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Darkamor the Assassin - A BGEE playthrough with minimal reload, RP as main challanges

Hello everybody
So I have played BG 1 through 2 times before, but never BGEE. I am very excited to make a playthrough of BGEE and I have decided to spice things up a bit and make a minimal reload + RP playthrough.
I must admit this is not the first time I have tried to do this, but found that I didn´t have the time to do it properly, so I decided to postpone the project.

Here are the rules

1. As few loads as possible (only when main character dies), when/if this does happen donate money to church as if you had resurrected the main character. (Also donate in small portions, so as not to get reputation out of the money)
2. Roleplay it!!! – Im going to play neutral evil, and I am going to take the evil way out when it makes sense (When it is not chaotic). This means that some quests will not give max output. However, I should elaborate my definition of neutral evil a bit. I try to stick to the definition that BG uses, I therfore try to take the most selfserving actions avalible to me. For exampel I will not do quests without the promise of a reward of some kind or the hint of a reward at least. However, I do not assume that my protagonist is retarded, and thus I will try avoiding trouble, unless the loot is worth it. In other words stealing and killing innocents is fine as long as you can get away with it, so I won't kill townspeople for 5 gold or for being annoying, and take a rep hit.
3. No prebuffing where unless it makes sense role playing way. I will prebuff if, for example, a farmer tells me there are undead in his house, and wants me to clean it out, I will buff up before going into the house.
Also I will probably let my mages have some long lasting buffs on, a lot of times. It just makes sense.
4. I’m not going to use the various overpowered treasure found in random spot on the maps like the Ankheg Plate Mail and Pearl found in a field in Nashkel.
5. I will make the playthrough on the difficulty called "Core rules",


  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    Good one. Have fun.
    If you're playing BGEE for the first time, I'd suggest taking at least Dorn for the ride. (He should match your alignment and the banter fits best with a power-hungry neutral-evil CHARNAME. Rasaad won't do while role-playing and Neera is questionable - depends on whether you want Edwin or not)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Hello, @NielsOfAsgaard‌ and well met!

    It sounds quite promising and we will be happy to read about your adventure. May the Assassin's poison never end ;)
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Who is your proposed party?
  • NielsOfAsgaardNielsOfAsgaard Member Posts: 26
    I havn´t decited on the full party yet, but I am quite sure im gonna try Dorn, becaus he is new to men and possibly Shar-Teel because i have never had her in my party either.
    Not sure what im gonna do for healing though...
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Shame you wasted a couple of points in Constitution. A thief only needs 16 as they get no bonus above that.

    A good evil party could be;

    Shar-Teel - Consider duel-classing to Thief to cover the thief duties you can't spare points for

    Plenty of tanking power which suits BG1.
  • NielsOfAsgaardNielsOfAsgaard Member Posts: 26
    they dont even get fortitude bonus ? for 18 con ?
  • NielsOfAsgaardNielsOfAsgaard Member Posts: 26
    Leaving Candlekeep - Darkamore narativ
    After living all my life amongst these dull monks my foster father has finally decided that we should leave. He evean said that we are not likely to return, which means i can finaly do some real thiven and not just the usual few gold pices here and there. If we aren´t returning there is almost no risk of getting into trouble.
    I am sooo ready to get out of this place! And i am prepared should we encounter trouble on our way. I found this facinating book in the libery, not like all the dull ones with arcane inscriptions and stuff. This one described several types of poisons and their effect. I made one of them which i found particurly nasty, and even tried it on the Imoens cat. It worked perfectly and mister whiskers is no more, I am looking forward to trying it on something larger.
    Well i guess i should also run some final errens to accumulate as much gold as possible before we leave..
  • NielsOfAsgaardNielsOfAsgaard Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2014
    Leaving Candlekeep - Darkamore narativ 2
    By the GODS, While running errens and perparing I was attacked no less then 2 times by complete stragners.. I killed them both I selfe defence. But the worst part is that I was so taken aback that I forgot to try my poison on any of them...

    I am however now ready to leave. I have stolen all i could get my hands on, however i am very annoyed that two nobels where awake in theri romes when i went to the inn, making it too risky to steal anything form those rooms. I dear not sell what i have stolen in candle keep in fear that people might wonder where I got such preasious gems from and why they look so much like the ones just stolen... I will have to sell it in the fiorst time Gorian and I come across.
  • NielsOfAsgaardNielsOfAsgaard Member Posts: 26
    After leaving Candlekeep - Darkamore narrative
    Gorian was killed!!! Some armored man struck him down eventhough Gorian used his powerfull magic. And to make matters worse the stranger was after me!
    I shall have to travel on alone to the friendly arm inn and meet these friends of Gorian, come morning.
  • NielsOfAsgaardNielsOfAsgaard Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2014
    The jurney begins - first few days - Darkamor narrativ
    Imoen found me this morning, and she is insisting to come with me. I could tell her how her cat died, which would probably make her leave, but her company might be of benifit to me. If the armored stranger comes i atleast have a meatshield now.

    5 min later
    I meet some interesting travelers names Xzar and Monteron, they where helpfull and would journey with me as long as i promiss to aid them in investigating the Naskal mines. I told them i would if they come with me to the friendly arm inn first, and so we did.

    Post edited by NielsOfAsgaard on
  • rufus_hobartrufus_hobart Member Posts: 490
    Nice stuff, hope you enjoy your playthrough and the new material!
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054

    they dont even get fortitude bonus ? for 18 con ?

    Nope. No such thing as a fortitude bonus on 2nd Edition. You are thinking of third+ edition .

    Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings do gain CON based saving throw bonuses. No other races do though. Only Warriors gain more than +2HP per level for high CON scores meaning ideally you could have left it at 15 CON knowing that you will get the Constitution Tome later on giving you 16 CON (and max HP).
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    I always find the evil playthroughs interesting, since I've only rarely played an evil protagonist. Keep up the good work.
  • NielsOfAsgaardNielsOfAsgaard Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2014
    First level up of Darkamor
    While killing some random monsters he finaly gained enough exp to level up.
    Level 2 - had a great HP roll of 6
    spent the thife points in Move silently and Hide in shadow.
  • NielsOfAsgaardNielsOfAsgaard Member Posts: 26
    Nashkel - Darkamor narrativ
    The party now consisting of me, Monteorn, Xzar and Kagain, traveled to Nashkel. We met some Ogerilios who had killed a hafling messenger. We killed them and delivered the messsage to the woman it was intended in Beregost, she gave a nice reward for the message which was from her traveling husband. We then went on the road to Nashkel yet again. We met some hobgolbins on the way who had slaughtered some travlers. We slaugthered them in return. We also met some flaming fist mercenaries who thought we where assoicated with the caraven raiders who plauge the area. However i convinced them we where not and the y let us pass.
    When we got to Nashkel we found a Balled man in front of the inn, who was showing off to some towns people. We initiated a fight by offering the towns perple 10 gold to smack the balled monk around. But the monk knew how to handle himself and won the fight easy. I had him join the group, to see if he is usfull in a real fight. He is named Rasaad.
    When we got in to the inn Rasaad got a chance to prove his worth as we where attacked by another assassin. The assassin cast a spell of confusion which hit most of the party, though not me, Xzar and Rasaad. We killed the cleric assassin while the rest of the party was running around the inn wituout purpose. The biggest problem however was that Kagain killed a regular at the inn, in his confusion while screaming incoherintly, the rest of the townspeople was not pleased with this first impression of the group. But after explaining the sitiuation and donating a substantial amount of gold to family of the deseased and the local tempel they where appeased enough to not get in our way.
    (Meta tekst - the kill gave a -2 rep and i was already low (8) because i did silki´s quest in Beregost, and I need 2 more to recruite Dorn, i donated 200 gold to raise my rep from 6 to 7, and another 100 gold to raise it from 7 to 8).
  • NielsOfAsgaardNielsOfAsgaard Member Posts: 26
    Nashkel area + Carnival- Darkamor narrativ
    I met with the Mayor of Nashkel and he promissed a reward of 900 gold for solving the problem of the mine.
    I was also mistaken for some bountyhunter called Graywolf, i played along and was given Graywolfs reward of 200 gold for some task he preformed hehe easy money.
    Moments later however a madman asked me to help him rescue some woman. NOrmaly i would have done so if there was a reward involved, but the man was talking with his hamster, and I am not going on any fools quest to rescue a woman i doubht even exist, much less depend on a reward from a madman. When i turned him down he attacked us, he was easily overcome though.
    We then went to the nearby carnival and experienced quit alot of things, most important was the following. While looking through the tent shops we encountered a wizzard threatening a witch. My comments on the wizzards intelect provoked him to attack us instead. He managed to get a spell of horror off, which struck most of the party and the fight therfore was a close one as Rasaad, Kaigain and xar all died. Monteron and i had to finish the wizzard.
    The witch gave almost no reward so the only "payment" was the loot on the dead wizzard.

    My dead comrads where ressurected at the temple at a hefty price. and then we went back to the carnival. Here we found a petrified woman whom we rescued with a scroll from the nearby temple. She turned out to be a priest of Tempus and a handy addition to the party, now that she was indebt with her life.
    I also won 180 gold in the rollet!!! while visiting a gamlers tent. A amature thife tried however to pickpocked my winings so we slew him.

    After all of this i decided that the Monk was not lifting his share in the fights i had seen him in and he was asked to leave. As he just joined the party he was not given any gear to keep.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @NielsOfAsgaard‌ , this is fun to read. I like that you let most dismissed npc's keep their basic equipment, because it adds realism to your story. They wouldn't let you strip them down or take all their potions and gear.

    I like how you make decisions according to your alignment, even though, say, in the case of the Greywolf scenario, you lost the Varscona sword +2.

    I also like how you used the drinking mechanic and actually spent the gold to get everybody in your party drunk before sleeping - more realism. It stands to reason that an "evil" party would likely contain at least some drunks, i.e. people who don't try to control their appetites. I've never seen any other roleplayers do that before.

    Good work, I look forward to more. :)
  • NielsOfAsgaardNielsOfAsgaard Member Posts: 26
    @BelgarathMTH, Thank you :)
    I didn´t forego the Varscona sword +2 though, but that is comming up.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Nice entry. I think I confused the encounter with the bounty hunt manager in Nashkel with this actual encounter with Graywolf before. Sorry about that.
  • NielsOfAsgaardNielsOfAsgaard Member Posts: 26
    First death - Meta text
    Well it happened. I tried taking on the Amazon assassins, however i had some problems and the party died. I think i need to explain the situation as i am not sure how to tackel the situation. All died the party died until only Xzar and Darkamore where left, however all the amazons had also died except one of the archers. The final Amazon scored a critical against Drakamor, and killed him, then fired an poison arrow ad Xzar and hit him. He would most likely also die from this, making it a compleat partywipe.
    I reloded the game to right when i got up from the mines, and tried again. This time I only lost Kagain who i just resseruct at the tempel.
    However I got a little over confident and continued in the area where i suffered another partywipe to the Revenant and an Ankheg which i ran into when i was trying to kit and poke the Revenant. So the second reload came very close to the first.
    Im not sure what to do with these compleat partywipes. The rules state that i should donate money to the tempel when Darkamore dies, but what happens when other characters die aswell? ALso donate money for them after the realode? Hmm i am still contemplating this...
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    I think donating for all involved sounds like a fair way to handle the issue. If you wanted to provide another penalty, perhaps sacrificing a magic item or two as well? I suppose you could strip all the items from your party to simulate a complete party wipe, and other adventurers stealing your gear while you lay dead. Perhaps a traveling high level cleric then resurrected everyone? Donating is probably the easiest way to go with it, though.
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