Script Customization Window String Error

As @Dee suggested here, I'm making a bug report for a possible issue I've discovered in the latest beta.
Observed behavior: the script customization window has the selected character's biography printed instead of the individual script names and many of the script descriptions. See the screenshot below.

Additional information: the particular party where I experience this issue (across all characters) was initially started in multiplayer and then copied over to single player.
I've uploaded the save file below:
Observed behavior: the script customization window has the selected character's biography printed instead of the individual script names and many of the script descriptions. See the screenshot below.

Additional information: the particular party where I experience this issue (across all characters) was initially started in multiplayer and then copied over to single player.
I've uploaded the save file below:
Ideally, you would also need to try and replicate this issue on a 'standard' game, not a game copied from multiplayer to single player (I think some engine functions change between single player and multiplayer).
A few details on the when and how.
- First of all, when did you start this game; was it when the beta update was released or was it a 1.2 game copied to 1.3?
- When did you notice this first?
- Was it immediate when you first started the game, or was it at the point when you made the save game?
- Did you try to assign scripts earlier and everything was fine?
Next thing is how: since most of these overriding strings are from the biography, did you edit the biography in any way? Did you go to the biography page at all (if so, at what point)?1. Start a new multiplayer game with any number of characters
2. Immediately save the game to a unique file name like "Biography Issue"
3. Quit the game, then move the game to single player
4. Load the save in Single Player
5. Immediately save the game to a unique file name, "Biography Issue 2"
6. Load "Biography Issue 2"
7. Check the Scripts screen
You could also check the Scripts screen after step 5 to see if it occurs there. I haven't tried this myself, but on the list of things that could have altered your .sav file's handling of scripts, I'd wager it's the migration from multiplayer to single player (and saving there).
EDIT: I just tried it using only one character (the Abdel pregen) and the problem didn't occur, so either there's more to it than just moving the save to single player, or it's unrelated entirely.
- Starting a game with all pre-generated characters by using the 'Play' button on each.
- Saving once the game begins.
- Loading into single player.
- Saving again.
- Changing first and second character around.
- Saving again.
I cannot seem to replicate the behaviour. Note that I've tried double what I have shown above, each attempt was followed by an 'exit game completely and then load single player game' and a 'return to menu without exiting game completely and load'.* During the test, I noticed that the biographies for every character other than the first all show this, regardless of class or kit. Aside from that, it looks like they've all been given their own unique reserved space.
1. Create MP game with 6 newly made (not imported) characters
2. Save game as: "test0"
3. Shift the first character down to the sixth slot and everyone other character up by one slot
4. Save game as: "test1"
5. Exit game and copy both saves "test0" and "test1" over to single player
Unfortunately, I couldn't reproduce the issue this way. Both saves were normal, and the script customization panel had the proper string values in both.
Make sure to keep your eye on that in case it happens again, and make a note of what happened, what you did, and when—no matter how small the detail. I'll keep trying on my end, but it looks like there's something else going on here. I would ask how many custom portraits you have, but I am not sure it would make any difference. I'll add a bunch anyway and try again. Are there any other customisations you've made? Sound sets, for example?
I'll keep an eye out and let you guys know if I find anything like this happening again.