Good Forums...

These are the nicest forums I've been on, and the customer service from Beamdog has been excellent.
This is especially true when compared to the Diablo 3 forums and customer service. I describe Diablo 3 as a comedy of errors, and I follow the forums just for the hilarity- I quit playing the game a long while back.
It is amazing how much better an independent gaming company can be compared to a large one. Another good example is Path of Exile and Mount and Blade.
This is especially true when compared to the Diablo 3 forums and customer service. I describe Diablo 3 as a comedy of errors, and I follow the forums just for the hilarity- I quit playing the game a long while back.
It is amazing how much better an independent gaming company can be compared to a large one. Another good example is Path of Exile and Mount and Blade.
Post edited by Coriander on
Which is a refreshing change from many other forums.
Here things are also nice for the most part, people THINK before posting and everything is ok. Trust me, I've seen the dark side of the internet more than once, mostly BioWare's new place. Only about 1% of the people there were normal. Seriously...
You mean like the whole thing?
My first theory is that D&D players, and BG players, are generally older and more mature than D3 players. As a result we're more tolerant and well-behaved and not out for negative attention from strangers (typically).
My second theory is that D&D attracts a particular type of person. D&D is not a competitive game and is built around imagination and collabouration. You only win if you have fun, it doesn't matter how good your character is at killing or how many rules you happen to have memorized. This is not the case in D3 or SC2, where your popularity can be determined by your clicking speed, build selection, and use of psychological warfare. I think some of that personal play-style of D&D is evident in the communication style of this forum.
However, to go back to the topic at hand, I think it's a matter of quantity, not just of having a different player base. The last time I checked there were 1350+ preorders... Let's consider that only 30% of the users of this forum preordered. That means that somewhere around 4000 people are here, sharing opinions and discussing various aspects of BG:EE. This comes at maybe 5% of a big game's playerbase (such as D3 or SC2).
I'm sure that, were we more numerous, the quality of the forum would slip, simply because more poeple means more varied temperaments. It just takes 10 hotheaded people starting a topic on religion (even if it starts as a friendly discussion about the deities of the Forgotten Realms) and ten hotheaded people talking about racism (even if it starts as a friendly discussion on Minsc's skin colour since he comes from Rashemen) and everything will be up in flames. But that's just my opinion. We're lucky that nothing of the sort has happened so far.
@Coriander : what my fellow boovatarian implied is probably that we need to wait until the game is released... for matters unspecified. Maybe wait for a cookie jar? For a double rainbow across the sky? God knows!
They will come if word of this game gets stronger(and probably after the game is released. Someone will not enjoy it and be determined that everybody feels the same) and there have been a few that have acted a bit iffy from time to time but on the whole this forum is highly refreshing. I put it down to the fact that we all have the same general passion, we are all here for one thing rather than a mess of high opinions vying desperately for attention.
I guess most are just happy this place exists after all these years. I know I am.
The internet has gotten weird over the last decade. People are vicious and spiteful. My older bro still play the CoD and he literally gets message death threats and reported to Microsoft after playing a game. It's like somewhere down the line people forgot these things are supposed to be for fun. Hell that's why I only use my headset to listen to games in 5.1, may aswell snip off the mic.
Furthermore it could also be that D&D players know that you need fire or acid to kill trolls and most of us have magic or magical weapons with those properties
More than anything its the mods.
So here's a toast, to you @Tanthalas and all the other mods here for quickly responding when you're name dropped in a thread. But also being cool enough to joke about in other threads and answer questions.
Herm, I should try to make Alaundo's Alehouse here. Lemme go talk to my friends at gamefaqs and see if I can.
Instead as a D3 player you end up with a lesser social experience with few ways to develop meta communities by use of the game client. You end up with disconnected players with less chance of randomly forming complex multiple player interrelationships and the game turns into nothing more than a boring, barely social kind of social hoarding game. I would rather play a modern roguelike for that experience. I made a lot of new friends playing D2. I haven't really made any in D3 and have pretty much stopped playing it.
D3 made Blizzard some quick cash.
My personally most hated troll archetype is the "messiah". The messiah is a person with such visionary ideas about how things should be done (how a game/mod should be developed typically) that to defy him is cast thyself into the pit of the lowest kind of ignorance and close-mindedness. If the messiah's vision is not followed then the game/mod is predestined for failure unless the masses awaken to the Truth. The power and scale of the messiah's vision is only matched by his ignorance of the development process as well as his inability to recognize the basic impracticality of his ideas, the demanding tone notwithstanding.
To be fair, the messiah isn't really a troll, just very misguided.
Then Diablo 3 released and the forums continued to be unmoderated.
I lost respect for Blizzard then, realizing that they simply just didn't feel like allocating the human resources required to run a clean forum.
I think it's safe to say that personal insults, all capslock, and silly one word responses don't deserve to be on any forum and if Blizzard took the time to punish those people then the forums would be worth using. Until then it's the same as it's always has been: getting spammed relentlessly with useless text that offers no intellegence and highly discourages back and forth conversations.