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Victor's journal (moderately roleplayed SCS no-reload playthrough)

After I decided to take a break with Thani my Dwarven Wizard Slayer (in order not to have her no-reload run end due to some sort stupidity on my part for lack of game knowledge), I decided to roll a new, hopefully less 'challenged' SCS no-reload character, a Human Mage. I could hardly believe eyes when the following happened within a few minutes of re-rolling for an 87+ score:

Officially my best roll ever. I've rolled a 98 twice before but on a Cleric/Ranger and on a Bard, which have higher minimum stats than a Human Mage.

Thus Victor was born:


- core difficulty, but I'll allow lowering difficulty slider to maximise hitpoints at leveling up;
- alignment/personality has to be roleplayed at all times, in this case a LN unbending vigilante, hardened by Gorion's death and with a very strong will to survive that make him tend toward evil (without actually being evil);
- Victor will surround himself with a party for most of the game, which after quite a lot of solo runs should make this run more challenging to me than bulldozering my way through the game with an XP devouring solo character;
- NPCs must be roleplayed as well, although I think that not many conflicts should occur because Victor will be careful to team up with more or less likeminded characters;
- any NPCs that are kicked out will get to keep their equipment, and their share of the gold (will donate that to a church);
- no unrealistic actions such as resting in a dungeon right before meeting the boss, or dualwielding flails and bastard swords;
- TotSC quests must be undertaken (for the first time in years...).


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited November 2014
    It's interesting how you will play a mage (I now about only 3 levels but Victor can still use scrolls). Not only that, I'm actually surprised to look at those screenshots and to read that Victor is travelling not alone.

    Hope you'll like Dorn after this playthrough (it's the first time you use him, isn't it?) Also, hope you'll like Rasaad's story. Expect some LMAO dialogue choices :)

    Also, "TotSC quests must be undertaken (for the first time in years...)" yessss!

    Overall, this playthrough is refreshing and I'll definitely follow.

    Maybe you can make a small announcement in your main thread or in the @Elrandir‌ 's thread so that more people don't miss another story by @Blackraven‌ aka the master of BG1 no-reload SCS playthroughs/
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Interesting stuff! I'm especially interested by the development of Victor's skills. Mage>Fighter is quite uncommon, not to mention bastard swords aren't frequently used. I suppose you'll at least get a good one with Dorn in the party.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    We left Nashkel in an almost straight line toward to the coast. Our journey was relatively uneventful with the occasional pack of Gnolls as our only distractions/delays. It gave us some time to get to know each other better. I had an interesting conversation with Rasaad. He's originally from Calimsham where he grew up as a begging and thieving street urchin, but he was schooled, together with his brother by Sun Soul Monks and later became one himself. My impression of Rasaad is that he knows discipline, and that he stays true to his word (much like Kagain whom I've come to consider a confidant, a brother in arms).
    These are traits that I admire in Rasaad, seeing where he's come from, and traits also that I appreciate in a man that I'm to trust as a companion. What bothers me is that he can't be convinced to wear any armor, not even a nice enchanted suit of studded leather we had picked up in the Cloudpeaks. The path that Kagain, Dorn and I tread is full of dangers, and apparently Rasaad just doesn't see it. We might have to part ways, as I don't want him to get himself killed.
    On a broad strip of land, enclosed by two sea arms, noteworthy events took place. We came upon an excavation site, and were offered payment by an archaeologist for guarding the site from possible bandits as the researchers were about to enter. It turned out that rather than bandits one of of his own men was the true danger: he asked us to kill the expedition leader and share any treasure that might be found there. I obviously declined, and I told the leader later of his conspiring associate. Inside the excavated structure, an ancient holy place, the thick air was filled with an unidentified evil. The diggers went berserk, and we saw no other option than to kill them in order to protect the archaeologist and ourselves. A sad turn of events.
    Not far from the mining site, we ran into a woman, a priestess who told us to keep away from Brage so as not to endanger ourselves. The name Brage immediately rang a bell. It belonged to the murderous guard captain from Nashkel. According to the woman this Brage was possessed by some foul spirit. When we approached we found the pitiful scene of a bloodbath that had been caused moments before: a wrecked carriage, dead horses and dead people. I told the woman to please step aside. If the man was indeed possessed by an evil spirit, he would have to be slain in order to unman the beast. The woman, apparently Brage's cousin, disagreed. Her familial relationship to Brage explained her position, and I'm sorry to report that she attacked us. Although she managed to Hold Dorn, her powers as a Cleric were no match for the fighting power of the four of us (well three, without Dorn).


    The same fate awaited Brage. He admitted to the recent slaying of the travelers whose battered corpses were still warm, and to the crimes he'd been accused of back in Nashkel. Nashkel was a very long way. On it, I recokoned, Brage would most likely turn on us in hopes of escaping judgment before the local authorities. Thus I saw no other option than to take his life so that he (or the spirit that possessed him) could make no more victims. I offered to decapitate him. A good, clean strike with my bastard sword or Dorn's greatsword would have been quick and painless. Brage however, wouldn't have it: he attacked us. It must be granted, he was a good swordsman, but it was foolish of him to oppose the four of us. In the end I'm relieved to have prevented more victims that the 'beast' would have surely made, and at the same time it still saddens that we had to kill the man.
    Further north we had another unfortunate encounter, this time with a diviner who offered to read my hand. Something obviously shocked her, and when I respectfully urged her to tell me what she saw, she started casting spells, first protections, and later offensive magic directed at us. We defended ourselves, and another sad, unncessary death, not unlike that of Brage's cousin, was the result.


    On a more positive note a female rogue, quite pretty (and she knows it), joined our party. Safana is her name. She told us of treasure guarded by monsters in a nearby cave, and that she needed strong men like ourselves, to get it. With both Dorn and me attracted to the woman, Kagain intrigued by the mention of treasure, and Rasaad indifferent, we agreed to help her. Kagain especially proved unstoppable. Safana warned us of Sirines by the shoreline, whose charms might be too much for us, but the Dwarf quaffed a strength potion, ordered me to hand him an oil of speed which I, surprised by his assertiveness, did without making any objections. The Dwarf then went completely berserk on the Sirines. [I forgot to mention in my previous post that I kitted Kagain as a Berserker when he joined Victor. Safana btw is an unkitted Thief as per vanilla. She joined as a lvl 6 Thief with 25 HP.] Kagain shredded three Sirines, and pushed straight on to finish off a second trio of the scantily clad creatures, but from afar I saw him suddenly lose his fury, and become winded. One of the Sirines hit him (kissed him) which caused him to relax (feeblemind), and after that a Charm took away any of the fire that might have remained in him. After a while the effects of the Sirine's magic wore off though, and the Dwarf refound his fury. It enabled him to kill off the other Sirines and two Carrion Crawlers.


    Inside the Cave, Safana disarmed various traps while Dorn, Kagain and I took on the "monsters": three Flesh Golems. I took a pretty serious beating at one point, so I retreated. I was glad to see Kagain step in and stand his ground, because Dorn seems better at dealing blows than at taking them.


    After we secured the treasure (a number of magical trinkets we still need to identify and some potions), Safana said she wanted to stay with the party. We agreed, not even because of her sensuality - she seems to flirt with everything male that crosses her path - but rather for her useful skills as a thief.
    Further north we ran into even more Sirines, but Kagain reentered into his berserker rage and dealt with them. He was aided by the lightning that struck from the sky.


    We then battled our way past a group of Ogres (including berserkers), Half-Ogres and Ogrillons to stumble upon a creature similar to the Sirines we had encountered before, a Nereid. This one wasn't immediately hostile, but she provoked our ire when she killed Safana with a death kiss. The remaining four of us attacked her and she soon surrendered, telling us she had to kill on the whim of an Ogre Mage. We told her to revive Safana, and she did. Indeed an Ogre Mage named Droth appeared, scolded the Nereid for not following his orders, threatened to kill us itself and started casting. I ordered Safana to back away as she was clearly not in the condition to fight. My men and I charged in and we soon beat through the monster's spell protections. All Droth managed to do before he fell was to summon a few Kobolds but that didn't bother us in the least.


    In Beregost we got some of our loot identified. I took a helmet that enhances my defenses (from Droth), Kagain is rocking a nice enchanted small shield (from Laryssa) and a girdle that protects against crushing damage (Caldo), a cloak that allows tranformation into a wolf at will went to Rasaad, and Safana is wearing a deep red ioun stone that enhances her dexterity, a pair of bracers of archery, and the enchanted studded leather armor that Rasaad had previously refused to don. For Dorn, a suit of ankheg armor is in the making at the Thunderhammer Smithy.
    Dorn insisted that we return to Baldur's Gate to find his former companion's encampment, so we traveled back north. The lands south of Baldur's Gate were infested with Ankhegs, but they trouble the local farmers no longer. I must say I respect Rasaad's bravery. The guy knows well enough he's vulnerable, and the Ankhegs did injure him, but he never backed down.


    We also helped a young priestess whose bowl had been stolen by fishermen that had just hired us to dispatch the same girl. I don't like breaking a contract but those men hadn't told me the complete story (having killed the girl's mother seems to me a detail they oughtn't have kept from me).
    Baldur's Gate was still off-limits for us, much to both DOrn's chagrin in mine. It might well be that my assaulters and Gorion killers are in the city somewhere. And if they aren't clues may be found there.
    Kagain proposed that we investigate the Nashkel Mines; one of few commissions we still haven't carried out. We'll probably head there as soon as Dorn's ankheg armor is ready.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    It has happened to me to, @Blackraven. I know how it feels, bro.

    After suffering it more than 3 times, I made it a rule to write everything in the MSWord first.

    I write the text there, leave spaces for future pictures, then copy/paste the story here, save a draft and then add pictures. Yes, the "Save Draft" button is very useful!

    This way, you won't lose anything. Anyway, don't be too down. It happens. A wonderful progress here :)
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    Clever idea for a protagonist!
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Thanks @kcwise and @bengoshi (I've used Word as well, ans houdl return to it...).
    Anyway I rewrote the installment, though it's shorter now than it was originally.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    The Davaeorn SCS fight can be very tricky in a party. During my latest group playthrough, I've done the following:

    I've sent one character under the Protection from Magic scroll to Davaeorn to melee him while the rest of the party was constantly busy with the upcoming Blacktalon elites. During Davaeorn's teleportations the character sent to him managed to kite Battle Horrors to the main group and then went again to melee Davaeorn. Davaeorn once appeared in the centre of the main group but quickly went elsewhere.

    The battle lasted for about 1,5 hours game time (the Protection from Magic wore off not long after its ending). That tactics allowed the main party to not be bothered by any magic and nobody died.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited December 2014
    Victor made some major progress in BG1, with only Slythe/Krystin, Inauguration Ceremony, and Undercity/Sarevok of the main plot still open. With his party he completed lots of quests in the city of Baldur's Gate, the Werewolf Island and the Ice Island quests of the TotSC content which content I had imposed as mandatory for this playthrough. In Durlag's Tower all went pretty well until I made the mistake of continuing to play while RL was distracting me. This was on the level with the continuously exploding fireball in the entrance room. I had made it a habit of casting invisibility on Tiax each time a new level was reached, and have him disarm all the traps. This time I wasn't done with that yet, and before I knew it, Victor triggered a Stinking Cloud trap that rendered him unconscious before he could escape the cloud's AoE. Simple Skeletons pelted his health away at a most alarming rate; they remained out of melee reach for Dorn and Tiax as Victor's body blocked their way on the narrow planks. I had Tiax throw a potion of explosions, aiming behind the undead, as far away from Victor as possible so that the fire wouldn't affect him. This seemed to work, as the image below suggests.


    But right after the flames had disappeared, Victor died anyway. (I suspect there must have been some fire damage anyway.)
    I'm a bit sad about Victor's death because it was the result of me being not fully focused on the game and because I liked the character.
    Post edited by Blackraven on
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    I'm sorry to hear that. I've enjoyed the saga. Perhaps you could change it to a "one reload" tale? Well, if not, it was indeed a worthy epic.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Thanks @kcwise :)
    I've considered restarting and soloing Victor to Baldur's Gate, and to continue his tale with Tiax and Dorn (and Kagain, who was chunked btw) in Durlag's Tower. But I've also rolled a Bard and a Cleric/Thief... so I'll have to see what I do.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    "Durlag's Tower & RL"

    Nobody has ever beaten that combination.

    It was a fine and interesting run, just a pity it had to end prior to BG2. But there're always new characters somewhere not far away : )
  • Eadwyn_G8keeperEadwyn_G8keeper Member Posts: 541
    Thanks for all the creative work. Inspiring!! Once I feel confident about my meta-game knowledge I am planning a minimal-reload adventure for Sascha Smith, Fighter-Mage-Thief, Lawful Neutral Elf. The Playthrough will focus on Role-playing integrity and character development.

    She will solo for awhile [Goal: Level 3-3-4] then reconnect with Imoen, who has been safely sequestered with Firebead and has gathered much useful info, and recruit Branwen, Kivan and Dynaheir. Planning to feature Stealthy Backstabs and the common feature of dualling Imoen at Level 5 ~~but, as a Cleric! instead of Mage.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    Imoen requires wisdom 17 to dual class (she starts with 11).
    I did it long ago (with an editor) but I dual classed at a much higher level. That was just for the fun but the overall game was not so fun...
  • Eadwyn_G8keeperEadwyn_G8keeper Member Posts: 541
    Understood and EEKeeper of course. It's just that I have always felt a bit of a twinge when Imoen duals to Mage, as if it is not how I really see her. So trying the Cleric route even though it varies from BG2 development.

    I kinda think some interesting elements might arise from the idea. Good Cleric trying to keep her headstrong brother from going to the dark side...
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    It is a good idea. And I may try it again.

    It is nice to play her as a swashbuckler (if you haven't tried yet).
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