Can we have a option to lock the camera, please?

I've talked about this before, , but I think Overhall should really give us an option to lock the camera. Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment and Icewind Dale were designed for a specific camera level (see my previous thread for more detail). This is such an easy thing to implement and it has so many benefits: It allows new and veteran players to experience the game the way it was originally meant to, and it can help tablet users from accidentally zooming in/out, and other atmospheric related benefits.
When turned on, it will reset the zoom level to the default value and lock it there, thereby preventing accidental zooming in/out.
To each his own I guess
My new mouse doesn't have that button but the scrolling sensitivity is closer to "free". I can see how someone would accidentally bump the zoom level up or down just through normal play.