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No-Reload Journal of Vistra the Blackguard

HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
edited November 2014 in Challenges and Playthroughs
As the title says im starting a playtrough with a blackguard.
Vistra is a chaotic evil human blackguard, got lucky with a roll of 93 so her stats are more then sufficient :)
Pips in longbows and axes.

It will be a RP-journal and I will metagame.
I will also change the backstory a bit to better fit a blackguard playtrough.


  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    Imoen argued that they should head for the Friendly arm inn, Gorion had mentioned having friends there.
    This was obiously something Vistra wanted to avoid, she didnt realy fear that Gorion would have told his friends about her, there hadnt realy been enough time for him to do that.
    But the Inn was also the first place her brother was likely to look for her.

    They met other travellers on the road, some offering advise on how to survive the wilderness, some looking like they had eaten every last squirrel in the entire wild.
    The most interesting was an odd pair of human and halfling, obiosly not stong enough to be considered in to henchemanship, they did offer some interesting news about a mine to the south though.
    As Vistra heard of it she could see her brothers hands all over it.

    -South is where we must go if we want to take a stab at Gorions killers
    She told Imoen,
    -I know it might seem far fetched but i have a strong feeling this buisness is closely related to the killer, the man who called himself Sarevok.

    So south they went, mostly sticking to the roads, fighting off a few monsters along the way and got fortunate enough to find a stash of healing potions hidden in a cave.

    Sarevok most likely had agents in Beregost so they only stayd there for one night, keeping a low profile. Vistra even managed to hold her temper and avoid a barfight that would have undoubtedly brought unwanted attention to them.
    As much as she wanted to bach teh drunkards head in, there where bigger things to be considered here.

    They finaly reached Nakshel, and this is where Vistra made her first mistake, believeing that they should be out of Sarevoks reach now they walked into an ambush at the local inn.
    The bounty hunter was easly dispatched, and served as a riminder that they would never be safe from her brothers hired killers aslong as he was still alive.

    -The two of us alone cant face this Sarevok and his organization, atleast not like this.
    Vistra tried to convince Imoen.
    - We need resources and equipment, perhaps gather more allies.

  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    So Using Nakshel as a base they used what tools they had. Their weapons and combat abilities, and also to no small degree relying in Imoens trap setting skill.
    Theyve taken what jobs they can as mercenaries. Scouting the wild for hidden treassures while doing so.
    Resorting to highway robbery when opportunity arise.
    Most notably they felled a deadly looking drow, setting up an ambush while he was occupied fighting gnolls. That particular robbery left Vistra with a nice chainmail and a pair blades that would sure pus some gold in their coffers.

    They set up a similar ambush for an old man traveling near the friendly arm inn, complete fail though, since he carried nothing of value.
    As mercenarys and bounty hunters they took on a group a basilisks and their clearly insane owner Mutamin.
    They hunted down Brage for some nice gold, and the biggest cashprize so far, a cleric named Bassilus.
    Vistra figured that if the church could hand out so much gold ( 5000 ) for one mad cleric they must have more gold stashed away.
    So leaving Imoen outside Vistra went in and ambushed the priest and his sirenes. Bit of a dissapointment since if there where a pile of gold somewhere in the church Vistra couldnt find it.

    During their travels they found themselves victims of ambush, and Imoen fell, looking like a pincushion filled with bandits arrows.
    Beeing Vistras only ally, Vistra decided to spend the gold neccesary to raise Imoen from the dead, as an investment for the future, Vistra hoped the girl was worth it. If nothiong else Imoen now owed her a lifedebt.
    Not counting the scrollcase Imoen dropped as she died.

  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    After filling their packs with "gathered" goods they needed a place to unload it all. Avoiding the risk of thir aquired goods beeing recognised they figured the best plan would be to travel far away to sell it. And that meant north, and as the city of Baldurs Gate was not an option that meant travelling even further.

    On their way they encountered a creature wich kind Vistra despised more than anything in this world, something awful and vile..... a paladin named Ajantis....
    The only thing that inspired more hatred in her would be her brother Sarevok, and with Imoen there she couldnt even kill him but had to play the nice law abiding adventurer. Instead of her blade she offered Ajantis encouragement in his noble quest for hunting bandits ..... yuck
    The encounter left Vistra in a foul mood for the rest of the journy, letting some poor ankhegs feel the edge of her blade as a substitute for the paladin.

    During their journey Imoen voiced her desire to learn magic, nothing could please Vistra more as she well remmebered the number of powerfull spellcasters her brother had in his organization.
    So they dug in to their hard earned pile of gold to buy Imoen some scrolls to learn.
    After Imoen failed to learn spells no less then five times in a row, Vistra started to regret her decision..

    -Dont you dare even look at another letter before drinking some potions to enhance your learning capabilities.

    After that it seemed to be going better, and Imoen was growing in to a mage of some power.

    They unloaded their goods in the small village of Ulgoths Beard and spent some gold on magic equipment.

    Now back in Nakshel they are considering the next move.

    ( I will recruit more people, but Imoen is now lvl 6/5 and it would be nice to have her thief abilities back before i do that. )
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    Looking for work in Nakshel, Vistra and Imoen encountered the somewhat selfcentered mage Edwin.
    Edwin offered them what seemed like a simple enough task of slaying a witch, apperently she was´nt from around the area so no one would miss her or come looking for her.

    So east into the cloudpeak mountains the three of them go.
    Hopefully Imoen can learn some magic from the more capable mage Edwin.

    All bears in the region have gone mad it seems, the trio is ambushed and encountering bears everywhere they go.



    One night around the campfire, Vistra brought up the idea of wanting to be called Vistra Bearslayer, from now on.
    And Imoen almost got herself killed by laughing and suggesting that Vistra Honeypot would suit her better.

    After fighting their way trough bear, gnoll, wolfs and an entire village of xvarts, bookhunting in caves and assaulting a fortress filled with gnolls they found their target.

    Dynaheir did plead for her life, wich made Imoen a bit squeemish about the task. But deal is a deal and they killed Dynahier without much fuzz.

    As payment Edwin offered his services for a full year. The mage did seem competent enough and Vistra would have to take the offer under carefull consideration.
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    After they cleaned out the fortress, the group went north. Edwin had heard there where ogre berserkers hunting there and suggested that any treassures they had gathered would be better suited in the groups own pockets.
    Vistra felt more then a little hesitant about facing the ogres. Although she would never admit lacking martial prowess to anyone, she considered herself to be more of a stay in the back archer then frontliner. And those ogre berserkers supposedly hit you very hard of they got the chanse.

    Not wanting to admit cowardice to her allies, norh they went.
    Felled more then a few ogres, met a paladin who needed help fighting gibberlings.... pathetic
    And ofcourse they where attacked by more bears..... One glare at Imoen kept the girl from breathing a word of honey....


    Clearing the area and heading back to Nakshel, Vistra was quite pleased with how Edwin handled himself during their battles, he would be a welcome asset in the war agains her brother.

    Problem was that as she aproached the subject and started talking more about her brother and her intention to fight his organization, Edwin started question her. -Why would they want to make enemys of such an organization, he wondered.
    They sounded just like they had the right motivations and and bright plans for the future. Better to join them then fight them like some misguided paladins or ranger.

    Though his reasoning was very logical indeed, Vistra was most diepleased with it, and decided to get rid of him as soon as they got back to town. As competent as Edwin was she simply couldnt trust him.

    Back in town they where attacked for no apparent reason by some madman and what appeared to be his hamster?!
    Most likely another assasin sent by her brother.

  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    Vistra and Imoen now braved the wilderness on their own again, fighting more bears ofcourse, if Vistra had an favoured enemy it would be teddybears.
    Figthing somerandom bountyhunter named Greywolf and some real wolfs too.
    Imoen where developing her mage skills ( now lvl 6 mage ) But Vistra felt her progress where far to slow...

    -Now I nearly emptied my goldreserve in bringing you back from the dead, she accused Imoen one night, and then I spent the rest of it allowing you to learn spells so you could better defend yourself in the next ambush.
    -Ans still you cant conjure up the smallest little fireball, is that how you repay me...?!

    -But but....
    Imoen tried to find a way out, the last thing she wanted was to dissapoint.
    -I promise its not my fault, I study as hard as I can..... there must be something wrong with the scrolls you bought.

    -The ones i bought from Talanthyr? Vistra saw an opening here for a scheme
    -You mean he tricked us ?!
    Imoen where hesitant, she did want to divert Vistras anger, but blaming someone else and maybe even putting them in danger was´nt realy in her nature.

    -You better not be lying to me ..... Vistra pushed her further

    -I´m not i swear, Imoen replied

    -Fine then lots go kill the cowardly mage, no one fools us without paying for it!

    Imoen had no choice, admit shes been lying and face being cast away from Vistra, a fate worse then death in her eyes, or go kill the mage, he could very well have been guilty of something as far as she new.

    And Talathyr died.

  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    I had to cut the last entry a bit short. Thats why the images are a bit further ahead then the story. Il do a quick recap asap and then hopefulle continue with a video of Vistra conqering the mines.
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    I will just do a quick recap.

    Imoen took the punishment of Talathyr pretty hard, so to take her mind of the guilt, Vistra brought her to the Carnival.
    At the Carnival they bought a couple of necklaces that might prove usefull, one for shield spell and one of missiles.
    Out of curiosity they came to rescue a petrified cleric, who with no qestions asked offered to join them in what ever battle they where fighting.
    Vistra couldnt say no to that and she liked having people around that owed her their lives.

    She needs more allies to take on her brother though, and finding peolple to trust in fighting evil fiends is not easy, she should know beeing quite evil herself.
    Edwin didnt work, so the only solution she could think of was to bring someone who would fight evil, and would have no disire to make a grab for power themselves.... someone completely different from both her and her brother..... someone like .... Ajantis the paladin urgh...

    So now they are standing infront of the mines, fighting a guerilla war agains her brother in a atempt to grab his power.
    But as far as her group is concerned they are just fighting bandits in the region for the greater good.
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    Imoen ... Imoen what is Vistra going to do with her..?
    Everything seemed to be going fine as the group entered the mine and kept fighting their way deeper.
    Ajantis as annoying as he was with his constant need to run errands for others, returning daggers and rings and fetching slippers. Did do his intended job of attracting the enemys arrows, so he served his puspose in the group.

    It was on the entrence to the third level it happened. Ajantis and Branwen where doing their duty and scouting ahead for traps .... by setting them off with Vistra and Imoen safely out of harms way, when a group of kobolds found them and charged.
    This is when Imoen used her missile neckless and sent a fireball right in to the group, killing the kobolds instantly..... together with both Ajantis and Branwen.....

    Vistra tried to be furious with the girl, but she also couldnt help feeling some pride that Imoen showed no hesitation using the others as intended.... fodder.

    So picking up everything they could carry it was back to Nashkel for expensive resurection spells. Buying some new equipment to replace anything lost.
    And then back to the mines again.

    The priest Mulahey fell easely to poisoned arrows and Ajantis big sword.
    While searching the cave for evidence they found a elven mage who had been held hostage. One look at Ajantis made it clear that leaving the elf down there was not an option, and besides there was always the tradition of enlisting people who owed Vistra their lives.

    They exited the mines and did some exploring trough the area, found some tombs and robbed them..... well if Ajantis asks they did cleanse them from undead that where haunting the region.

    ( I had promised a video, but finding a recorder wasnt as easy as i would have though. )
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    Quite pleased with having dealt a big blow against her brother, and with a clear path on where Sarevoks next henchman would be, Vistra was still a bit undecided on where to go next. Could her band of wannabe heroes handle what was next to come? She just wasnt sure and felt she needed to test them in combat abit more first. She just wasnt sure where.

    Travelling the the wilderness for awhile served her purposes. It meant more combat for the group, if nothing else there where always more bears..... ( never fought so many bears in one game before )
    And the chanse on stumbling on magic items and gold.

    One fight got quite intense, fighing a moron who claimed to be the fastest dart thrower in the west, two winterwolfs showed up and attacked them as at the same time.
    Xan showed resourcefullness when he magicaly charmed the darttrhower to help themn fight off the wolfs.

    -Watch and learn Imoen, watch and you better leard....!

    OOC - So what to do, Im a bit undecided on where to go next, continue on the critical path and go for the bandit camp, or work on getting some more experience.
    One option is to get Safana for traps untill Immoen gets theif skills back. There are some nasty traps in the bandit camp.
    Im also considering getting Rasaad for his questline and grab the strength belt that comes with that.

    There are some other items I also want to go for, con tome, and gauntlets weapon skill from firewine bridge and the golden girldle.
    Aside from con tome nothing should be to troublesome, its more of a question of what group I should go with.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Interesting, I just found this.
    Will catch up soon. As to your last post, I think it would be nice to take a break from the main plot (wood of sharp teeth) and explore a bit elsewhere as well. Looking forward to more :)
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    Imoens inability to work with both Magic and thievery simultaniusly left the group or realy whatever minion Vistra choose to send in first in some dangerous situations as traps seemed to be a reocuring problem.
    Trying to find a solution, Vistra left a post att the nashkel inn, offering a thieving position in a lucrative environment.
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    Havnt had much time to play the last two weeks.
    But I did manage make some progress during a the time I got to play.

    Recruited Safana and got the con- tome from the pirate cave.
    Entered Durlags and got the wis- tome from there. The doomguards outside did out up a fight but not too much.
    Killed Sendai
    Got the golden girdle without problem and also fought the amazons with not much trouble.
    Got the weapon expertise gauntlets from firewine bridge and gave them to Vistra.

    Cleared the bandit camp, where the captain outside the tent put up the biggest fight. Now Ajantis is wearing his full plate and the weapon expertise gauntlets from inside the tent.

    Entered cloakwood, fought off the druids and went for spiders Bane for Ajantis. So far all good but then Branwen got caught in a web and poisoned to death.
    Imoen leveled about the same time so I dropped Safana out of the group and went to FAI to raise Branwen.
    On return to cloakwood I got ambushed ( ofcourse ) by ettercaps and Imoen died from poison.
    Had alot of antidotes but not enough time to drink em.
    Back to FAI again to raise Imoen.
    Ambushed again but no deaths, wohooo.
    Entrence to the mine is cleared and Im about to go down and find Daverorn.
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    Well everything that could go wrong did go wrong in the Daverorn fight.
    Used a potion of magic blocking on Ajantis and sent him in first. Imoen detected the traps. But then somehow i managed to set off all three traps, Ajantis was blocked from Dav by doomguards and Dasv managed to get several spells off, killing off a already damaged Branwen.
    Killed the doomguards as fast as i could, as they where blocking the way, then on to Daveron who got of a hold spell wich hit Yeslick ( rescued Yeslick and had him join the group. )

    Well after that Daverorn fell.

    Ive raised Branwen and Im off to Baldurs gate.

    Not sure if there is enough xp to be had in BG so its worth gain any levels. Most of the group are pretty far off and I might go the nearest route, exept for getting cloak and helm of Balduran. And tomes.
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    On to Baldurs Gate
    Did the Seven suns quest without any problems
    Then down in the sewers where kobold Ratchild put up a fight and cos the group more then a few HP.
    Ogre mage went down with an arrow of slaying and his 12-15 carrion crawlers offered some nice XP and Ajantis leveled.

    For the cloak and helm of Balduran...... entering Delgorods house was a realy realy bad idea, and nearly cost me this run.
    Lost two chars inside the house, exited and the guards followed, lost two more, now only Vistra and Imoen where left. tried to fight on but all the healing potions where stuck on one of the dead chars.
    Escaped the area and healed up in the ladys house to the south. Went back in again but AC on Vistra wasnt good enough and she kept getting hit.
    Escaped again to the ladys house to heal up, and when I returned the ramaining guards where gone.
    Picked up what gear i could and back again to the ladys house to raise fout group members....
    Back to pick up the rest of the gear, enter Delgorods house again. Defeat the remaining guardians and talk to Delgorod.
    After leaving the house I found the remaining guardiand wandering the area and with Yeslick as tank i killed them quite easely.

    Freed the petrified Adventurers, collected cloak and helm of Balduran
    Freed a captive Dryad.

    Entered the Iron Throne

    Was kinda nervous about the fight on the top floor.
    Summoned what aid I could with skellies and summon monster wand downstairs in the bar. Positioned Yeslick, Branwn and Ajantis as best as i could.
    Sent Vistra, Imoen and Xan upstairs.
    Vistra and Imoen with arrows of detonation and Xan with a wand of fire.
    The opening volley killed most of the group. And my fighters in the bar cleaned up the rest.

    Now Im standing at the candlekeep gates...... traps traps and traps .... scary
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    Last post......

    Traps went ok, Imoen died from spider poisoning but i got both tomes and where heading out.
    And then there was the group just outside of the cellars. Vistra had 77hp so she should have been fine.
    Opened with an arrow of detonation. Summoned some monsters as fodder...
    And everyone started to focus fire on Vistra and her HP went down in like 3 hits......

    Too bad she had done a good job so far, furthest ive been in a full group no-reload.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Ohh, take my condolences.

    Vistra's effort shall be remembered! The only thing you can do is TRY AGAIN :)
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    That was a clever spin on the well known story. Thanks for an interesting read.
  • HenkeBHenkeB Member Posts: 97
    Thank you, much apprichiated
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    A bit late, but yes, my condolences as well. Like @kcwise I enjoyed your run, and I want want of your characters to make it into BG2, maybe one of your tag teams? Or a solo attempt? (Less micro-management)
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