Bring coherence to items/quests events

Many items and quests in the game are knew by metagaming, with absolute NO reference to them outside the pre knowledge of the player about the stuff. Some examples for BG EE at the very start are the diamond in the tree on the first are outside of Candlekeep, the ring of protection on the south area of friendly arm inn and the ring of wizardry on the tree on friendly arm in outside area.
BG2 also have his share of metagaming only issues, as te vahalla's horn in the brige district, the twisted runes area on the brige district, staff of healing on the cemetery area among lots of other stuffs like this.
Can some banter's or common NPCs be introducted to the game to simply give a roleplay sense to the chance of getting these items instead of just go straight to them in reason of metagaming? Could they be not on their places until the proper NPC/quest start event is triggered off? After all to find a diamond inside a tree, you have to search the entire tree, at least this for example, should be seen as a hidden spot (purple) instead of openly to search.
BG2 also have his share of metagaming only issues, as te vahalla's horn in the brige district, the twisted runes area on the brige district, staff of healing on the cemetery area among lots of other stuffs like this.
Can some banter's or common NPCs be introducted to the game to simply give a roleplay sense to the chance of getting these items instead of just go straight to them in reason of metagaming? Could they be not on their places until the proper NPC/quest start event is triggered off? After all to find a diamond inside a tree, you have to search the entire tree, at least this for example, should be seen as a hidden spot (purple) instead of openly to search.
There was a mod awhile back that randomized the location of Easter egg items, which was great when you tired of metagaming.
What I'm getting is that you want the Easter egg items to be randomized, and for the NPC's to drop hints as to where they are ap you don't feel metagamy picking them up? I don't think you know what an Easter egg is. These are items hidden in the game so that they are very hard to find, and kept secret by the devs. Easter eggs are usually put in by devs just to have a little fun with the players. Your not technically supposed to find them. In vanilla bg, we didn't have a hint button, and tab didn't do anything, so you had to have the exact mouse coordinates to find these items, and it was a long and painstaking process. If you think it's cheesy then don't pick them up.
I don't think these items are that problematic from a roleplaying standpoint. I mean you don't know the full history of why various items you find in the game are located where they are, including items you find in chests or on people. Maybe roleplay it as though someone left them there as part of some kind of drop (maybe thieves looking to ditch the goods somewhere with the understanding that someone in their organization will pick them up later). Others, like the Ring of Wizardry or the scroll of Cloudkill, can probably be attributed to clumsiness. Though I'm not sure how one misplaces Ankheg mail.
What i raised here, is that some items in the game, most of them named, important or powerful, are in the game with absolutely no reference to their existance.
To name some of them:
The ring of protection +1 in the south of Friendly Arms Inn. The Wizard ring in the outside area of Friendly Arms Inn, The cloudkill scroll in the cloud peak area (or near) among others.
I don't point here items dropped as loot from someone you killed or inside a dungeon, these have at least minimal reason to be on those places.
From another side, isn't so hard to make the coherence that i ask. In the Friendly Arms Inn for example, the guy inside the Inn that state be a nephew of Ragefast (or the other mage), he could say that his uncle lost an important magical item the last time he was in Friendly Arms Inn. This is just an example of what i asked.
I hope to clarify enough with these explanations @Megaloth, to avoid any misunderstand that would lead my request to a wrong point of view. The don't like don't do justify, i ask you, humbly, to avoid call them in BG forums, nothing personal, but these statements tend to start serious flames everywhere they're used (saw this happen here MANY TIMES). From my side, i will just say that i disagree, i don't like AND i want to change, thus, i made an thread in feature request.
Adding rumors or lines of dialogue pointing to them would defeat the purpose of having them there in the first place.
Anyway @Dee, the thread got an conclusion, the items are then easter eggs from a major viewpoint and no change will come. Unless there are other topics anyone else want to discuss, i have no qualms in close this thread.
@kamuizin I haven’t played for QUITE some time, so give me some slack here. But, from my memory, here’s where you can look for the references about the Ring of Wizardry:
1. Some rumor (can’t remember whether it was drinking-related, or heard from a commoner) mentioned that Bentley had built his fortune with the help of a magical ring – one he had seemed to misplace recently.
2. The manual mentions something similar about Bentley too afair.
I like such subtle references. No pointers “look there and there, and you’ll find that”. Just treasure hunting to check an unconfirmed rumor… And a nice feeling if you actually hit a jackpot.
As for the other items though, they’re just plain old easter eggs.
Obs: from what i read for a while in internet, the cloak of balduran was supposed to be impoted to baldur's gate 2 if we exported an character in BG with it, no? I'm asking cos this never happen.