Manufacture stats

If you were going to manufacture stats for your character. What rules would you apply? Being a bhaalspawn they deserve high level stats. How about: +1 to all stats, that way you can save the tomes for an NPC.
+2 points in charisma at start. Or just +2 in a stat of your choosing.
+2 points in charisma at start. Or just +2 in a stat of your choosing.
Only one 17, (or 18 if I roll it naturally).
No stat below 9
(A small note: everything else is between 9 & 16, not 12.)
Really though, other than warriors and str, the benefit from an 18 isnt huge, 17 is nearly as good. I usually play abgood roll without min-maxing. Newer players should try powergaming after a few playthroughs imho, but always minmaxing hurts immersion.