Fighter/Mage/Thief and Fighter/Mage/Cleric two person party?

Having finished another game, I had an idea for a two-person party. I have the xp cap override already in place, and I have an Elf Fighter/Mage/Thief ready to go solo. But I was thinking that it would be kind of cool if I could create a Fighter/Mage/Cleric also. I could name them Yin and Yang, and play the pair through the entire saga. Is something like this possible, and if so, how would I go about doing it?
1) Swashbuckler Mage
2) Cleric Ranger.
Edit: I'm one to talk - I've done so much editing since I've been here that the mods probably have gray hair already.
Edit: On a more serious note, I started a new playthrough with a Blackguard, so I will keep this idea in mind for when I finish.
I actually really like the idea of playing a straight Mage who never dirties his hands with a weapon... Well... Maybe Staff of the Magi...
After all:
"... would you part an old man from his support?"
I didn't play it for very long as I have the attention span of a fl- Oh look a squirrel! *Drops laptop*