Can you change party members with EE/Console commands?

I'm in the long arc in the middle where you can't get back to the map for a good 30 hours, and I didn't realize I'd be stuck with my current set up for so long when I headed for Spellhold.
Is there a way to rotate party members?
Is there a way to rotate party members?
I'm not the best at this...
Alternatively you could upload your save game and I could possibly move the NPCs you want to your current area so you can get them.
If Aerie is all you need then press the x key in your current area to find the code then C:MoveToArea("ar0607") to pick her up. Once you have her then C:MoveToArea("arxxxx") with xxxx being the code for your current area which you found earlier with the x key. You may need to use ctrl-j if you get stuck somewhere.
I really like this community, y'all are very helpful. =D
EDIT: Also I just realized Aerie isn't disguised as a Drow because she wasn't around for that bit...
I will check to make sure I did it right. I had a personal problem (see my profile wall for more details) come up when I was working on your save so I kinda rushed a bit. Sorry I couldn't get back to you earlier.
Do you know how to "restart" it or anything? Sorry for all the questions... This is the last one.
I've tried the good ol' resting a lot, but that didn't seem to help. Console commands?
I got an error saying "lua: call expression not a function". I also tried another person's advice and tried changing her value to 2 and then using
For that, I got "lua: syntax error" and
>last token read: ""AdvanceRealTime("" at line 1 in file (dotstring) >> "AdvaneRealtime("99
Any ideas, man?
EDIT: And now I made a new game, and for some reason Aerie won't talk at all, even though I'm a human at 14 reputation, I've rested a lot in safe areas, and she's gained levels. Nothing. Did I break Aerie or something? I did minor save editing, mainly just getting me close to that 20k gold, but nothing that should've affected her.
As for your console attempts; those are syntax errors which means that you typed your commands wrong. Almost all console commands have to begin with C:
As for why Aerie wont talk to you in a new game; I am not sure. It takes about an hour of real time for her to start so you probably didn't wait long enough. I seriously doubt that you could have broken Aerie as to do so you would need to edit the core game files which you can't do with console commands and EEKeeper.
Anyway, here is your save file. Hopefully I got it right this time...
EDIT: @Tresset, gave it a whirl. Once I got out of the underdark, Aerie didn't say anything (granted not much real time had gone by since I sped through it) but when I did the advancerealtime thing, sure enough she did talk to me, hooray. I had that talk happen "artificially", but hopefully the rest will work normally, just have to wait and see!