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Automatic identify on pick up

This would be done on lore for character picking up or the highest in the party? This word make inventory managemnt a little quicker


  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    It is done on lore for character picking it up. Therefore, if a character with little lore picks up an unidentified item , you will have to pass the item to whoever has the highest lore, in order to identify it.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    DJKajuru said:

    It is done on lore for character picking it up. Therefore, if a character with little lore picks up an unidentified item , you will have to pass the item to whoever has the highest lore, in order to identify it.

    What is the mechanic when you right click on an item and identify it (without using the spell, etc.)? Is it a second lore check?
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2015
    I believe it's the only lore check. An item is never automatically identified unless you right-click it from the inventory of a character with the required lore score.
  • brynbryn Member Posts: 36
    edited January 2015
    Yes this is my point - automatic identify on items as they are picked up based on that characters lore, so I don't have to right click on +1 arrows for the umpteenth time. If unidentified items are passed to a companion with sufficient lore skill they are auto identified without the need to right click.
  • GrombagGrombag Member Posts: 16
    bryn said:

    Yes this is my point - automatic identify on items as they are picked up based on that characters lore, so I don't have to right click on +1 arrows for the umpteenth time. If unidentified items are passed to a companion with sufficient lore skill they are auto identified without the need to right click.

    I have wondered about this some time as well. Sounds nice from time to time. But I also think there are some more annoying things in the game mechanics.
  • YannirYannir Member Posts: 595
    There actually is an auto-identification mechanic in the game. I noticed this once when I was using Imoen, she can identify +1 arrows on pick-up IF she already has an identified version of the item in her inventory. Providing she has the required amount of lore for the item she picks up. Those arrows were automatically placed on the stack as identified. I think it only works if u have an incomplete stack and any leftover(that go beyond full stacks) arrows are placed unidentified on your inventory.
  • xscott71xxscott71x Member Posts: 63
    TweakPack -> Identify All Items
  • YannirYannir Member Posts: 595

    If you consider this from a role-playing perspective you technically wouldn't know what the item is (at a glance) upon pick-up and once you commit to "inspecting" (right-clicking) the item, one can successfully identify the item (whether by Lore or by spell).

    On the other hand, you would probably quickly inspect the item before putting it in your backpack, which the inventory is. And something you've seen before is easily recognizable even with just a glance at it.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    xscott71x said:

    TweakPack -> Identify All Items

    To each his own, but ugh, no thanks.
  • DetectiveMittensDetectiveMittens Member Posts: 235
    edited January 2015
    Yannir said:

    If you consider this from a role-playing perspective you technically wouldn't know what the item is (at a glance) upon pick-up and once you commit to "inspecting" (right-clicking) the item, one can successfully identify the item (whether by Lore or by spell).

    On the other hand, you would probably quickly inspect the item before putting it in your backpack, which the inventory is. And something you've seen before is easily recognizable even with just a glance at it.
    I am certain we can debate the intricacies of the deliberate effort involved in picking an item up before stowing it in ones storage facilities for eons. Perhaps it is simply too dark in the dungeon we are exploring may prevent us from the simple act upon recognition is determined at a mere glance. Or may-haps the mind be too pre-occupied with dodging a deft blow to ones cranium whilst one scoops up the delicious bounties to-be-identified mid fight in the hope that the felled opponents sword may stab and slash and render the other opponents limbless and stunned (see Celestial Fury).

    I lastly and rather conveniently conclude my argument that while, some magical items, may be vastly different from the others - a number far greater than many of magical items all appear to be identical and thus require the meticulous and cumbersome task of identification by a more glance-less-eye, this is especially the case within Icewind Dale, when what may appear to be a mere Longsword +1 (at a glance) could potentially be a Long Sword +3: Enforcer, but of-course at a glance you might believe the sword to be magically lacklustre.
  • xscott71xxscott71x Member Posts: 63
    jackjack said:

    xscott71x said:

    TweakPack -> Identify All Items

    To each his own, but ugh, no thanks.
    OP wanted automatic identify on pick up. This is how to do it.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    xscott71x said:

    jackjack said:

    xscott71x said:

    TweakPack -> Identify All Items

    To each his own, but ugh, no thanks.
    OP wanted automatic identify on pick up. This is how to do it.
    I think OP wanted automatic lore check on pick up. Not a level 1 barbarian being able to identify the most intricate magic items on pick up.

    The only negative for me over time with BG is the "inventory management - the game" aspect. An automatic lore check would help relieve that game (so they just stack if you ID them and you don't have to pick up arrows, goto inventory screen, right click on arrows to try to ID them, pick arrows up and then add arrows to pile of the same type of arrows, etc.)
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    xscott71x said:

    TweakPack -> Identify All Items

    I actually prefer the opposite - Gems and Potions Require Identification

    Just had a cool idea for that, an option to scramble the potion .bams. No meta-gaming to know what the potions are. MUAHAHAHA! :wink:
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