Cleric/Thief help

Hey all, recently started up a new game and rolled a gnome Cleric/Thief, loving it so far, and the only complaint I have is that my pick lock button is all the way over in my special abilities tab, instead of it being a simple f5 click or something. Any way I can change it so it's more accessible, rather than going into the special abilities tab every time I want to pick a lock? Thanks in advance!
Also, if anybody takes a half-orc like I did, you will find that a 19 STR can open a lot of locked stuff, and potions can be the back up for that. Another amazingly awesome fit with that spell and thief skills, is the detect illusion ability. If you put just 10-20% points into it you will find that it will dispell a mages defenses well before your Sanctuary spell expires. Think of it this way, you're rolling that 20% skill check 7 or 8 times before you have to worry about being spotted! A lot of what plagues the sneaky thief with other builds is an asset for the cleric/thief.
And as I mentioned before, get to know how to hit with a quarterstaff. There's a really powerful one that you can get pretty quickly, AND do not forget about the +4 hit while backstabbing. The only thing left is a good Create Water spell, because you're going to be covered in chunks the whole game!
Which is a shame because it's a great class for a utility/support character and gives you flexability assembling a group. Particularly if you want to run a 3/4 man group and cover all bases.
Also use DUHM to boost Dex which in effect boosts most thief skills, before scouting/backstabbing/locks/traps. This tactic also alows you to spread points more too