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Baldur's Gate Solo Fighter/Mage/Cleric SOLO NO RELOAD Challenge

My friends told me its impossible to finish Baldur's Gate in a solo run
without reloading, I wanna try and prove them wrong !
If I die -- I start all over again ! however... I'm not planing to die so easily..
Join my adventure of fk#ing the hell out of Faerûn with my power hungry
fighter cleric majestic bitch DiViNA :)

I'd appreciate feedback.


  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    If you aren't running any mods then it should be pretty easy to do so. Good luck in your adventure I'm pretty sure you will do it on your first try !
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Interesting. You asked for feedback. There are quite a few things I would have done slightly differently, but I'm not criticizing here.
    I would have gone for 18/xx STR and 16 WIS or 17 CON I think, but otherwise good stats to create a powerful fugly character. Nice that you went with Sword&Shield style. The threat of missile attacks should not be underestimated. Nevertheless I would have put at least one pip in Slings.
    I also think that Magic Missile and Identify aren't the greatest possible starting spells. A NE charname can accept Identify as a "gift" from Tethoril/Firebead, and Magic Missile only starts becoming great at higher levels. I'm a big fan of Blindness, Sleep and Grease (to slow down foes and take them on from afar but that's probably a mere personal preference).

    Excellent use of the Priest spell Command. Loved the Hold Trap in the treasure cave, shows how great Invisibility is. You could have memorized a Sanctuary to secure yourself saafe passage after you picked up the loot. Would have spared you an Invisibility scroll. Good that you didn't foolishly decide to take on the Sirines.

    Anyway so far so good. I doubt I'll be able to follow all your recordings (time constraints), even had to Ffw through your current one. But wishing you the best of luck!!
  • SanguineSatanSanguineSatan Member Posts: 9
    First of all thank you for your feedback mate :)

    Regarding the 17 vs 18 STR - I thought about it while rolling my stats and I came to the conclusion that its more effective powergaming wise, because I took into account the tomes I will get during the playthrough.

    I will attempt to Solo No Reload BG2 IF and only IF I will succeed the current attempt, I am mentioning this because I will need EXACTLY 18 STR [no more no less] to use Crom Faeyr, and the high wisdom will be
    very handy for the cleric spells as well as the amazing LVL 9 Wish spell :D

    The treasure cave was a bit scary ! LOL I was afraid I'll get charmed\dire charmed, and yeah Invisibility is immensely strong in those scenarios (and in many other).

    I will keep this thread updated with my progression, hopefully I will be able to do it!.
    The 2nd part will be ready in a few days :)
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    edited July 2014
    But going from 17 to 18 str gives a slight bonus while going from 18 to 19 is a huge boost. Plus as a F/M/C you will easily be able to boost your str with DUHM and others spells so Crom will be kind of a waste.

    Good luck for the next part :)
  • AnonymousHeroAnonymousHero Member Posts: 98
    AFAIK it doesn't actually help to have WIS over 18. 18 is all you need.
  • SanguineSatanSanguineSatan Member Posts: 9

    AFAIK it doesn't actually help to have WIS over 18. 18 is all you need.

    Hmmm I tried casting Wish with 18 Wisdom and still occasionally got some nasty options.. so I figured "hey the higher the better" o_O

    The reason I DIDN'T want 19+ STR is because Crom Faer will set my STR to 25 anywayz (If I'll continue the playthrough) and at the whole Baldur's Gate 1 playthrough I'll mostly be using spells to overcome
    and outplay the enemys.

    However If Wisdom higher than 18 is totally usless this is a valid point.
    BTW does cleric get bonus spells from high Wisdom at BG1\BG2 ?
  • AnonymousHeroAnonymousHero Member Posts: 98
    Yes, you get bonus spells, so it's definitely not completely wasted... though I tend to find that clerics don't actually need the extra spells (except at low levels), but YMMV.

    It's definitely a fair point about CF, although you get it fairly late. Plus (as Gotural mentioned) you get lots of spells to raise STR to 25 anyway, IIRC one to raise your STR to 18/00 (or thereabouts) and another one (DUHM) to raise it Level/3 (I think) points above that. Of course having STR > 18 will help you get higher at a lower level, but that's about it.

    Anyway, one should always play the way one enjoys the most. I'm unfortunately afflicted by the power-gaming curse and tend to try to go to ridiculous lengths to micro-optimize all my characters.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Fighter/Mage/Thief would be a better choice for a solo run.
    Clerics can be replaced by wise use of potions and other items.
    Traps can only be removed by a thief. They can be detected by clerics or monks, but not removed.
    And because some traps you HAVE to remove, and can't get around, I don't recommend Fighter/Mage/Cleric.
    Although, that sounds like an awesome class to play in a standard playthrough
  • TyranusTyranus Member Posts: 268
    I think starting with 18 WIS is very important for any Cleric. The bonuses add up very quickly.

    Start at 18 WIS, Get an extra +2/2/1/1 spells per day

    End BG1 with 21 WIS, get an extra +3/3/2/2/1 spells per day

    End BG2: SOA with 24 WIS, get an extra +3/3/2/3/4/2

    Since you said you want to be using Crom to boost STR to 25, you can choose the +1WIS/+1CON Tear before fighting Irenicus to get to 24. That gives +2 6th level spell slots, which are two more Blade Barriers.

    You also get +35 Lore, which helps when almost everything in TOB requires Identification.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317

    Fighter/Mage/Thief would be a better choice for a solo run.
    Clerics can be replaced by wise use of potions and other items.
    Traps can only be removed by a thief. They can be detected by clerics or monks, but not removed.
    And because some traps you HAVE to remove, and can't get around, I don't recommend Fighter/Mage/Cleric.
    Although, that sounds like an awesome class to play in a standard playthrough

    Cleric and mage spells can protect you from the worst traps. But you are right that they will make things more difficult.
  • SanguineSatanSanguineSatan Member Posts: 9
    Tnx for all the feedback, its greatly appreciated :)

    Regarding the Fighter Mage Thief - I know it's a very "good choice" but I never liked playing a thief class
    in RPGs, its feels kinda cheap-cheesy and I have a special thing for spells ^.^

    Furthermore, most of the solo runs are using the Fighter Mage Thief "generic solo character" and I wanted to do something different :)

    Regarding the next episode of my attempt, it's ready ! :)
    It was supposed to be longer but my video files got corrupted (possibly because I am using Raid 0 setup o_O) ...
    I'll try to fix what I can, but there's a chance in the next episode there will be a small "gap" because of this.

    This episode (2) specials :
    -Flirting with Sirens.
    -Getting the Gypsy's treasures.

    Without further adduce here is my next episode :
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    So, how is it going? I hope your character prove your friends wrong!
  • SanguineSatanSanguineSatan Member Posts: 9
    Its been pretty good but I had to format my PC and couldnt finish the playthrough :cry:

    So I started a new one, as a Dragon Disciple :)

    And this time I want to make things even harder, here are my new rules :
    -60 seconds to role for stats
    -INSANE difficulty
    -No reload EXCEPT for max HP when leveling UP

    I will update my progress in my YouTube channel and add parts to the playlist as I go :
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Good luck!

    Rather than reloading for maximum HPs at level up I'd slide back the difficulty setting to easy or normal mode for full HPs after you level up, and then slide it back to to Insane. Saves some time.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    I recently tried a solo no reload with a pure cleric (of lathander) that I dual classed to Mage in bg2.

    I died once due to carelessness and laziness against Harieshan in the mines.

    In no-reload you are your biggest adversary! Don't get lazy or careless!

    I'm too tired to look at the video but for power gaming I'd think the obvious stats for FMC are 18/xx, 18, 18, 18, 18, 3? 18/xx strength is particularly important as:
    - it makes the early game so much easier
    - let's you buff to 19 by cleric 3
    - gets you to 19 natural strength from tome (so you don't have to stress when DUHM runs out)
    - gets you to 25 strength by cleric 9 (after which levels come much slower)

    I gave up on rerolling on my FMC in IWDee so went with 16 con instead which works fine due to buffs.

    Obviously don't skimp on dex. Wis is great for the extra casts of buff spells (can get 21 by end of BG1 which is a lot of extra spells). 17 base int is enough to get you to 19 in bg2.
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