
I want to see Winthrop as a recruitable NPC. He can start with the key to the Star Sapphire chest upstairs in the inn.
Beyond that, he should be a level 40 sorcerer, with 5 more spells per day per level than an ordinary sorcerer of the same level, and permanently under the effect of improved alacrity, and having his cast times reduced by 7. His spells should also ignore all resistances and immunities, do triple damage, and apply a -10 penalty to enemy saves. After all, it only makes sense that Candlekeep would attract arcane practitioners.
In order to balance these modest advantages, he doesnt like gnomes and will sulk for 1 round when you first recruit them, during which time he is unresponsive to commands.
@Elrandir Thanks, I have some more ideas including but not limited to: the reveal that the man who murdered his mentor is connected to the Greyguard's father who runs a business selling slaves from Maztica, the possibility of corrupting the Greyguard by making sure his kidnapped lover dies which itself depends on how you deal with it. The Fallen Paladins would have some unique dialogue options where they invite him to join them in fighting Charname having heard of his expulsion from the Order though he turns them down.
I'm not sure how the Greyguard kit would work compared to the famous Cavalier and Inquisitor but I'm thinking of giving him backstab and hide in shadows in exchage for turn undead and not being able to wear anything heavier than studded leather though the NPC starts out with a special suit of chainmail that was commissioned specifically for him and heavily influenced by Maztican design.
You can join Bodhi and keep him but it would depend on choosing the 'good' tasks.
These are just ideas for the moment and unfortunately I have no experience whatsoever with modding but its always nice to share ideas.
A Neutral Alignment shortie of any class available before reaching Baldur's Gate. Perhaps a Gnome related to the Mirrorshaes of FAI who can be found upstairs in Firebead's house in Beregost. I mean, how lame is having Firebead play such a prominent role in the game ~appearing both in Candlekeep and Beregost~ for so little purpose [unless of course you chat him up ad infinitum].
Probably a pure thief or thief/mage which would allow a Charname fighter with Imoen Dualling early to Mage.
Let's take this in another direction and talk about existing characters you'd want to see as NPC mods.
* Cabrina (Lawful Evil Human Bounty Hunter). One of BG2:EE's best side characters, she's L's assistant in Hexxat's questline. Funny, flirty, a real troublemaker, and she could easily join the team
if Hexxat chooses a mortal death.
* Delainy/Durlyle (Chaotic Neutral Werewolf). A loose end from the first game, and one that could have developed nicely as a party member.
* Tlyysixxous (Lawful Evil Sahuagin Cleric). The high priestess sacrificed by Senityili when you need to get Sekolah's Tooth. I've always thought the Sahuagin City and the Underdark would have benefited greatly from having at least one potential party member lying in wait, just to add a bit more interest on the player's part - which brings me to:
* Magda (Lawful Evil Duergar Fighter). Easily the highlight of the first "Black Pits", Magda is the ticked-off heavy weapons seller ready to take a hammer to her irritating husband Brendak.
* Solaufein (Lawful Neutral Drow Fighter). The Weimer mod takes too many liberties with the character, IMO - I would've loved to see something a little closer to how he's originally presented...
Valorne's vision blurs as he glances down at his bloody hand. The hand holding the sickle.
"Don't make me... Don't make me repeat myself, boy."
Valorne closes his eyes. He feels something slide down his cheeks. What, he does not know. By the gods, he does not know. With a twist of his arm he tears the sickle's blade trough and out of his father's belly. The half-orc falls to his knees even as his intestines hit the rain-soaked ground.
"You... did well, Val."
"Why... why did you make me do this?"
"The pack... the pack needs a new alpha to lead them. I am old. And the sickness have made me weak. And I... this is the death I have longed for. By your hands, pup."
Now it is Valorne's turn to sink down to his knees. The half-elf takes his father's face in his hands. Urkh the Bull. Urkh the Strong. The half-orc's eyes shows nothing but pain and pride now. There is no anger. No sorrow. No fear. No regret.
"Father... I..."
"Don't say it. You're stronger than that. Just... finish it. It will please Malar. Then go... go join your brothers and sisters. They're waiting for you... Valorne. Alpha."
Valorne touches his own cheek. Tears. He is certain of it. And he hates himself for it. So weak. He is so weak. Rising up, he lifts the sickle over his head. His eyes locks with Urkh's.
"I won't be your little crybaby anymore. I will become strong. Stronger than even you. This I promise you."
The half-orc chuckles, his lips and teeth painted red. He spreads his arms and grins in spite of the pain. His eyes does not leave his son's.
"I know you will."
Valorne, TN (NE) male half-elf fighter/druid of Malar
17 17 12 11 16 15
Background: When Valorne was but a baby, he was left in a forest by his real father. Praying that the gods would forgive him, the father left his small child to either starve or freeze to death. Eventually the baby started to wail, which enabled Urkh, a half-orc ranger of Malar, to find him.
Urkh took the tiny half-elf with him and made sure his pack of wolves accepted him as one of their own. As Valorne, affectionately called Val and pup by his foster-father, grew older, Urkh taught him of the thrill of the hunt and the slaughter, of the beauty of bloodshed; all in the name of Malar. While was never able to grow as strong as his father on a physical level, he was swift and wise, and skilled in using the magical energies of nature.
When his father hair-turned grey and he started to cough up blood, Valorne felt worry for the first time in his life. Urkh was sick and no matter what healing spells Valorne cast upon him, nothing seemed to help. His time was near.
And so Urkh gave his son a final test - one last hunt to complete. He would flee and his son would follow, along with his wolf brothers and sisters. They would slay him. That way, Valorne prove himself worthy of becoming the next alpha and the apex predator of the pack.
Goal(s)/motivation(s): Valorne is a lost soul that has travelad far across the face of Faerûn. His pack is always with him and so he never alone. Yet despite all their succesful hunts, Valorne feels that something is missing. A prey worthy of his skill, perhaps, or a mate worthy of his affections? He is uncertain... but perhaps you, Bhaalspawn, might show him what path he can and ultimately will take?
Appearance and personality: His skin has the color akin to that of an autumn leaf and his long, wild hair is dark green. His eyes are crimson. You cannot help but wonder what sort of blood runs in his veins. He is clad in dark leather and is rarely seen without his schimitar.
Caring little for smalltalk, Valorne is as grim as he is arrogant. He has little to no love in his heart; only a mate worthy of his affections might win him over. He is dark, brooding and his faith in Malar is absolute. He sees his enemies as prey to be hunted down and slaughtered. He has however a somewhat softer side to him, as seen when/if he falls in love in you or when his pack is concerned. Of his late father, Urkh, Valorne says little. You might be able to open him up about it, but do not hold your breath.
He would be romanceable, by elves, half-elves, half-orcs and humans with any evil alignment.
A spirit that only you can see and speak to... She can't physically attack or communicate with other characters, and the only spell she can cast is Spook.
-She has a constant aura of cold around her which causes fear or shivers(thac0 penalty) to nearby enemies. -Only other ghostly creatures can see her, so she'll make one of the best scouts for most of the game. -She doesn't trigger traps.
She'll have a long backstory you can learn about, and a million other interesting things to say... dead people must know some interesting things. And maybe you could somehow bring her back to life with a quest.
Plus aren't caps fashionable? Just look at Irenicus
Essentially the Ogre Mage and Jenkal would allow Kobolds loose into the village. As an outsider who was viewed by the villagers as a capable spellcaster Yeorg would then offer (to Gandolar Luckyfoot) to investigate how the Kobolds were entering the village. Needless to say this was a task that Yeorg demanded a relatively large amount of money for (given the limited wealth of the village). By the time your adventuring party has arrived the village coffers are largely dry (and the kobold attacks have only become bolder). In addition, though nobody but Yeorg and Jenkal know this, Yeorg recently used a portion of the funds he has acquired from the villagers in order to eliminate the band of hunters that Luckyfoot is hoping are returning shortly.
Not surprisingly Luckyfoot tasks your party instead with discovering the truth behind how the kobolds are entering the village as by this point he doesn't believe Yeorg is capable of doing so (he hasn't however caught on to the arrangement between Yeorg and the others).
A lot of the main concepts of his backstory, including why he is in Gullykin and what that has lead to, will be mentioned primarily in his biography (rather than text between characters).
Essentially when you arrive you have 3 branches you can take with the mini quest.
A) Without first talking to Yeorg at all you kill both Jenkal and the Ogre Mage, and then talk to Yeorg (this branch is also the same as if you talked to him but didn't have him join). Having heard about the deaths of Jenkal and the clearing out of the Firewine Ruins Yeorg may accept the premise of joining your group (this will also depend on your alignment and what you say to him). The downside with this is that by not having Yeorg in your party (at least when you confront Jenkal and the Ogre Mage) you miss out on a few banters about these plans (Jenkal and the Ogre Mage don't otherwise make any mention of the plans).
C) You talk to Yeorg before killing either Jenkal or the Ogre Mage and have him join your group (as with the other approaches how effective you are at this will in part depend on your alignment). If you are looking to learn about the plan and the situation as a whole this ends up being the best approach. I'm planning on giving both Jenkal and the Ogre Mage special dialogue if Yeorg is in your group. Like with option B Yeorg will only remain in your party for 3 days. If by that point the Ogre Mage and Jenkal are both still alive Yeorg will leave.
I've also decided to change his alignment to Neutral Evil. It sets him apart a bit from Baeloth and I think it makes more sense than chaotic evil (given what I've written above). If/when I expand the mod into BG2EE that may change (for story related reasons that would take place between the two games).
"The art of killing... I am a master of it.
The dark of night, the shadows, my blade and bow... poison, too, lest we forget... are all tools in this trade of mine.
But the most important tool of all is a secret well-kept... for knowledge truly is power.
With it, I know where to find my prey. With it, I know when and how to finish them off. And I have never failed to do so.
I have been called many a thing; Bitterblade; Widowmaker; Secretkeeper.
You, CHARNAME, may call me Rikasha... and for a modest fee, my skills can be yours."
Clad in the ragged grey-green robes common to the clergy of Talona, this strange woman's face is hidden behind an iron mask with a beak-like protrusion where the wearer's nose and mouth should be. Her voice, while unmistakably feminine, is slurred by a peculiar accent. Even her hands and feet are hidden underneath layers upon layers of dirty and bloody bandages. Who -- or what -- is she? A human? An elf? Perhaps something else entirely?
Gender: Female
Race: Unknown
Class: Assassin
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Once she is found on the roof of the Copper Coronet in the Slums District, she is seen killing a man by the name of Jerroth; a powerful mage. After some dialogue, she tells you now that she is done with her latest assignment, she would like to join you... for a price. You can try to confront her for the murder of Jerroth but she will flee if you do so. If you pay her, she joins your party.
A few days later (in-game, that is) she recieves a new mission; to kill her former mentor Nyriss the Dancer. From there, her personal quest will lead you to new locations, like the Crone's Dagger, a stone tower hidden by magic, and Nyriss's Nest.
It is later on revealed that Rikasha is, in truth, an albino kenku hailing from Kara-Tur and that her true name is Yae Lin. She was exiled due to the belief that she was the bringer of death and suffering.
Nyriss, who is a succubus that escaped from the Abyss, took the young kenku under her wing. She showed Yae Lin the ways of the Talonite faith... and soon, Yae Lin, who now called herself Rikasha, grew to love her twisted mother-figure. She is unsure why she has been tasked with killing her... and whom she should betray - her so-called mother or her faith. You will be the one who decide.
She cannot be romanced, but you can eventually become friends -- sort of -- with this vile women. She has her issues, but she will prove to be a loyal companion.
Name: Janella Incubore
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Assassin
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Str: 14
Dex: 17
Con: 15
Int: 14
Wis: 10
Cha: 13
Romance: No
Location: Delosar's Inn in the Bridge District
Personal quests: Yes
Special abilities: She can create her own poisons in the form of flasks and throw it at her target. (Like Potion of Firebreath or Potion of Explosions. Something like that... )
Note: Worshiper of Talona, Lady of Poison and Mistress of Disease. She will have a hostile relationship with the characters like Keldorn, Anomen, Aerie, Mazzy, Jaheria and Rasaad.
( She is more evil than Hexxat. Hexxat doesn't even act like any evil NPCs. She is like Nathyrra, who has Lawful evil alignment, but act as good character. )
Name: Searil Moonshadow
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Fighter/Mage
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Str: 18/34
Dex: 16
Con: 17
Int: 15
Wis: 9
Cha: 14
Romance: Yes.
Requirements: Female Human, Elf, Half-elf or Halfling. The character must have at least 12 charisma for his romance.
Location: He stands near to the temple of Oghma in Docks District and refuses to be arrested by two Cowled Wizards, who saw him cast spells in Athkatla. Help him and after the battle, he will join your party.
Personal quests: Yes
Name: Gleya
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Air Genasi)
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Selune
Str: 15
Dex: 19
Con: 9
Int: 14
Wis: 16
Cha: 15
Why I'm writing her: I like genasis. Also I want a cleric in my party who isn't Anomen or Viconia.
Special Abilities: 5% innate resistance to electricity. Mainly here for flavor.
Moon Shield (self cast only): Gains one point of magic resistance per level and +4 to save vs. spells and save vs. death. Lasts 1 round/level.
At level 25, instead of getting a holy symbol, Gleya gets a Moonblade (not the elven kind). Yes, I'm pretty sure this is legit. Sort of.
Location: The port of the Docks District.
Content: No quests (yet) but a romance. It's about as straightforward as a vanilla romance.
Name: Abelaa
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Transmuter
Alignment: NG
12 Str
15 Con
17 Dex
16 Wis
18 Int
10 Chr
Total: 88
Born from an adventurous human mother who didn't expect a quest in the forest to go so well, Abelaan has a few issues with her mother who blames both of them for her shortened adventuring career. Far from abusive, Abelaa is ridden by guilt for a crime she cannot (or will not) grasp. She does not even know where her mother hails from; she simply settled in the closest city to raise her child.
Abelaa tends to be honest when she talks, but always afraid she'll say something that upsets someone.
She is young, in her mid twenties, which is about the time Half Elves reach Adulthood if I recall right, but despite her age, she has much magical potential. She finds herself at the Council Building, studying to become a potential enforcer, but the job is bringing her down with a sense of misery lingering in the air. Abelaa feels there might be somebody corrupting the place and needs an excuse to get out and prove it. She might recognize you from the incident in the Promenade and begs you to take her on so she can 'investigate you.'
She'll have her biggest beef with Edwin (who had you kill one of their number) and Valygar for obvious reasons. Between the two, they're the only ones she'll likely come to blows with. Abelaa will go along with both quests, and will have a few words with Rayic if she meets him, but he'll attack anyway, calling her weak.
The quest to kill Valygar is one she'll be fine with either outcome, but deep down, she always had suspicions about Tolgerias, and wouldn't mind putting a damper in his plans.
Abelaa is a romance option for either gender if the character is any race except halfling or half-orc.
Abelaa doesn't have any special equipment, but if either Rayic dies or the sphere gets liberated, a small quest will begin, and if both mini-quests complete, another new one will begin as well where Abelaa may very well turn away from the wizards.
Things can get interesting if you return from Spellhold, a place she didn't even know existed.
But that's all I have so far after about... 10 minutes of thinking.
Coutelier created a mod that makes Tenya into a joinable NPC: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/33291/tenya-thermidor-v1-1
And CaloNord created a new cleric/ranger NPC named Ellyrian:
Myself, I'd love to see a mod that turns Laurel (the paladin that you go "gibberling hunting" with) into a joinable NPC. At the conclusion of your interaction with her, both the dialogue and journal entry indicate that you will likely see her again - but this never happens. I always felt as though something was left hanging by this.
I'd love to see a mod that makes Laurel appear later in the game and offer to join you if you've already helped her - perhaps upon entering the first Cloakwood area or Baldur's Gate. I think that I'd like to see her as a cavalier (since there are no other such NPCs in either game), perhaps dual wielding bastard swords (which is the weapon that her current in-game character uses). If you were to meet her upon entering Cloakwood, her immunity to poison would certainly come in handy in the forthcoming battles against spiders and wyverns.
Using EE keeper reveals that the stats for her current in-game character are:
15 str, 12 dex, 9 con, 14 int, 13 wisd, 16 char
For a modded version, I think that I'd like to see her dex raised to 17, con to 14, and char to 17 (which is the minimum for paladins) - not really sure though.
18/83 Str
11 Dex
17 Con
12 Int
8 Wis
13 Chr
Alignment: CN
That is his stat spread, which is surprisingly good.
Now, granted, in BG1, he's in a worse state of mind than Xzar*Tiax*Quayle*Minsc*Xzar... to the fifth power!
That's why he'd mostly be a BG2 NPC, probably undergoing reforms.
Name: ???? (Can't think of one but preferably something Maztican)
Race: Human (specifically half-Amnian and half-Maztican)
Alignment: Technically Lawful Good but not squeaky clean Lawful Good. He follows a less restricted code than the average paladin and does whatever must be done to protect the innocent and helpless. This doesn't give him a free pass to do whatever he wants and any seemingly 'evil' acts must be justified in that it contributes to the greater good. For example, he doesn't complain about joining the Shadow Thieves since it's for a greater cause i.e saving Imoen.
STR: 15
DEX: 16
WIS: 14
INT: 13
CHA: 17
Deity: Torm/Hoar (haven't decided)
Backstory: NPC is the son of an Amnian colonist and one of his many Maztican concubines. He was never acknowledged and was a servant slave which he hated. His mother died when he was 10 and seeing no other reason to stay, he ran away, stowing away on a ship heading to Athkatla. While trying to survive on the streets through petty thievery he picked the wrong mark and was about to be killed. Fortunately, a senior paladin of the Order was in attendance and he saved the NPC's life, adopting him in the process.
Eventually, the paladin who adopted him was poisoned by an Amnian slave owner/nobleman after he got too close to one of his operations. Enraged at his mentor's death, the NPC planned revenge and was kicked out of the Order afterwards for associating with a few unsavoury characters in his quest for retribution though interestingly enough, he didn't fall and instead became a Greyguard.
Would be found in the Copper Coronet in one of the slave prisons (near where you find Hendak) where he was put after he got too close to finding evidence. Recruitment involves freeing him and helping kill the man who killed his mentor after finding sufficient evidence.
Romance: No. Another part of his backstory would be that he used to be 'involved' with a fellow member of the Order who left him when she found out that he kept his plans for revenge secret and subsequently informed the Order, having began to worry about him falling down a dark path. She didn't think that the Order would kick him out and after doing some investigating herself out of guilt she is kidnapped by the nobleman/slaver.
Conflicts would probably be Dorn, obviously. If you recruit him after the reenactment of the Red Wedding, Dorn will eventually taunt him about being on the brink of falling and they come to blows, Anomen (Minor disagreements about morality and what a paladin should do, nothing too serious), Mazzy (same reason as Anomen)
Gets along with Keldorn since his adoptive father was a friend of his, Valygar and Nalia.
He has a special piece of equipment (an amulet of Maztican design that belonged to his mother) though I haven't decided what it does exactly. The amulet itself is a tribal heirloom and once belonged to a chief of a now destroyed native tribe who was the NPC's grandfather. The NPC works best with bastard sword and shield though he's comfortable with a crossbow.
And...that's all I got so far.
Beyond that, he should be a level 40 sorcerer, with 5 more spells per day per level than an ordinary sorcerer of the same level, and permanently under the effect of improved alacrity, and having his cast times reduced by 7. His spells should also ignore all resistances and immunities, do triple damage, and apply a -10 penalty to enemy saves. After all, it only makes sense that Candlekeep would attract arcane practitioners.
In order to balance these modest advantages, he doesnt like gnomes and will sulk for 1 round when you first recruit them, during which time he is unresponsive to commands.
I'm not sure how the Greyguard kit would work compared to the famous Cavalier and Inquisitor but I'm thinking of giving him backstab and hide in shadows in exchage for turn undead and not being able to wear anything heavier than studded leather though the NPC starts out with a special suit of chainmail that was commissioned specifically for him and heavily influenced by Maztican design.
You can join Bodhi and keep him but it would depend on choosing the 'good' tasks.
These are just ideas for the moment and unfortunately I have no experience whatsoever with modding but its always nice to share ideas.
Probably a pure thief or thief/mage which would allow a Charname fighter with Imoen Dualling early to Mage.
* Cabrina (Lawful Evil Human Bounty Hunter). One of BG2:EE's best side characters, she's L's assistant in Hexxat's questline. Funny, flirty, a real troublemaker, and she could easily join the team
* Delainy/Durlyle (Chaotic Neutral Werewolf). A loose end from the first game, and one that could have developed nicely as a party member.
* Tlyysixxous (Lawful Evil Sahuagin Cleric). The high priestess sacrificed by Senityili when you need to get Sekolah's Tooth. I've always thought the Sahuagin City and the Underdark would have benefited greatly from having at least one potential party member lying in wait, just to add a bit more interest on the player's part - which brings me to:
* Magda (Lawful Evil Duergar Fighter). Easily the highlight of the first "Black Pits", Magda is the ticked-off heavy weapons seller ready to take a hammer to her irritating husband Brendak.
* Solaufein (Lawful Neutral Drow Fighter). The Weimer mod takes too many liberties with the character, IMO - I would've loved to see something a little closer to how he's originally presented...
Valorne's vision blurs as he glances down at his bloody hand. The hand holding the sickle.
"Don't make me... Don't make me repeat myself, boy."
Valorne closes his eyes. He feels something slide down his cheeks. What, he does not know. By the gods, he does not know. With a twist of his arm he tears the sickle's blade trough and out of his father's belly. The half-orc falls to his knees even as his intestines hit the rain-soaked ground.
"You... did well, Val."
"Why... why did you make me do this?"
"The pack... the pack needs a new alpha to lead them. I am old. And the sickness have made me weak. And I... this is the death I have longed for. By your hands, pup."
Now it is Valorne's turn to sink down to his knees. The half-elf takes his father's face in his hands. Urkh the Bull. Urkh the Strong. The half-orc's eyes shows nothing but pain and pride now. There is no anger. No sorrow. No fear. No regret.
"Father... I..."
"Don't say it. You're stronger than that. Just... finish it. It will please Malar. Then go... go join your brothers and sisters. They're waiting for you... Valorne. Alpha."
Valorne touches his own cheek. Tears. He is certain of it. And he hates himself for it. So weak. He is so weak. Rising up, he lifts the sickle over his head. His eyes locks with Urkh's.
"I won't be your little crybaby anymore. I will become strong. Stronger than even you. This I promise you."
The half-orc chuckles, his lips and teeth painted red. He spreads his arms and grins in spite of the pain. His eyes does not leave his son's.
"I know you will."
Valorne, TN (NE) male half-elf fighter/druid of Malar
Background: When Valorne was but a baby, he was left in a forest by his real father. Praying that the gods would forgive him, the father left his small child to either starve or freeze to death. Eventually the baby started to wail, which enabled Urkh, a half-orc ranger of Malar, to find him.
Urkh took the tiny half-elf with him and made sure his pack of wolves accepted him as one of their own. As Valorne, affectionately called Val and pup by his foster-father, grew older, Urkh taught him of the thrill of the hunt and the slaughter, of the beauty of bloodshed; all in the name of Malar. While was never able to grow as strong as his father on a physical level, he was swift and wise, and skilled in using the magical energies of nature.
When his father hair-turned grey and he started to cough up blood, Valorne felt worry for the first time in his life. Urkh was sick and no matter what healing spells Valorne cast upon him, nothing seemed to help. His time was near.
And so Urkh gave his son a final test - one last hunt to complete. He would flee and his son would follow, along with his wolf brothers and sisters. They would slay him. That way, Valorne prove himself worthy of becoming the next alpha and the apex predator of the pack.
Goal(s)/motivation(s): Valorne is a lost soul that has travelad far across the face of Faerûn. His pack is always with him and so he never alone. Yet despite all their succesful hunts, Valorne feels that something is missing. A prey worthy of his skill, perhaps, or a mate worthy of his affections? He is uncertain... but perhaps you, Bhaalspawn, might show him what path he can and ultimately will take?
Appearance and personality: His skin has the color akin to that of an autumn leaf and his long, wild hair is dark green. His eyes are crimson. You cannot help but wonder what sort of blood runs in his veins. He is clad in dark leather and is rarely seen without his schimitar.
Caring little for smalltalk, Valorne is as grim as he is arrogant. He has little to no love in his heart; only a mate worthy of his affections might win him over. He is dark, brooding and his faith in Malar is absolute. He sees his enemies as prey to be hunted down and slaughtered. He has however a somewhat softer side to him, as seen when/if he falls in love in you or when his pack is concerned. Of his late father, Urkh, Valorne says little. You might be able to open him up about it, but do not hold your breath.
He would be romanceable, by elves, half-elves, half-orcs and humans with any evil alignment.
A spirit that only you can see and speak to... She can't physically attack or communicate with other characters, and the only spell she can cast is Spook.
-She has a constant aura of cold around her which causes fear or shivers(thac0 penalty) to nearby enemies.
-Only other ghostly creatures can see her, so she'll make one of the best scouts for most of the game.
-She doesn't trigger traps.
She'll have a long backstory you can learn about, and a million other interesting things to say... dead people must know some interesting things. And maybe you could somehow bring her back to life with a quest.