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HELP - BG:EE Dark Horizons mod

Fr3nzFr3nz Member Posts: 67
edited June 2014 in BG:EE Mods
Hy Guys,

I'm stucked in the game due to the fact that Davenport dosen't spawn as usual in AR2800.
Already killed Najara and actually I'm in chapter 5.

Can I solve this issie with CLAUconsole? Which is the creature string ?



  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited June 2014
    @Fr3nz, I never actually installed this mod, but, according to its files, the creature code for Davenport is CMSEC06.

    However, in order to understand where your problem lies, it would help if you could attach here a copy of AR2800.BCS from your override folder. Also, can you please enter in the CLUA console the following commands and post here their output:

  • Fr3nzFr3nz Member Posts: 67
    @Erg, many thanks for your help. I'll try soon and inform.
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